With a month to go before the deadline for residents to submit nomination papers, it appears there will be at least two competitive town-wide races – for Board of Selectmen and the Belmont School Committtee – that voters will decide at the Town Election.
As of Jan. 13, Town Clerk Ellen Cushman has recorded the following residents who have taken out papers for a possible run for office. So far, no one has returned their nomination papers with the required number of signatures.
Board of Selectmen
- James Williams
- Brian Liddell
- Andy Rojas (incumbent)
School Committee
- Lisa Fiore (incumbent)
- Thomas Caputo
- Tara Donner
- Susan Burgess-Cox
Board of Assessors
- Martin B. Millane, Jr. (incumbent)
Board of Health
- Dr. David Alper (incumbent)
Belmont Housing Authority
- Donna Brescia (incumbent)
Cemetery Commission
- Ellen Cushman (incumbent)
Board of Library Trustees
- Elaine Alligood (incumbent)
The competitive race that has the most diversified field for Selectmen. Rojas is expected to defend his seat from Williams – who raised his visibility submitting a motion at Special Town Meeting in November to reject financing the $2.8 million Belmont Center Reconstruction project with the town’s “free cash” – and Liddell, a 2014 Belmont High School graduate.
On the school side, there are four residents seeking to fill two full, three-year positions and a two-year seat serving the two-years remanding on the term of Kevin Cunningham who resigned in the fall.
The incumbent Fiore will likely be racing for one of two open seats against two newcomers to the election process; Tara Donner and Susan Burgess-Cox. Yet the pair have some familiarity with the committee as both sought the temporary appointment to the board in November to fill the six months of Cunningham’s term before town election. A joint committee of the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee selected Caputo two months ago.
The deadlines to return nomination papers to the Town Clerk’s office is 5 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015.
For more information on running as a candidate, read the article in the Belmontonian.
The Town Election will be held on Tuesday, April 7.