The second night of the 156th edition of Belmont Town Meeting takes place on Wednesday, May 6 as the meeting reconvenes at 7 p.m. at Belmont High School to hopefully complete the remaining non-budgetary issues before the 290-member legislative body.
The evening will revolve around debate on the $1.1 million in grants coming from the Community Preservation Committee.
They include:
- Belmont Veterans Memorial Project: $150,000,
- Wellington Station exterior restoration and rehabilitation: $26,300,
- Electrical upgrade at units owned by the Belmont Housing Authority: $522,500,
- Digitization of historic Belmont newspapers from 1890 to 1983: $25,000.
- Rehabilitation and restoration of the 1853 Homer House: $100,000.
- Upgrade and restore the Pequossette Park: $295,000.
There will likely be questions from Town Meeting on public money being used on a private residence such as the Homer House (owned by the Belmont Woman’s Club) and why residents tax money (the CPC receives its funding from a surtax on property taxes) is being used to repair the electrical wiring at buildings which are run by the state.
In addition, a Special Town Meeting will be convened to allow for the transfer of money from reserve accounts to pay down the deficits in the school department (about a half-a-million dollars due largely to skyrocketing special education costs) and about $750,000 in the snow removal account.