Photo: The scene of the accident at Lexington and Sycamore streets.
The Belmont Board of Selectmen will join the town’s Traffic Advisory Committee at its scheduled meeting Thursday, Sept. 13 at the Town Hall auditorium as the committee takes up pedestrian safety after the death of a resident killed walking in a crosswalk.
The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and run for approximately 90 minutes.
Sachi Thanawala, 39, was struck by a 2015 Ford Transit commercial van around 8:30 a.m. on Aug. 30 while walking at the raised intersection of Lexington and Sycamore streets. The mother of two died two days later.
The meeting will be the first, but not likely the final chance the public will have a chance to question town officials and make statements. Town Administrator Patrice Garvin said that it is quite likely that there will be future hearings on traffic issues involving pedestrian safety.
Since the accident, residents have contacted elected and town officials, police and have posted online their concerns that the intersection where the accident occurred and Lexington Street are unsafe as vehicles are prone to race above the 25-mph speed limit. Residents near the accident site has expressed increasing that traffic calming street measures need to be employed to make area safe for walkers and school children who use the intersection to head to and from the Samuel Butler Elementary School which is a few blocks down Sycamore.
Citizens have also used social media to express their opinions.
“This intersection is an absolute nightmare, and has only gotten worse since the town added a raised speed table/bump,” commented Frank Maldarelli in the Belmontonian. “My recommendation would be to add a four-way stop sign. Perhaps this will prevent life from needlessly being lost in the future.”
“I have watched in horror as children ran, frightened and confused, across streets where cars would not slow down at all,” wrote Sara. “Belmont is used as a cut through–pick up trucks, vans, fast cars. Enough!!! Do something!! Let’s demand more of our town government.”
Thursday’s meeting will begin with statements by the selectmen, the Belmont Police and the advisory committee. Glenn Clancy, the director of the Office of Community Development and Town Engineer, will then present an overview of pedestrian and traffic projects. After the officials speak, residents will be given an opportunity to express their opinion.
Mr. Tucker, you may choose not to publish my comments requesting you remove this graphic and terrible picture as is your right. I simply ask that you consider your role in the community. Is it solely as news peddler, regardless of taste, regardless of impact? Or do you have a goal of leaving a mark on your readers? Should they leave your pages feeling informed or disgusted? Journalists don’t need to act with integrity but what a difference they can make when they do. I implore you to remove this picture and use one of the many others you have in your files from this tragic day or even one of the lovely images of the mother, friend, wife, sister and daughter who lost her life that morning. With the utmost hope that you’ll do the better thing, Miriam Lapson Slade Street
Take down this picture. Hold yourself to a higher standard that doesn’t include benefiting from the shock value of another person’s tragedy in high res color pixels. Please.