Halloween in Cushing Square, Fill UNICEF Boxes, Skeleton Army on HELLcrest

It’s Halloween and tonight, Friday, Oct. 31, little ones will be coming up to your door with the call of “Trick or treat!” Unlike many towns, there are no restrictions on when and where “tricks or treats” can occur as town officials and Belmont Police continue to rely on the good common sense of residents to restrain hijinks around the “Town of Homes.”

• The treats start early as some of the youngest kids will get the chance to practice as the Cushing Square Business Association holds its annual Cushing Square Halloween on Friday, Oct. 31 with the trick or treating begins at 3 p.m.

• Along with your bowl of candy at the front door, set aside some spare change as the Chenery Middle School is giving 6th graders a community service hour if they collect for UNICEF tonight

• If you have the chance tonight, head over to Hillcrest Road – which runs from Goden to Common streets midway between the Wellington and Chenery Middle schools – to see the skeleton army that has overrun the street. They are riding bikes, hanging onto trees, wearing interesting costumes, all under the control of the LARGEST BLACK CAT EVER SEEN!

Belmont resident and commercial photographer Clytie Sadler has done an outstanding photo essay of the undead on HELLcrest Road which can be seen on her web site: http://clytiesadlerphotography.com/blog/

Be safe tonight.

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