What’s Open/Closed On Labor Day In Belmont; Trash Collection Pushed Back A Day

Photo: One of the 12 Forever stamps titled “Made in America: Building a Nation” issued by the USPS in August 2013.

While most of the rest of the world celebrates workers on May 1, here in the US, Labor Day is held on the first Monday in September which makes it the last long weekend of summer.

[Peter J. McGuire, who founded the United Brotherhood of Carpenters in 1881, said the date was chosen because it fell roughly halfway between the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving.]

It’s one of ten holidays recognized by the federal government (France has 15 including the month of August), although the feds don’t require employers to pay workers for this holiday. Businesses traditionally provide their employees with a paid holiday as part of a benefits package because most other employers do the same.

Trash and recycling collection is delayed ONE DAY due to the holiday: If your pickup day is Monday, this week it will be collected on Tuesday, etc.


Belmont Town offices, the Belmont Public Library and Belmont Light are closed.

• US Postal Service offices and regular deliveries.

• Banks; although branches will be open in some supermarkets.

• MBTA: See www.mbta.com for details.

What’s Opened:

• Retail stores

• Coffee shops; Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts are open.

• Supermarkets

• Convenience stores and,

• Establishments that sell beer and wine are also allowed to be open.

Belmont, SEIU Come To Agreement; Three Unions Remain in Negotiations

Photo: A successful agreement was signed Monday between the town and one of the municipal union (Twitter, CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

The Belmont Select Board approved a collective bargaining agreement with the union representing town staff and library assistants at its Aug. 29 meeting.

Belmont’s Human Resources Director Shawna Healey said the three-year contract with SEIU Local 888 is retroactive to July 1, 2020 and will continue to June 30, 2023. The contract includes a cost of living adjustment in each fiscal year of two percent and language changes from the previous contract such as changing the holiday in October from Columbus Day to Indiginous People’s Day while also adopting the BRAVE Act – paid time off for days spent on military orders – for its employees.

The union members will also receive a one-time payment to recognize employees that worked through the Covid-19 epidemic from March 2020 to March 2021 with those mostly working “on-site” will get $1,000 and those working hybrid will take home $500.

Three union contracts continue to be negotiated, said Healey. Both the firefighters and the patrol officers have been working under contracts that ended on June 30, 2020 while the Belmont Library Association’s contract expired on June 30, 2022.

Belmont’s HR Director Proves Thomas Wolfe Wrong By Taking Same Post In Hometown Of Woburn

Photo: Shawna Healey

For Shawna Healey, there were 500 reasons Belmont’s Human Resources Director will be leaving for the same position in Woburn.

The 500 is the distance in feet she’ll be traveling from the end of her driveway to the Woburn Town Hall when she begins her new job as its HR director in mid-October.

And with a 10-month-old son and an opportunity to work where she’s lived most her life, “it’s a life balance decision,” Healey told the Select Board at its Aug. 29 meeting. Healey’s final day will be Oct. 7.

“I’m fortune enough to have the opportunity to work in my hometown where I grew up and where I still live,” she said.

“I’m sorry to see you go but I can’t compete with being 500 feet from work,” said Board Member Adam Dash, who along with the rest of the board praised Healey for her work in finalizing at time contensious union contracts.

A graduate (BA) of St. Amselm College and (MBA) Southern New Hampshire University, Healey arrived in Belmont in September 2017 as assistant to than HR Head Jessica Porter. She became acting director in October 2020 before being named director in March 2021.

Select Board Seeks Quick Action Transforming Treasurer’s Position To Appointed Post As Carman Appears Ready To Depart

Photo: Floyd Carman, Belmont’s town treasurer

The Belmont Select Board is set to move quickly to implement one of the major reforms called for in a scathing review of the town’s governmental structure by converting the critical Town Treasurer’s position from an elected post to an appointed one as it takes advantage of the reported retirement of long-term incumbent Floyd Carman.

The board’s announcement, made at its Aug. 29 meeting, has quickly elevated the revamping of the treasurer’s job to the most pressing of the 19 recommendations from the Collins Center’s review now before the three members.

“With [Carman] not running again, this is our chance to make the change,” said Board Member Adam Dash.

The select board’s unconfirmed announcement that Carman is retiring after 17-plus years in the position came as a surprise as Carman has not made his future plans public. When reached for comment, Carman said he’ll discuss his future after Labor Day.

First elected in 2005, the former John Hancock executive has been lauded by town officials and residents for his fiscal acumen, resulting in the town’s top-tier AAA bond rating – rare among municipalities – while negotiating debt servicing that provided savings to ratepayers.

With Carman now expected not to seek re-election in April 2023, the Select Board decided to move quickly to meet a major Collins Center recommendation to overhaul the position into an appointed post. The board believes, along with the Center, the town will benefit from a larger pool of qualified applicants as is done by nearly 80 percent of large towns and cities in Massachusetts which appoints their chief fiscal leaders.

“I think we got really lucky last time around that we were able to have [Carman] interested [in the position],” said Ellen Schreiber, who commented on the proposal. “And I don’t think that it’s going to be very easy to find a Belmont resident who has these qualifications.”

‘The most important issue we’re facing’

“I would put almost everything else in the report on hold … with the exception of the budget process, but far and away the treasurer question is the most important issue we’re facing,” said the Board’s Roy Epstein.

The race to transform the treasurer’s post is twofold: the treasurer will have a critical hand in how the town – which Warrant Committee Chair Geoff Lubien compared to a large corporation in its financial complexity – implements the budgetary and fiscal changes the Collins Center addressed.

“I think that the financial situation of the town is much, much more complicated than it was years ago,” said Schreiber, who said the treasurer’s post is “a professional position” which needs to be filled by someone who has made a career in the field.

Second, the transformation will need to take place before the 2023 Town Election in April, or a newly-elected treasurer will be on the job for three-years before the town will have the opportunity to make an appointment.

The board initially supported a plan where the appointed Treasurer’s position would be placed on the Special Town Meeting warrant which will open on Sept. 12. The measure would be brought to the STM in mid-November for members to debate and vote followed by a town-wide election in January. This will than allow the town to begin the hiring process for a new treasurer before the annual Town Meeting in May.

But the board’s blueprint was put on hold when the enabling legislation was unclear on what body – the annual town meeting or the voters – has the final say. The board will seek Town Counsel George Hall’s advice on the correct path to meet its goal.

Even with a plausible framework to move the treasurer’s position to an appointed post before the Town Election, Board Chair Mark Paolillo noted the move will be “a very controversial issue with immediate resistance in town” and it will need time to “socialize” the public on the need for a change.

“Do we have enough time to help folks provide input to us about this even though we may be unanimous on this and then have an election in January?” he said.

Town Moderator Michael Widmer, who attended the meeting to provide advice, said the board should proceed with its initiative even if it’s done in “at an accelerated timeframe,” noting the town is attempting to follow up on the recommendations “as expeditiously as possible.” If someone is elected to the treasurer’s post before the change is made, it will delay the Collins Center’s guidance by three years, which Epstein said “would be very unfortunate.”

If a January vote a possibility, “I would like to see all of us hold hands together on this and have a unified front saying ‘this is what we think is best for the town,” said Lubien. “I think it’s going to take that to convince folks that this is the right change at the right time.”

Early Voting For Primary Election Underway In Belmont, Ends Sept. 6

Photo: Belmont Town Hall is open for voting business

Early election balloting is currently underway in Belmont for the state primary election taking place on Tuesday, Sept. 6. There is no advanced application required to beat the rush on Sept. 6.

Early voting began on Saturday, Aug. 27 at Town Hall (the only location being used for early voting) and will continue until Noon, Friday, Sept. 2.

The hours for early voting are:

  • Monday, Aug. 29, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Aug. 30, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Aug. 31, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Thursday, Sept. 1, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Friday, Sept. 2, 8 a.m. to Noon.

Mail-in ballots are also being received at Town Hall. According to Town Clerk Ellen Cushman, 3,600 of Belmont’s nearly 18,000 registered voters sought to vote via mail. They also can place their mail-in ballots into the secure dropbox at the Town Hall entrance. Cushman asks that mail-in voters to send their ballots in asap to avoid missing the Tuesday, Sept. 6 deadline.

Residents who will be out-of-town on Sept. 6, gave a religious or medical reason why they can’t come to their polling station can ask for an absentee ballot.

And voters who prefer the traditional method can show up at their local precinct between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 6. Bring your ID to the polling station; you may be asked for it if you didn’t fill out the annual town census.

•Are you already registered to vote in Massachusetts? Check the website below to confirm whether you are registered and where you are registered. www.sec.state.ma.us/voterregistrationsearch/

•If you are not already registered or you need to change your address and you have a valid Massachusetts Driver’s License or ID Card, you can register to vote online. You must be a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years old on Sept. 6. Go to www.RegistertoVoteMA.com. Paper forms are available in the Town Clerk’s office.

Rats Are Back! What To Do When You Spot A Rodent, Also Advice To Rat Proof Your Property

Photo: Rats are back in Belmont; what to do when you see a rodent?

Rats! They’re back – well, never really left. But residents around town including in Precinct 7’s Harvard Garden neighborhood have reported an uptick in the the rodents scurrying around houses and in yards in the past months.

Geoff Lubien of Unity Avenue told the Select Board at its Aug. 15 meeting his Harvard Lawn neighborhood is experiencing ”a significant rat issue” and heard that ”other pockets” of town have similar problems.

“If they are active in the day, it means they feel safe and comfy” being in the environs they are occupying, said Lubien, who said the visitors had cleaned out his left over grass seed in his garage which has never happened in 15 years.

The Warrant Committee Chair asked if the town could issue a public service announcement to provide information on mitigating what brings rats to an area of town.

In the past week, the town and the Health Department has issued a pamphlet with a pair of messages for residents: a list of sources that provide a comfy home for your rodent co-inhabitants as well as a process mapping diagram on what to do when the rats show up (see the diagram below).

First thing to do is inspect the exterior of your house; be on the look out for:

  • Rat burrows (holes in the ground 2-4 inches wide),
  • pathways,
  • droppings,
  • oily smudge mark on walls, and
  • hearing them scurry in your walls or attics.

There are three sources that rats need to live in your neighborhood: food, water and shelter.

  • Food: Household garbage (secure it), pet food (bring it indoors), bird seed, and your vegetable garden and shrubs with fruit or berries (remove what’s close to the ground.
  • Water: Remove standing water including bird baths, pet water bowls. Repair leaks from hoses, faucets and gutters.
  • Shelter: Get rid of clutter and rubbish, cut overgrown grass, remove building material.

The pamphlet also advised that trying to poison rats is extremely harmful to wildlife that are the rodents’ predators such as hawks, raccoons, coyotes and foxes.

Or just get a cat.

Street, Intersection Closures Along Common Street As Paving Takes Place Friday

Photo: A map of where street reconstruction will take place Friday

The reconstruction of streets and intersections along Common Street enters the paving phase on Friday, Aug. 26, weather permitting.

According to a press release from the Belmont Department of Public Works, beginning at 6 a.m., Mass DOT’s general contractor J. Tropeano will begin paving of the sections of the following roads:

  • School Street between Common and Cottage streets
  • Common Street at the intersection with School and Waverley streets
  • Waverley Street at the intersection with Common Street

Road closures and delays are expected during construction hours between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Residents and commuters are advised to seek alternate routes.

“Vehicular access to properties in this section of the road will be limited during work hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience,” read the release.

For any questions or concerns about the project, contact Arthur O’Brien, Street Opening Permit Coordinator for Belmont Department of Public Works at 617-993-2684.

Town Of Gardenias? Belmont Takes First Step To Rebrand Its Image

Photo: A Gardenia jasminoides Belmont in full bloom (Credit: https://www.gardenia.net)

Will Belmont turn from the the Town of Homes to the Home of Gardenias? The white flower evergreen, which harkens back to the major role agriculture played in Belmont’s past, is looking like it become the town’s new symbol like New York City’s Big Apple and Florence’s lilies as the town proceeds with a rebranding effort.

“I just love this idea,” said Mark Paolillo, select board chair after the board voted unanimously to approve the image of a Belmont gardenia that will be central to the reimagine effort led by the Economic Development Committee.

The design approved by the Belmont Select Board for wayfinding/branding image along Trapelo Road and Waverley Square

Known as the Town of Homes, there has been suggestions in past reviews that Belmont could update its outward image with a new ”look” that isn’t as focused on its stock of residential property.

Belmont applied and received a highly competitive grant from the Massachusetts Downtown Initiative which offers a range of services and assistance to communities seeking help on how to revitalize their downtowns or commercial centers. The Belmont grant focuses on wayfinding and branding along the Trapelo Road corridor into Waverley Square to bring forward a consistent image for the community and business centers.

“Community branding allows for enhancing the urban fabric by adding visual quality and elegant function,” said Mark Favermann of Favermann Design, the MDI consultant working with the Belmont EDC.

At the initial Select Board meeting in June, Favermann said besides Belmont’s ”beautiful homes, it has wonderful lush trees and flowers.” With nature in mind, Favermann presented two draft designs to the board: a silhouette of a tree in full foliage as the town is a designated a USA Tree City for more than 40 years and Japanese cheery blossoms associated with the Empress of Japan who lived in Belmont and graduated from Belmont High.

While ecstatically pleasing, “they doesn’t say ‘Belmont’ to me,” Select Board’s Adam Dash relied. “I just don’t know what direction we want to project ourselves to the world” with the designs that were presented, said Dash.

It’s here where serendipity stepped into the picture.

Allison Lenk (right) and Paul Joy, co-chair of the Economic Development Committee.

Viewing the June meeting via Zoom was Allison Lenk, a third-generation Belmontian who believed she had a Belmont specific image that could make the cut. Her grandfather, Walter, owned and operated Belmont Gardens, the wholesale greenhouse nursery specializing in flowers located on Sherman Street from 1921 to 1952.

In an attempt to find a less expensive ornamental flower to use in corsages for weddings and proms, the elder Lenk used ultraviolet light to create a hardy gardenia [Gardenia jasminoides] that would go by the Belmont name.

The plant can be found at Logee’s Nursery in Danielson, Ct.

“I thought, ’wouldn’t this be an interesting one to bring to the designer?’ so I found out [Favermann’s] contact information and shared it with him and he said he really liked the idea,” said the Sherman Street resident.

At the Aug. 15 Select Board Meeting, Favermann introduced mock ups of the gardenia design of what line the Trapelo and Belmont corridor. The most popular of the three draft designs is a branch with white flowers against a dark blue background and BELMONT in white capital letters below the design.

”I’ve worked with 40 communities dealing with branding and wayfinding … and this is one of the best examples that really connects to the community and the history of the town in a very natural and authentic way,” Favermann told the board.

Hearing the flower’s backstory and viewing the design, the Select Board gave Favermann’s latest image an enthusiastic thumbs up.

”This is exactly what we are looking for,” said Dash.

Next up on the project’s agenda is for the EDC and town to find funding to install signage and displays in the Waverley Square area and along Trapelo Road. And while the completed project could be done in stages, it looks like Belmont can expect to see the town’s new image on display soon.

Turkey Day In Boston! Fenway Park To Host Centennial Belmont/Watertown Thanksgiving Rivalry Game

Photo: Action between Belmont and Watertown on Thanksgiving Day.

The 2022 Belmont/Watertown Thanksgiving Day football game is always going to be extra special as it will be the centennial match between the school from the bordering towns. And the game just got that much more special as it was revealed Friday, Aug. 19, the rivalry game will take place in one of the great shires of sports, Fenway Park.

The word got out on the game during an interview on Twitter between Belmont Head Coach Brian McCray and New England Football Journal. Asked about his goals for the 2022 season, McCray said “obviously one of our big goals is we play Watertown at Fenway [Park] for our Thanksgiving Day game.” The game was mentioned on a second Journal interview with a Belmont player.

On the field where the Babe, Teddy Baseball, Yaz, and Big Papi stood, the Marauders and the Raiders will play in the shadow of the Green Monster likely on Wednesday, Nov. 23 as part of a high school doubleheader. There will be another set of games on Tuesday, Nov. 22. Last year, tickets were $20 for both games of the with luxury seats available for $40.

Last year, Winchester and Woburn of the Middlesex League played at Fenway with Woburn taking home a late 26-22 victory.

Concord Avenue’s New Traffic/Bike Lane Configuration Up And Running

Photo: Drivers parking their vehicles in the new parking lane in front of the Post Office on Concord Avenue.

If you were startled recently seeing cars and SUVs seemingly abandoned in the middle of Concord Avenue, no, it’s not evidence of the beginning of a zombie apocalypse or the Rapture. What you have come across is the new traffic and parking scheme for one of Belmont’s busiest thoroughfares to promote safe cycling for bike commuters and students traveling to the new Belmont High School.

As part of the Concord Avenue restriping project, the Transportation Advisory Committee, in conjunction with designer Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates and Belmont’s Office of Community Development and the Department of Public Works, has reorient the road lines so the bike lane is closest to the curb, separated by a three-foot buffer, then the parking lane and then the travel lane, according to the TAC.

“The Department of Public Works expects to finish the painting [Thursday, Aug. 18],” said Glenn Clancy, director of Community Development. ”There will be green colored crossings added at side streets but likely not until September given DPW workload and constraints.”

Belmont Police graphic on new traffic/parking pattern for Concord Avenue

This new configuration is eastbound from the Unitarian Church to the Cambridge border at Blanchard Road and westbound from Underwood Street to just past the US Post Office.

The project came about when in 2021 the High School Traffic Working Group expressed a desire to explore the possibility of reconfiguring the bike lane and parking lane on Concord Avenue.

A deep dive into the year-long TAC process and the decisions made by the designers can be found here: Concord Avenue Striping Plan Briefing

With the striping complete, Belmont Police’s Traffic Division will now step in to help with the transition.

“In regards to enforcement, we have started educating drivers about the new pattern,” said Sgt. Paul Garabedian, supervisor of the department’s Traffic Divison.

“We will be giving out warnings and talking with people when we see a violation in hopes of people getting a better understanding. We will have officers on foot and bicycles to be able to talk with drivers over the new few weeks while people adjust to the new design,” said Garabedian.

So far, town officials have not heard much from the public on the new striping design.

“Other than occasional complaints that ‘Belmont is trying to look like Somerville and Cambridge’, I have not received any complaints about the new configuration,” said Clancy. In regards to inquires about the design, Garabedian directed those questions to the TAC Chair David Coleman “as they worked with the design team hired by the town on this project.” 

Where the discussion has been lively is on-line with comments to Police updates or Facebook pages running about 50/50 whether they love the new setup or hate it. One resident made a short video outside the Concord Avenue Post Office reportedly showing the danger in exiting adjacent the travel lane. Some residents were annoyed no notice was provided by the town of the change while others believe the new standards are confusing and unworkable.

Supporters, on the other hand, welcome what they consider provides a safer way along Concord Avenue.