Memorial Service For Cleo Theodoropulos, Fri., May 3

Photo: Cleo Athena Theodoropulos (GoFundMe)

There will be a celebration of the life of Cleo Athena Theodoropulos on Friday, May 3, at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge.

Born on Aug. 30, 2002, Cleo died suddenly of a stroke on April 22, 2019, at Boston Children’s Hospital where she had been diagnosed the previous week with Ewing Sarcoma, a rare bone disorder. She was 16.

A junior at Belmont High School who was an outstanding figure skater and played varsity field hockey, all will remember Cleo as the beautiful, sweet and big-hearted girl everyone loved. She was radiant, a tall, graceful, blue-eyed girl with a big laugh and a long Greek name. 

She had the gift of giving and receiving love without prejudice. We will all dearly miss her hearty laughter and wry sense of humor. This world lost a rare gem, and we will miss her terribly. The memory that we will hold onto a girl who was “game on” for life – all of it.

Memorial and Reception in honor of Cleo will be held Friday, May 3, 2019, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Mount Auburn Cemetery, 580 Mt. Auburn St., Cambridge at the Bigelow Chapel. Cleo’s family welcomes all those who wish to celebrate her life and receive comfort from the many who were touched by her eternal light.

Interment will be on Halesia Path in Mount Auburn Cemetery after May 3. 

Cleo is survived by her parents Constantine and Amanda (McCarthy) Theodoropulos, grandparents Franziska and Spyros Theodoropulos of Yorktown Heights, NY, grandmother Sandra Ann McCarthy of Ottawa, Ontario, uncle Alexander Christopher Theodoropulos and aunt Tara Cloe Foley of Wassaic, NY, aunt Cara Eileen McCarthy of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and Jojo, her Australian Cattle Dog.

Special thanks to Cleo’s doctors, Lindsay Frazier, Wallace Bourgeois, and Adrienne Randolph as well as the many extraordinary nurses at the Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center.

A heartfelt thank you as well to the children, parents and staff of Belmont High School. Your support of Cleo in the last few days and years before helped made her an amazing young woman. 

In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to the Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center in memory of Cleo. 

Schools Budget Tops $60M In Fiscal ’20, Up 6.4 Percent

Photo: Belmont Schools budget has increased by 40 percent in the past five years.

With some tweaks here and there still to come, the Belmont School Committee was presented with the coming fiscal year’s district budget at its meeting on Tuesday, April 23.

And fiscal 2020 will see the final number breach the $60 million barrier as the total FY ’20 budget will increase 6.4 percent to top off at $60.6 million, according to District Superintendent John Phelan.

The figure is no surprise to the team creating this year’s “town-wide” budget, which projected earlier this year the schools would come in at $61 million. The total town ’20 budget is forecast to reach $129 million, nearly 12 percent over fiscal 2019, with capital (up 52 percent) and fixed costs (42 percent) skyrocketing.

In the past five years, the schools budget has jumped 40 percent from $43.6 million in fiscal ’15.

Phelan said the schools budget is made up of three parts. The roll-forward section which is made up of existing staff and contractual increases is by far the largest of the three. In fiscal ’20, it increases by 3.5 percent from $56.99 million to $58.98 million.

The segment for strategic plan costs, expenses to maintain Belmont’s strong educational core, came in at $880,500, a 1.6 percent increase. The money will be used to keep student fees stable and increase the number of teachers and staff by 3.6 positions:

  • increase guidance counselors by 1.4 positions so each elementary school will a full-time counselor,
  • add .4 percent of a position to add a middle school foreign language teacher, a high school teacher and an assistant principal at the high school, and
  • create a district-wide English Language Learner Program Director.

Finally, there are out of the district cost divers. One area is a town-wide health insurance increase of eight percent as well as jumps in Special Education tuitions, transportation and services, rising expenses by $786,000.

The schools budget will be presented to the annual Town Meeting for approval in June during the second session of the meeting.

meant to keep K

Belmont’s McCabe Named MIAA’s Girls’ Rugby Coach of the Year


Well, it’s about time!

Kathryn McCabe, who helped establish the successful and popular girls’ rugby program at Belmont High School in 2015 and who led the Marauders to consecutive (2017-18) state championships, was this week named the recipient of the 2019 Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association’s Girls’ Rugby Coach of the Year Award.

McCabe’s selection was based upon excellence of character, impact upon students and community, and her coaching credentials.  The selection was made from all nominations by a screening committee of MIAA Coaching Education Instructors.

The Coach of the Year Award will be presented to McCabe, who is an educator at Belmont High, at the MIAA Annual Awards Recognition Banquet on Thursday, May 23, at the Doubletree Hotel in Milford.

Apply for the Police Chief Screening Committee


The Belmont Board of Selectmen has recently created the Police Chief Screening Committee to assist in the search for Belmont’s next Police Chief.. 

The Board is looking for two residents with a variety of talents and backgrounds who are willing to make the commitment to serve on this committee.  This committee will consist of nine voting members.

Residents who are interested in serving are invited to apply using the application specific to this particular committee which can be located on the Town website:

If you have any questions related to this committee or the appointment process, please contact Jessica Porter, Human Resources Director, at 617-993-2740 or In order to be considered for one of the two available seats, applications must be returned to Porter no later than Friday, May 31.

Selectmen OK Pay, Merit Hike for Town Administrator

Photo: Patrice Garvin, Belmont’s town administrator

After receiving a positive job evaluation two weeks ago, the Belmont Board of Selectmen at its April 22 meeting increased Belmont’s Town Administrator Patrice Garvin’s paycheck so she’s a bit closer to what her peers in town government are taking home.

In addition to salary and merit raises for Garvin, the town administrator presented a list of goals for this coming fiscal year, according to the town’s Human Resources Director Jessica Porter

The selectmen provided Garvin, who began her tenure in Belmont in January 2018, a two percent cost of living increase and two percent merit payment retroactive to July 1, 2018 (the first day of the fiscal year 2019) and an identical pay and merit package hike effective this July 1.

In addition, the board increased the town administrator’s vehicle allowance from $2,400 to $7,500 as of July 1 to assist her daily commute from her Chelmsford home.

Garvin’s total compensation package on July 1 will be approximately $189,300. Her starting compensation was $170,400.

The final package still leaves Garvin behind the average compensation of $206,450 for town administrators and city managers of 14 comparable nearby municipalities, according to an analysis by Porter.

Garvin presented the board with her goals and their subsequent objectives for the coming year. They include providing financial leadership, improving the overall effectiveness and efficiency of town government and promoting economic development.

The complete list of goals and objectives are below:

GOAL 1:  Finance/Budget

The Town Administrator shall work closely with the Selectmen, Warrant Committee, Capital Budget Committee, Town Treasurer and Town Accountant in providing financial leadership, to provide a balanced budget to Town Meeting.


  1. Work with the Superintendent to develop two operating budgets for FY21. One with an override and one without.
  2. Continue to work with Finance Team to develop five year budget forecasts.
  3. Work with the Financial Task Force II to assist them in providing the Board of Selectmen Financial recommendation.
  4. Seek out grants and other funding sources that will take pressure off of the operating budget.

GOAL 2:  Operations/Service Delivery

The Town Administrator shall strive to establish a positive working environment with employees, to ensure the best delivery of services to the residents of Belmont. 


  1. Continue to inform and educate staff through department head meetings, and through moral building exercises.
  2. Continue to conduct reviews for all non-union employees.
  3. Support the HR Director in negotiating successor agreements with collective bargaining units.
  4. Work with the departments to ensure that the most productive, cost efficient services are being provided to the residents.
  5. Assist with shepherding major building projects to completion (i.e., Belmont High School Project, DPW Building, Police Station, etc.).

GOAL 3:  Open and Transparent Government

The Town Administrator shall keep the selectmen and citizens informed of governmental activities and strive to improve the overall effectiveness and efficiency of Town government.


  1. Maintain that all materials are made public on the town website; better utilize other digital resources; keep all other web content current.
  2. Ensure that all selectmen minutes are up to date and approved in a timely manner.
  3. Establish a way to continue to use social media to disseminate information.

GOAL 4:  Economic Development

The Town Administrator shall work to promote economic development.


  1. Work with the Business Study Group to provide the final deliverable of their charge.
  2. If an Economic Development Committee is formed work with that committee and the Business Study Group to foster ways to improve on what has been identified.
  3. Continue to work and build relationships with the business community.

GOAL 5: Public Communication

The Town Administrator shall be an active participant in the Belmont Community.


  1. Attend community events as time allows.
  2. Continue working with committees/boards and elected officials to advance projects in town.
  3. Continue to work with Belmont Media.
  4. Continue to be open to all residents’ concerns and connect them to the town departments that will assist.

GOAL 6: Personal and Professional Growth

The Town Administrator shall pursue professional development opportunities. 


  1. Attend professional meetings, seminars and conferences including the ICMA, MMA annual conference and regional meetings. 
  2. Apply to become a candidate under the ICMA Certified Managers program.
  3. Continue to reach out to neighboring communities and to identify areas of possible regional efforts.

And The Name Of The New School Building Is …

Photo: Finally, a name with the face.

Starting with 17 and then whittling the list down to three finalists, the Belmont School Committee unanimously selected a name to place on the $295 million 7-12 school building on Concord Avenue.

And that name is …

Belmont Middle and High School.

The final decision was made at the School Committee’s April 23 meeting as the school district faced a May 1 deadline by the state’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to have a name ready for next month’s groundbreaking.

The three final names – the other two are Belmont Middle-High School and Belmont Middle High School – selected by the School Committee earlier this month were presented to students and staff and teachers in an online survey over the spring recess.

But according to Assistant Superintendent Janice Darias, a software glitch prevented the results of the students survey to be compiled, leaving only the adults counted.

Out of 159 responses tallied, the clear favorite was the straight forward Middle and High School, garnering nearly three-quarters of those who participated.

While how the students voted is likely to remain in internet purgatory, Lilah Isenberg, a Belmont High sophomore who was the student body’s representative at the meeting, said she believed that most of the students “voted the same way as the teachers did.”

“[The students} think that having the ‘and’ gives more clear that it is a middle and a high school,” said Isenberg.

Belmont School Superintendent John Phelan reiterated a point he made at earlier meetings that students will continue to graduate from “Belmont High School” whatever the name of the school was selected.

“[The new name] is how we will find the building” while maintaining separate schools within the structure.

With the “Middle School” moniker soon to be placed on the new building, a question arose on the future name of the Chenery Middle School.

“I will say out loud that the [Chenery] will no longer be a middle school,” said Phelan, suggesting under the future district configuration of having the town’s four elementary schools housing kindergarten through third grade and the middle school building with fourth through six grades, the school could become an “upper elementary school.”

After No Deal By Purecoat, Community Path Design Focus On North Of Tracks

Photo: Community path now on the northside.

It’s now the north side.

The proposed community path from Belmont Center to the Cambridge line will now be going along the north side of the MBTA commuter rail tracks after town representatives could not come to an agreement with a prominent Belmont property owner to take a portion of a structure needed for the path to navigate a “pinch point” along the route.

At its Monday, April 22 meeting, the Belmont Board of Selectmen voted 3-0 to OK using $1 million in Community Preservation Committee funds in design work for a recreational trail along a community right-of-way on the north side the tracks from the proposed Alexander Avenue underpass to the intersection of Brighton Street.

“It looks like we are going to proceed with a north route for the next phase of design,” said Chair Tom Caputo.

The $1 million CPC request will come before the annual Town Meeting next week. The town is also in the running for state money to pay for construction of the path, contingent on the town beginning the design process.

The board reversed a 2-1 vote on Feb. 25 to tentatively conduct that design for a southern route that would go behind Belmont High School. That vote was conditioned on the outcome of a 60-day negotiation period with the Tosi family to secure the ownership or an easement of the Purecoat North building along Hittinger Street currently used by the dog daycare business Crate Escape.

The purchase or taking of the building was necessary after the consulting firm Pare Corp., which conducted the feasibility study of the path, said the trail would not be wide enough along a 100-foot section to pass regulatory muster by the state’s Department of Transportation and MBTA, and for emergency vehicles to access.

Bob McLaughlin, who with former Selectman Mark Paolillo represented the Board of Selectmen in the negotiation, told the board they spoke with the building managers at the site and with the owners on the phone.

“I really think they tried,” said McLaughlin, hiring an architect and engineer to review the proposals.

“They came back and said it was too much to take part of the building. And they weren’t willing to sell as it didn’t make sense for their purposes,” said McLaughlin.

“You win some, you lose some,” said McLaughlin.

McLaughlin noted this marks the second time the Tosi’s rejected a proposal for town use of the building, saying no in 2011 to $6 million for the sale of the building for the construction of a new Belmont Light substation. The station would eventually end up on Flanders Road.

It was clear the selectmen were not eager to begin an eminent domain process of taking the needed space, an action which Belmont Town Counsel George Hall cautioned would be “substantial financial risks to the town.” It would also be unlikely such a measure could pass Town Meeting which would need to approve a property taking by a two-thirds vote “would be a tough sell.”

Selectman Adam Dash, the lone no vote back in February, said with state money possibly on the table, “we can’t drag this out” noting that during the design phase complications could arise that would force the path’s location to be reconsidered once again.

“You got to start somewhere so you have to pick,” said Dash.

The vote was good news for Russell Leino, the chair of the Community Path Project Committee which wrote the design phase request for proposal without the certainity of what the firms would be bidding on.

“I’m very very glad about the decision because it’s hugely helpful for the committee. The [design] RFP is already out and we are having a bidder’s conference on Friday where we’ll tell them about the decision,” he said.

Correction: In an earlier version of this story, the name of the family owning the Purecoat North site was misidentified as Tocci. The property is owned by the Tosi family.

Lone Tree Hill Volunteer Day Saturday, April 27; 9-Noon

Photo: Planting trees in Belmont’s Lone Tree Hill (

On Saturday, April 27, from 9 a.m. to noon, the Belmont Citizens Forum in conjunction with the Judy Record Conservation Fund is sponsoring the seventh annual Lone Tree Hill Volunteer Day, and we invite you to participate, come rain or shine.

This year, there are having two work sites,

• plant white pines along the Pine Allee,

• clean up the trash and/or clear invasive plants along South Pleasant Street, across from Star Market and Artefact Home and Garden shop.

If you’d like to work on the Pine Allee, meet at the Belmont Citizens Forum white canopy in the Lone Tree Hill parking lot on Mill Street. Please bring a shovel and gloves to plant the trees along the Allee.

If you’d like to work on the much-needed trash or invasive plant removal along South Pleasant Street, meet at the green-and-white “Belmont Bikes” Belmont Citizens Forum tent at the bottom of Coal Road, opposite Star Market. Please bring a shovel and gloves to remove the knotweed at upper Coal Road.

High school and middle school students can earn community service credits—check in at the Belmont Citizens Forum tent or table, and make sure we sign off on your work.

Volunteers are suggested to wear closed shoes, long sleeves and long pants to protect against potential sensitivities to plants and insects. Bring gloves, bug spray, and a water bottle.

This volunteer event is made possible by our corporate sponsors, including: Gold Level Sponsors: Ann Mahon Realty, Belmont Land Trust, Cityside Subaru, East Boston Savings Bank, and Watertown Savings Bank.

Belmont Girls’ Rugby Romps In Season Opening Matches

Photo: Belmont High Junior Callie Weissman on the run vs. Lincoln Sudbury.

The two-time consecutive state champions Belmont High Girls’ Rugby program got down to the business of defending its crown beginning the season with a pair of dominate performances.

The Marauders’ open its campaign for a third banner by defeating last year’s championship finalist Lincoln-Sudbury Regional, 57-28, at Harris Field, Friday, April 5. On Wednesday, April 10, Belmont shut out 2017 finalist Algonquin Regional, 52-0.

Asked about the outstanding performance of her team, Belmont Head Coach Kate McCabe said “we’re really lucky to have a mature squad. We have a lot of seniors and that says also a lot about the depth that they are building for the future.”

In the first game, Belmont was led by last year’s Boston Globe All-Scholastic senior Gabriella (Gabby) Viale as the Marauders took control early on both sides of the ball and never allowed Lincoln-Sudbury to establish an offensive rhythm.

It was Viale four trys – the equivalent of a touchdown – that showed . The first came when Viale made a quick start before Lincoln Sudbury was set and outran its backline to the end zone. Her second was a 60 meters solo scamper after breaking through the L/S defense, the third was the culmination of a series of grind-it-out runs. Viale’s fourth was simply sublime as she kicked the ball over the approaching defense, ran through the L/S line to scoop up the ball for her final try.

“My backline was doing such a good job of using the space, cutting and taking the angles that I was able to make those plays,” said Viale.

Replacing graduated all-scholastic Jessica Rosenstein in the critical scrum-half role, sophomore Sadie Kabhrel belied her youth by defending the ball exiting the ruck and scrum while completing nearly all her releases out to the wings.

“She would not let anyone push her around,” said Viale. “Sadie’s been fantastic with her passes as she’s getting them out really wide and we didn’t have that many drop balls.”

Belmont was up 37-7 at the halftime break and was never threatened.

“We came out with so much power it will only get better from here,” said Viale, who has established herself as one the premier players in the state. “Everyone came out so hard and really wanted it.”

In the second match against the T-Hawks, Belmont’s aggressive defense led by the likes of left wing Ana Oteri (who in the previous game took down Lincoln Sudbury’s quick wings with a series of heavy tackles), Number 8 Sam Dignan and Prop Grace Christensen, kept Algonquin on its side of the field.

The game’s offensive punch came from junior Callie Weissman who plays on the front row as the tighthead (right) prop, not normally the position that comes up with multiple trys which Weissman collected.

“I was really excited for this match because I was feeling really strong during warm up, so just being able to get the ball and to have the space to charge through the line was great, Weissman said.

Despite starting the season on a strong note, McCabe doesn’t have plans to keep the squad’s roster static for the rest of the campaign.

“I think we’re checking out a bunch of options. Just because someone has played a position doesn’t mean that’s where we’re going to play them in the future. We are not going to be complacent where we are,” said McCabe.

“These girls watch themselves play and recognize what they need to work on. They are really honest about saying things that go well and things that [the coaches] ask them to be better about,” said McCabe who took more than a dozen players on the rugby club’s spring trip abroad, this year heading to northern Spain.

Bank On It: Chase Replaces Coldwell Banker in Center

Photo: The future home of Chase in Belmont.

Even James Holzhauer could come up with the question to this Jeopardy! answer: “An endless number.”

The question: “How many banks branches can fit in Belmont Center?”

The latest financial outpost to stake a claim in the “Town of Homes” is the US’s largest bank as JPMorgan Chase & Co. is filing permits with town departments to create an office at 7 Channing Rd. in the former Coldwell Banker office, according to town officials.

Chase is joining branch offices of six banks in Belmont’s business hub: Bank of America, Citizens Bank, Cambridge Savings Bank, Santander Bank, and People’s United Bank which completed its acquisition of Belmont Savings Bank this month.

Old-timers remember the site, owned by Retail Site Processing of Bedford, as an Exxon service station until 1996. For a decade it housed convenience stores (including a 7-11 franchise) before closing in 2006. The 15,600 sq.-ft. building became the Coldwell Banker location in 2007.

Coldwell Banker is relocating to the former Boston Musician Association’s office at 130 Concord Ave.

Chase’s retail banking division entered the Boston market last year concentrating in Boston with a branch and three ATMs. They have also added automated tellers along the Mass Pike in the last year.

In the past month, the financial behemoth (with $2.623 trillion in assets (2018)) converting one of few remaining Friendly’s restaurants located in the Watertown Mall on Arsenal Street as well as opening a branch in Dedham across from the Legacy Place mall. Belmont would be the first suburban office not linked to a large retail center.

The current retail strategy by the New York City-based multinational investment bank and financial services company run by CEO Jamie Dimon of opening 400 branches from Boston to Washington DC. with 50 in eastern Massachusetts runs counter to market trends as most banks are closing offices as banking functions are increasingly being performed online.