Annual Blacker Prizes in Writing To Be Awarded Wednesday

Photo: The Lillian Blacker Prizes to be awarded Wednesday.

The Belmont High School English Department will present the annual Lillian F. Blacker Prizes for Excellence in Writing on Wednesday, May 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the Peter Holland Library at Belmont High School. 

This year, we will honor seniors Ethan Lai, Lily Tromanhauser, and Calvin Reinhardt-Ertman for their outstanding writing. Belmont residents are cordially invited to attend.

Family and friends established the Blacker Prizes more than 20 years ago in memory of Lillian F. Blacker, a longtime Belmont resident who was active in community affairs and was director of the Harvard Medical News Office. She is remembered by the school and the community as a true lover of literature and language.

The Blacker Prizes are presented each year to three Belmont High seniors for outstanding writing ability on their senior theses. Each senior reads, researches, and writes a lengthy thesis paper investigating a literary topic. English faculty members determine the winners after an extensive reading process.

At the awards ceremony, the prize winners will read from their papers and discuss the evolution of their ideas.  A panel of seniors will discuss their topics and the senior thesis process.  Teachers, parents, administrators, and friends are invited.  Underclassmen are encouraged to attend the ceremony to learn more about the senior thesis process. 

Family and friends established the Blacker Prizes more than 20 years ago in memory of Lillian F. Blacker, a longtime Belmont resident who was active in community affairs and was director of the Harvard Medical News Office. She is remembered by the school and the community as a true lover of literature and language.

Refreshments will be served.

Belmont School Budget Tops $60 Million With Town’s Share $53 Million

Photo: The fiscal 2018 school budget

It got a bit more pricey to educate the kids in Belmont as the School Committee unanimously approved the fiscal 2018 school budget that tops $60 million.

Saying that there were “no surprises” in the final numbers, the School District’s Director of Finance, Business, and Operations Anthony DiCologero said the school department would request $52,969,484 million from Town Meeting in June when the town’s legislative body takes up financial articles.

With anticipated state and federal grants along with revolving fees, the total budget for the coming fiscal year just tops $60 million – actually $60,003,414, DiCologero told the board.

Compared to fiscal 2017, the town’s portion of the school budget increased by 5.7 percent, from $50.1 million to $53 million, an increase of $2.8 million.

Regarding total dollars, salary and wages increased by $2 million with cost of living increases and STEP adjustments moving higher from $185,903 in fiscal 2017 to $773,662 in the proposed 2018 budget, a $588,000 increase between the two years.

Also, health insurance premiums are budgeted to increase by nine percent – a little more than $500,000 – over the fiscal 2017 amount.

DiCologero told the committee the district were carrying forward all teaching positions from 2017 while adding five full-time equivalent positions as provided in the third year of the Financial Task Force Committee budget created the year of the $4.5 million override passed by town voters in April 2015.

Other budgetary issues of note:

  • One additional regular education school bus has been added to the seven bus fleet to accommodate the increase in enrollment.
  • User fees will remain the same in fiscal ’18.
  • General funds were increased by the index the Financial Task Force created.
  • All federal grants in fiscal ’18 are level funded from fiscal ’17 with small contractual increases for staff allocated to the subsidies.

It’s Official: The Final Day of School For Belmont Students Is …

Photo: The day has been set.

How appropriate the final day of school for Belmont students is the first day of summer.

The Belmont School Committee voted unanimously on Tuesday, April 26 to approve Wednesday, June 21 as the last day of classes for all grades in Belmont. With a mere three snow days used this school year, families will get a bit of a jump on the summer season.

The 21st will be a half-day/early release for K-12 students while it will be a full-day for staff and teachers, said Janice Darias, Belmont’s assistant superintendent. 

Belmont High Dems Screening Oscar-Nominated Documentary ’13th’ Thursday

Photo: The poster for the documentary 

The Young Democrats of Belmont High School invite the town to join them for a panel discussion featuring local politicians and others on the criminal justice system, following a screening of the 2017 Oscar-nominated documentary “13th”.

The 2016 documentary will be shown on Thursday, April 27 from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Belmont Studio Cinema, 376 Trapelo Rd. 

Directed by Ava DuVernay, “13th” explores the intersection of race, justice and issue of mass incarceration in the United States. It is titled after the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which freed the slaves and prohibited slavery, unless as punishment for a crime.

“This is an incredibly important event for the citizens of Belmont and surrounding towns to attend in order to educate themselves on the criminal justice system in the context of race,” said Rebecca Turner of the Belmont High Young Democrats.

“Also, this is a unique opportunity to be able to discuss our justice system and learn how to start these important conversations outside of the event. 13th is a stunning movie, and raises crucial questions on the nature of American society since slavery,” said Turner.

Tickets for the screening is $5 for students and $10 for adults. Bring your friends and family for an enlightening experience. All proceeds go to ACLU Massachusetts.

Belmont’s 2017 Outstanding Teachers Named With A Surprise Visit and Balloons

Photo: (from left) Janice Darius, Assistant Superintendent, BPS; Jennifer Pressey, OTA Honoree; and Danielle Betancourt, Principal, Butler Elementary School.

The Foundation for Belmont Education announce t0day, Tuesday, April 25, the recipients of the 2017 Outstanding Teacher Awards and of the S. Warren Farrell Award for Educational Excellence, sponsored by Belmont Savings Bank Foundation. The teachers received their notification with a surprise visit from administrators and foundation members carrying the certificates and balloons. 

The ceremony to honor this year’s recipients of the Outstanding Teacher and the S. Warren Farrell Awards will be held on Tuesday, May 2, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Chenery Middle School. The award celebration, sponsored by Belmont Savings Bank Foundation, is open to the public.

Outstanding teachers are recognized for their excellence in the classroom and for consistently making a difference in the lives of Belmont’s students. Recipients were selected from nominations submitted by students, parents, colleagues, and community members. 

In addition to the teaching honors, a newly-established award for educational excellence named after S. Warren Farrell in recognition of a teacher or other educator for their longstanding dedication and leadership in Belmont’s public schools.

This award honors Farrell, a former managing director for Smith Barney and an independent director at BSB Bancorp., for his many years of volunteer leadership in Belmont and its public schools.

The 2017 Outstanding Teacher Honorees are:

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Meaghan Clow, Wellington Elementary School, Grade 3

Fun, interactive, energetic, clever, and engaging are only a few words that describe
Ms. Clow’s personality and ability to engage students in the classroom.

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Kathryn Doyle, Winn Brook Elementary School, Kindergarten

Ms. Doyle works with each student’s needs, knowing that each child arrives in kindergarten with a wide range of skills in reading, writing, and math.

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Cliff Gallant, Burbank Elementary School, Grade 4

Mr. Gallant consistently delivers and maintains the highest quality teaching in a way that meets the individual needs of each of his students.

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Daniel Moresco, Belmont High School, Mathematics

As a student in AP and honors courses, I am under a lot of pressure. Mr. Moresco genuinely cares about my well-being and helps manage my work and stress.

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Jennifer Pressey, Butler Elementary School, Grade 1

It is evident that Mrs. Pressey has acquired a wealth of tools over the years and yet she has maintained the joy of sparking ‘aha’ moments in young minds.

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Dorothy Pulizzi, Chenery Middle School, Grade 5

Ms. Pulizzi consistently goes above and beyond to support her students’ learning and social and emotional health, and she connects with students at numerous after-school and extracurricular events.

2017 S. Warren Farrell Award Honoree is:

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John McLellan, Chenery Middle School, Music; and Saturday Morning Music School

Thousands of young people have benefitted from Mr. McLellan’s ingenious methods of instruction. Students display the utmost respect for his experience, direction, and wise and witty words.

For more information about this event or the Foundation for Belmont Education, please visit its website or contact

Finding Belmont’s Honored Dead Made Easier By Eagle Scout’s Work

Photo: Belmont Eagle Scout Oliver Leeb with the Belmont Board of Selectmen.

In Belmont’s two burial grounds, those interned who served the country hold an honored place in the town.

But for relatives and historians, locating one of the 1,800 military service dead was haphazard at best as individuals would need to hunt between several sources and town departments then having to scour the sites to find the precise location.

Now those seeking the resting places of veterans have a new resource to make the task easier, all thanks to the effort of a Belmont Eagle Scout.

Belmont High School Senior Oliver Leeb of Troop 304 have created a system that will allow loved ones a database/map that reduces what formerly took three or four tasks to just one.

“It was a great project because it has a practical application,” said Leeb, before being presented a certificate of appreciation from the Belmont Board of Selectmen last wee. 

The work began as Leeb sought a local project as part of his Eagle Scout requirement which led him to Belmont’s Veteran’s Agent Bob Upton. After discussing what was on Upton’s wish list, they came up with a badly needed updating of the existing catalog. 

Before the new system, there was a rudimentary list of the dead in alphabetical order that gave only a general location of the grave. 

“It really needed to be updated especially with the number of veterans buried here and the lack of specific locations of the graves,” said Leeb, who will be graduating in June and heading to Brandeis in the fall. 

Under Leeb’s initiative, individual graves were given specific numbers that created a database corresponding to a map of the grave sites. 

“So now using the map and the database, you can find the grave of any veteran that you wanted to find,” he said.

Leeb leaves a system that can be expanded to use GPS coordinates to pinpoint a grave on a digital map and also include the history of the veteran such as dates and where they served.

“There is so much history that can be included. We have veterans from the Grand Army of the Republic who fought in the Civil War,” said Leeb, noting it could be a project for another scout to consider.

Stay on Course: Fiore Retains Chair of School Committee

Photo: Lisa Fiore.

While the Belmont Board of Selectmen made a significant change to its leadership after Town Election, the Belmont School Committee decided it would stay the course.

During a possibly record-setting meeting for brevity – the get-together took a mere 25 minutes which included the members having a new group portrait taken – the committee vote Tuesday, April 11 to retain Dr. Lisa Fiore as chair for a second consecutive term.

The professor and administrator at Leslie University helped shepherd the committee through this and last year’s budget process while leading the group as it dealt with issues related to increasing enrollment, the beginning of the course of renovating/building a new high school and the district’s exit from the Minuteman Tech agreement.

The members also voted Susan Burgess-Cox, a Belmont native, and attorney, as vice chair.

The committee Tuesday night welcomed Catherine (Kate) Bowen to the group, having won election to the group on April 4.


Belmont School Committee’s Kate Bowen.

A program administrator at Harvard and chair of Sustainable Belmont, the Bartlett Avenue mother of two young students said she is looking forward to being a “voice for the Butler [Elementary] School community” on the committee, a neighborhood which she and many who live in and around Waverley Square believe has been missing for the past few years.

New Belmont High Team – So Far – Introduced to Public

Photo: Thomas Gatzunis (left) and Richard Marks of the Daedalus Projects Company.

More than 100 residents braved the cold rain Thursday night, April 6, to head to the Beech Street Center to get an early look at the progress of the construction/renovation of a new Belmont High School.

And if the albeit limited number of comments were any indication what the public is thinking, it constructs a school which will meet the needs of a growing student population but don’t go overboard.

“Keep on budget,” said John O’Connor from Precinct 5. “It should be a good job well done” but done so responsibly.

“That’s the biggest thing,” he said.

The turnout was a welcomed surprise for Belmont High Building Committee Chair William Lovallo who arranged for the meeting to be held in the evening as opposed to the committee’s typical 7:30 a.m. meeting time.

“It was impressive to see this much interest so early on in the process,” said Lovallo, who is leading his second school building committee having chaired the construction of Wellington Elementary School. Much of the curiousness related to early estimates replacing the nearly 50-year-old structure will require a debt exclusion of between $80 to $200 million depending on how many grades will attend the school.

Thursday’s meeting was the opportunity for the building committee to announce the town’s Owners Project Manager as Lovallo introduced Founder and President Richard Marks and Senior Project Manager Thomas Gatzunis of the Daedalus Projects Company of Boston.

The OPM was hired by the Committee to represent the town during the design and construction phases of the building’s creation.

The town hired a familiar face with Daedalus and Gatzunis. Daedalus was the project manager for the construction of the Chenery Middle School 20 years ago (for $20 million!). For many longer-tenured residents, Gatzunis is remembered as a Belmont town employee for 32 years, rising to become the town’s director of community development.

“Tom has institutional knowledge of Belmont, its approvals process, and its public affairs challenges,” said Lovallo, who said Gatzunis’ presence was a major factor why Daedalus was selected. Daedalus’ Shane Nolan will be the on-site project manager.

Daedalus’ Shane Nolan will be the day-to-day on-site project manager for the High School.

“It is great to be back in Belmont,” Marks told the Belmontonian, who noted the team is currently building a $60 million STEM 6-12 grade school in Boston and managed the construction of the $101 million Franklin High School that opened two years ago and a new co-located middle school/renovated high school in Rockland for $82 million.

Gatzunis said that cost control and keeping the project on a schedule will be two of the most important functions he and Daedalus will provide the town.

“[Clients] get angry with me … because I’m constantly that guy saying, ‘We can’t do it'” whether some aspect of the project is too expensive or they need to keep on a tight deadline.

“It’s part of what I do is to have people angry with me. That’s why you hired me,” said Gatzunis.

The next “big step” said Marks for the Building Committee and Daedalus is the hiring of an architect which will a hired through a collaborative process between the town and the Massachusetts School Building Authority, which is funding up to 40 percent of the eligible cost of the new school.

While the architect will be creating separate designs for the different grade groups being proposed, Belmont School Superintendent John Phelan reiterated to the audience a talk he gave residents, parents, PTOs, and students which the one scenario alleviating the stress of overcrowding in the elementary and middle schools would be the 7th grade through 12th-grade high school.

While there are obvious questions about placing a wide-age range of students on one campus, Phelan said through careful planning; a larger school could prove beneficial educationally.

Phelan is inviting the public to hear from Education Facilitator Frank Locker on May 4 and 5 on just such a scenario. 

Residents were interested in the 7-12 grade option, with Mary Lewis liking how the district is “thinking outside the box” suggesting if the 7-12 grade option is approved the Chenery Middle School should be turned into an elementary school, creating five K-6th grade schools in Belmont, an idea that got a positive reaction.

Phil Thayer of Precinct 6 strongly suggested that the new school have a net zero energy footprints with the use of solar and energy-saving mechanicals.  

Holding his young son’s hand, Han Xu advised that a new school be functional, sacrificing on most architectural features and building fixtures, going so far as suggesting a new five grade school doesn’t need an auditorium.

“I know the trend in education construction is to be up-to-date technically but most kids already have the devices they need,” said Xu, who is a structural engineer who has worked on university buildings. 

“You can buy an Apple but it is quite expensive, or you can buy a Dell which can do all the same [tasks]. That’s how the new school should be built,” said Xu.

Schools’ Forums on ‘Raising Resilient Kids’ Monday, Wednesday


The Belmont Public Schools and the Foundation for Belmont Education are holding this week a pair of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Forums on “Raising Resilient Kids.”

  • Elementary Presentation: Monday, April 3, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Chenery Middle School Auditorium 
  • Middle and High School Presentation: Wednesday, April 5, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Belmont High School Auditorium  

Come to this year’s social and emotional learning presentation to learn about resilience–how to foster it at home and how we’re fostering it in the schools. This presentation is part of the district’s social and emotional learning initiative, generously funded by the Foundation for Belmont Education.

It’s ‘RAMA’ Saturday With Stringarama, Bandarama At High School

Photo: Lots of musicians this Saturday.

This is no joke: April 1 will be your chance to hear from the youngest to the most experience musicians on a “Rama” day in Belmont.

Moved from its traditional pre-Christmas date to allow the younger musicians to be a bit more proficient, the Belmont Public Schools Fine and Performing Arts Department presents the long-time tradition Stringarama and Bandarama on April Fools’ Day.

First will be the Stringorama Concert, featuring more than 400 string students in Grades 3-12, at the Belmont High School’s Wenner Field House. The performances start at 1 p.m. 

Each grade will perform a selected piece that showcases their best work, and then the entire ensemble will perform the first ever Grand Finale.

Then at 4 p.m., the Wenner will house another group of several hundred student musicans as the Wenner becomes the largest band room around as the 45th annual Bandarama takes place. You’ll hear from elementary, middle and high school bands in works the performers have been preparing do perform.