Belmont World Film’s Family Festival Set To Start Jan. 15

Photo: Scene from The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily

The 18th annual Belmont World Film’s Family Festival will take place completely online, enabling audience members to view these wonderful films in the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Fifteen different film programs, three workshops on model making of either Gromit or Shaun the Sheep, and a Junior Film Critic Workshop led by Joyce Kulhawik and the Boston Globe’s Ty Burr, plus several live Q&A’s with filmmakers! Check out the entire festival at

The 2021 Belmont World Film’s Family Festival

Once you start a film, you will have 48 hours to finish it. All but three film programs (“Fahim, the Little Chess Prince”, “Forward” and “Hungry Bear Tales”) are available for streaming for the full 10 days – Friday, Jan. 15 at 10 a.m. to Sunday, Jan. 24 at 7 p.m. The only other timed events are the workshops and the Q&As with filmmakers.

Space is limited in the workshops, so make sure you sign up in advance.

A scene from “Jackie & Oopjen” (2020)

The Family Film Festival – held around the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday in mid-January – is a must-attend event for families with children ages 3-12, offering some of the world’s most significant films for children that provide a window into the lives of children around the world as well as filmmaking workshops that will entertain and enrich your children’s lives. Since most films are based on international children’s books and feature subtitles, it helps children develop a love of books and helps increase reading fluency.

FBE Virtual Spelling Bee & Trivia – Saturday, February 6, 2021

Photo: The bee and trivia event will be held virtually

The upcoming Foundation for Belmont Education Spelling Bee & Trivia event promises to be an afternoon and evening of fun from the comfort of your own home on Saturday, Feb. 6.

The Bee & Trivia format will utilize both Zoom and Kahoot! and will be divided into two fun-filled segments: a Family Bee from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and a Teen and Adult Bee from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. While there will still be spelling, both Bees will now include trivia questions too, with surprise hosts, half-time entertainment, and both segments will be eligible for an assortment of fun prizes!

Registration opens on Jan. 19-29, at

One member of your team should register the entire team – you will need all the names of the team members and your team name upon registration. We ask that teams be limited to four or the size of your family. The fee per team is $40. Scholarships are available, please contact The Bee Keeper at for information.

For additional information about the FBE Virtual Spelling Bee & Trivia and the FBE, please visit Thank you for your continued support of the Foundation for Belmont Education. Together, we are making a difference in the Belmont Public Schools.

Questions? Email

Boston Globe’s Renee Graham To Speak Virtual At Belmont’s Annual MLK Breakfast

Photo: Martin Luther King Breakfast

Belmont’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Breakfast will be held virtually on Monday, Jan. 18, at 9 a.m. through the Belmont Media Center.

The featured speaker, Renee Graham, Boston Globe associate editor and Op Ed columnist, will address the question: Rejecting ‘Normal’, Embracing Radical Change: Can we build a democracy that finally lives up to its ideals?

Graham reflects articulately and powerfully in her column on many contemporary issues – from voter suppression, to institutional racism, to LGBTQ issues, to politics, and to other social justice issues.

The event is co-sponsored by the Belmont Human Rights Commission, Belmont Against Racism, and Belmont Media Center.

To register, go to Eventbrite at:  For more information, contact Belmont Human Rights Commission or by email to or call 617-993-2795.

The event is free of charge but donations to the Belmont METCO Support Fund are greatly appreciated. Contributions may be made by cash or check to Belmont Against Racism, re:METCO Support Fund, PO Box 649, Belmont 02478 or on line at at the “donate” button.

XMas Tree Pickup Starts Jan 4; Special Cardboard Drop-Off Set For Jan . 9

Photo: Residents have two weeks to have their trees collected.

Belmont’s Department of Public Works has announced the times and dates for a pair of yearly seasonal services: picking up your Christmas trees and collecting your cardboard.

Curbside Christmas tree collection starts on Monday, Jan. 4, and ends on Jan 14. Trees will be collected on your trash day for those two weeks. Trees need to be free of ornaments, bags, wiring, lights, and stands. After those two weeks, residents will need to call Waste Management (800-972-4545) for a bulky pick-up by noon the day before your trash day. 

Cardboard Drop-Off will take place on Saturday, Jan. 9 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the DPW yard located at 37 C St. off of Waverley Street.

There will be a $5 fee per vehicle.

Contact information will be required for contact tracing purposes. 

The DPW is encouraging contactless payment by requiring pre-registration and payment for the event. Please use the attached link for pre-registration.

  • Prior to arriving at the event, all residents who have not paid on-line, should be ready with a check (payable to the “Town of Belmont”) or cash, and on a separate sheet of paper, provide the town contact information including your name, address, and phone number.
  • Cardboard will only be accepted from pickup truck beds, trunks, and the back of SUVs. The DPW will not accept cardboard from the seats of vehicles handed to us by residents.
  • Any resident who attempts to or exits a vehicle will be asked to leave.
  • Residents will be required to wear a mask.
  • All town personnel working will be wearing masks and gloves.

What’s Closing Early On The 24th; What’s Open And Closed Christmas

Photo: Well, there was a lot to cry about to Santa this year.

Merry Christmas, Belmont. While for many there is little to actually celebrate this difficult time, Dec. 25 will be a day to reflect on the past year around the dinner table before decamping to watch the latest holiday movie on the Hallmark Channel or basketball contest on whatever platform you prefer. For those who don’t celebrate the day, several fine Chinese restaurants will be open and, if you want to risk it, some great movies are premiering on the big screen on the 25th – Wonder Woman 1984, News of the World and Promising Young Woman.

And if you have a “need” to get out of the house, here are a few places around town closing early Christmas Eve and open on Christmas.

Christmas Eve early closings:

  • Star Market at 535 Trapelo Rd. closes at 6 p.m. The pharmacy closes at 5 p.m.
  • CVS: 264 Trapelo Rd. is closing at 10 p.m. (the pharmacy at 6 p.m.) and 60 Leonard St. at 9 p.m. (with the pharmacy shutting its doors at 4 p.m.)
  • Both Starbucks locations are closing at 5 p.m.
  • The Dunkin’ locations at 353 Trapelo Rd. and 52 Church St. are closing at 9 p.m. The store at 350 Pleasant St. will shut down at 7 p.m.
  • Craft Beer Cellar at 51 Leonard St. in the Center will be open ’til 7 p.m.
  • US Post Offices at 405 Concord Ave. and 492 Trapelo Rd. are closing at noon.

Christmas Day


  • The Dunkin’ at 353 Trapelo Rd. has a sign on the door proclaiming “Open on Christmas.” So it will be open from 5 a.m. until 11 p.m.
  • The 52 Church St. location in Waverley Square and the operation at 350 Pleasant St. will be closed on Christmas.


  • The Belmont Center store at 47 Leonard St. and the “Cushing Village” location at 110 Trapelo Rd. will be closed.

CVS Pharmacy

  • The store at 264 Trapelo Rd. will be open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • The operation at 60 Leonard St. in Belmont Center will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Christmas.
  • The pharmacies at both locations will be closed.

Star Market

  • Belmont’s supermarket located at 535 Trapelo Rd. is closed for the day.

If you are looking to get around on the MBTA:

  • The Fitchburg/South Acton Commuter Line will operate a Sunday schedule while buses that operate in Belmont are likewise running on a Sunday schedule.

Have Yourself A Gusty Little Christmas: High Wind Watch, Possible Outages Over Holidays

Photo: High wind watch this Christmas (Photo credit: DPA)

Santa Claus may show up later than usual Christmas Eve as ol’ St. Nick and his reindeer will be fighting against a nasty Nor’easter about to slam into Belmont and southern New England on Dec. 24 and into Christmas.

The National Weather Service issued a High Wind Watch starting Thursday after dark and lasting through Friday afternoon as a storm heads up the Atlantic coast bringing mild temperatures – highs in the mid-50s Christmas – along with winds between 20 to 30 mph with gusts reaching 60 mph.

“Damaging winds could blow down trees and power lines,” said the NWS in its press release of Dec. 23.

“Widespread power outages are possible” and “[t]ravel could be difficult, especially for high profile vehicles,” the statement read.

If the Christmas lights should go dark, call Belmont Light at 617-993-2800 to report the outage. Do not call 911 if losing power is not an emergency.

Support Local Artisans and Charitable Organizations through Holiday Shopping

Photo: Santa can come with social action holiday gifts to give.

The Social Action Holiday Gift Fair has been an annual tradition of the First Church in Belmont, Unitarian Universalist for many years. This year it looks very different, but the opportunity remains the same: You can do holiday shopping and benefit others at the same time.

This year, given the economic devastation wrought by the pandemic, choosing to do your holiday shopping this way is more important than ever. Buy gifts for everyone on your list by choosing from an array of products featuring the work of both local and international artisans and craft makers. All proceeds from your purchases will benefit the participating organizations.

What’s Open (Coffee,CVS), Closed In Belmont On Thanksgiving

Photo: Thanksgiving 2020 (credit: WebMD)

Thanksgiving during COVID-19 will be one in which so many families will be greeting relatives and those close to them over the internet and their phones as even small gatherings can be unsafe. It is a time to be thankful and to social distance while wearing a mask.

Town offices will be closed Thursday and Friday. The US Post Offices will be closed Thursday but open on Friday.

The MBTA’s commuter rail, subway and buses will run on a Sunday schedule.

  • Starbucks in Belmont Center and in Cushing Square will be open from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Dunkin’ Donuts: The store at Trapelo Road and Beech Street will be open “normal hours”: 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. The shop in Waverly Square on Church Street is open from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. and the store on Pleasant Street is in operation from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • CVS at 264 Trapelo Rd. is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. while the pharmacy is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • CVS in Belmont Center on Leonard Street is operating from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The pharmacy is closed.
  • Star Market in Waverley Square will be closed all day.

January Cardboard Event Will Cost You To Drop Off The Holiday Packaging

Photo: Cardboard collection day is coming in January.

For the first time since it began two years ago, the next town cardboard event will have something extra: a $5 fee per resident will be required during the next drop off day coming after the holidays in early January.

While his fellow board members believe that including a fee will sow confusion and hard feelings among residents, Board Chair Roy Epstein is so convinced the fee based drop off will be a success, he pledged to make up any deficit out of his own pocket.

The cardboard event – which will be the first since June – will take place on Saturday, Jan. 9, at the Department of Public Works Yard at the end of C Street.

Jay Marcotte, Department of Public Works director, restated his opinion of two weeks previous on Nov. 9, that the only practical way to hold the drop off session is on the weekend with a fee to offset the $2,000 the event will cost the town.

“I would never as the department head agree to … getting rid of planned overtime with the expectation that I would still going to offer that service,” said Marcotte, who said residents are increasingly calling his office on when the next cardboard collection day will take place.

(Cardboard drop offs is a relatively new service, starting after the introduction of automated trash pickup in 2018.)

While suggestions were made to have the service during the workweek, “I don’t see how we would be able to safely conduct an event with a couple hundred cars … blocking up Waverly and C streets,” said Marcotte, noting he would be required to take a crew off of their normal work schedule to run the event.

Board member Tom Caputo countered the need for a fee drop off saying imposing onto residents a new cost would simply create confusion and frustration among the citizenry. Epstein felt that his colleague was “underestimating the ability of our residents to deal with something as simple as a cardboard program.”

“We’re talking about 200 or 300 households out of 10,000 [in Belmont],” he said. “It’s a convenience for a very small number of people in the scheme of things,” Epstein said.

The Select Board’s Adam Dash pondered if holding a potentially money losing fee-based event was worth doing in the first place. At $5 a pop, it’s unlikely the town will see the 300 vehicles needed to break even, said Dash.

“I’ll tell you what, Adam, I personally will make up the shortfall. You can quote me on that,” said Epstein.

What all side did agree on was the need for advanced notice to residents via the media and town signage on the new fee.

“We need to be clear why this is ,,, an unusual year and this is an unusual situation and we apologize” for requiring a fee, said Dash.

The DPW will also set up a pre-payment plan using the town’s Recreation Department website – which can accept credit and debit cards – along with information for contact tracing.

That day payments will also be accepted but it will take longer to process those residents due to the information they’ll need to write out the information required by the Health Department.

Drop It Off! Great Pumpkin Rescue This Saturday at Winn Brook and Butler

Photo: Drop off Halloween pumpkins this Saturday

Let’s keep all those Halloween pumpkins away from the landfills!

The Great Pumpkin Rescue – sponsored by Belmont Helps along with the Butler School and Winn Brook School PTA’s – will take place Saturday, Nov. 7, between 11 a.m. to noon.

Drop off your pumpkins and gourds at a pair of drop off choices:

  • Winn Brook Elementary School back along Sherman Street, or
  • Butler Elementary School at the front entrance at 90 White St.

Please wear face coverings and maintain six-feet social distancing during the drop-off. Drivers should open their trunks so volunteers can remove pumpkins and any donations.

  • Pumpkins and gourds of any size will be accepted.
  • Remove candles/tea lights.
  • Pumpkins with paint, glitter or bling will NOT be accepted. If you can cut those pieces off, Black Earth Compost will accept the rest.
  • Black Earth Compost will pick up that afternoon.

In addition and optional, we will be collecting spare change and financial donations for Belmont Helps to use for families in need of groceries and resources.

Cash, check or Go Fund donations are welcome.