Town’s New 25 MPH Speed Limit Begins Sunday, Oct. 1


Getting across town will take just a bit longer starting on Sunday, Oct. 1 as the speed limit throughout most of Belmont will be lowered to 25 mph which the Belmont Police will begin to enforce.

This past spring, Belmont Town Meeting voted to lower the speed limit in a thickly settled area from 30 mph. The roads that are exempted from the new limit are:

  • Concord Avenue from Robinwood Road to the Lexington town line.
  • Winter Street from Belmont Country Club to Route 2
  • Mill Street from Trapelo Road to Concord Avenue.

Belmont joins Arlington, Boston, Cambridge, Watertown, Lexington and Somerville which have switched to the lower speed limit.

The Office of Community Development and the Belmont DPW have removed the 30 mph speed signs and have replaced them with 25 mph speed signs. 

Any questions regarding the speed limit or enforcement plans should be directed to Assistant Belmont Police Chief James MacIsaac at 617-993-2574.

Choate Road Two-Family Damaged in Two-Alarm Fire

Photo: The aftermath of the fire on Choate Road.

A Choate Road two family was heavily damaged after a two-alarm fire ripped through the rear of the structure and into the attic on Friday afternoon, Sept. 1.

A Belmont firefighter suffered a non-life threatening injury fighting the fire. None of the occupants at 3-5 Choate Road near the corner of Dalton Road were hurt; two who lived in the top condo unit escaped the fire while the occupants of the second were not home.

According to Belmont Fire, the 1:44 p.m. fire began in the rear of the two-and-a-half story structure built in 1928 and shot up the back of the building and into the attic via the eaves. First responders from Belmont Ladder 1 witnessed a blaze along the exterior of the building and coming through the roof. Firefighters from Belmont and Cambridge fought the fire as ladder trucks allowed crews to cut a hole in the ceiling to access the attic blaze. The fire was put out and the building secured.

Belmont received mutual aid from Cambridge, Watertown and Arlington departments.

Photos of the fire can be viewed on the website of the Belmont firefighters’ union, Local 1637.

BREAKING: Assistant Police Chief MacIsaac Reverses Course, Will Stay in Belmont

Photo: Belmont Police Assistant Chief James MacIsaac.

After earlier this week making what he called “one of, if not the most, difficult decision I have ever made,” Belmont Police Assistant Chief James MacIsaac has had a change of heart and will not accept the appointment as Chief of Police in Wayland.

“I have made the determination that remaining in Belmont as the assistant Police Chief is in the best interests to me and my family,” said MacIsaac in an email to the Belmontonian earlier this afternoon, Friday, Aug. 25.

The sudden about face by MacIsaac comes just days after he was offered the position to be Wayland’s top cop on Monday, Aug. 21. While saying becoming a chief was a long time goal of his, MacIsaac decision will allow the lifelong resident – who has lived all but two years in Belmont – to remain in his hometown police department which he joined in 1999.

MacIsaac was appointed Belmont’s assistant chief in July 2012.

BREAKING: Belmont Asst. Police Chief MacIsaac Named Wayland’s Top Cop

Photo: Belmont Police Assistant Chief James MacIsaac.

Belmont Police Assistant Chief James MacIsaac will be named Wayland’s top cop, replacing Police Chief Robert Irving who is retiring after 15 years leading the department.

The Wayland Board of Selectmen had scheduled an executive session to discuss negotiation strategy in hiring a new chief at its Monday, Aug. 21, meeting.

“I have been offered the position of Chief of Police in Wayland contingent upon me passing the pre-employment screening and background investigation,” MacIsaac told the Belmontonian in an exclusive interview.

“Becoming a police chief has always been a goal of mine. A few years back, I made a list of communities where I would be willing to work if the opportunity should arise. The Wayland job opened up, and I applied,” said MacIsaac.

MacIsaac praised Irving on leadership in Wayland, noting the department received in 2015 a state certification from the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission. 

“Achieving Certification is no easy task, and it’s a tribute the Wayland police personnel and their command staff. I also like that the public safety, police, and fire, operate out of a building that was constructed in 2003,” he said.

A lifelong resident – who has lived all but two years in Belmont – MacIsaac joined the Belmont Police in 1999 and was appointed Belmont’s assistant chief in July 2012.

“I have been fortunate to have Chief [Richard] McLaughlin as a mentor as I do not think I have met a person with as much dedication, integrity, and empathy as Chief McLaughlin,” said MacIsaac.

While achieving a chief’s appointment is a milestone for those in law enforcement, MacIsaac said it is bittersweet leaving a position in his hometown’s police department.

“I can easily say that this has been one of, if not the most, difficult decision I have ever made. I truly enjoy working and living in Belmont. My experiences in Belmont have helped to make me a better person and better police officer. I have benefited immensely from growing up, living and working in Belmont and I will always be grateful to the residents, fellow police officers and town employees who have helped me along the way,” he said.  

MacIsaac – known by his friends as ‘Jamie’ – grew up on Grant Avenue with his parents and five brothers and sisters, graduating from Belmont High School in 1985. He and his wife, Joanne, have raised their three children in Belmont. 

He also founded in 2015 the Belmont Junior Marauders, successfully reviving the football program for 7th and 8th graders at the Chenery Middle School. MacIsaac was also an assistant football coach at Belmont High School for several years.

MacIsaac earned his bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Massachusetts Boston in 1990, and his master’s from Western New England College in 2000. MacIsaac also graduated from the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy, in Quantico, Va. in 2009.

MacIsaac is heading to a town of half the population of Belmont, about 13,400, that according to the website Neighborhood Scout (using FBI statistics) was the safest community in the state in 2015 with a mere seven total crimes including one violent assault. In comparison, Belmont had 162 total crimes in 2015. Recently, the most newsworthy event involving the police was a bear wandering through the town back in June. 

Belmont Fire Praised for Action At Waltham ‘Epic’ Fire

Photo: At the Waltham fire; Lt Gerry Benoit (E1), Asst Chief Wayne Haley (C2), and FF Brian O’Neill (E1 Hydrant). (Photo Credit – Lt Rob Wollner)

Belmont Fire Chief David Frizzell described the inferno his department help fight in Waltham last month was simply “epic.”

“You don’t see many of those during your career,” Frizzell said describing the 10-alarm fire on July 23  that ripped through a five building, a 260-unit luxury apartment complex under construction on Cooper Street. 

But in the past nine months, Belmont firefighters have now fought a pair of 10-alarm fires, the other occurring in December when a massive fire engulfed eight buildings in East Cambridge, destroying a city block.

“We joke about ‘over the river and through the woods’ because this fire was on the other side of the Charles River. We laid every stitch of hose we had on the truck, and we went over a bridge and through the woods to get to the back door,” said Frizzell.

An “alarm,” as in a “one alarm fire,” is different in each municipality said Frizzell; in Belmont, it would be two engines, a ladder truck, rescue team and the shift commander that make up a single alarm. In larger communities, it’s four to five engines, upwards to a pair of ladder trucks and fire rescue.

Belmont’s fast response and time spent at the fire was recognized this week by Waltham Mayor Jeannette McCarthy in a proclamation, noting Belmont Fire’s “quick response and quality decision making” was critical in “preventing the fire from spreading, and causing further damage and possible injuries or fatalities.” 

The Belmont personnel who responded included:

  • Asst. Chief Wayne Haley
  • Lt. Gerard Benoit 
  • FF Chris Drinan
  • FF Brian O’Neill
  • Chief David Frizzell
  • Lt. Michael Madruga
  • FF Ace Elefteriadis
  • FF Ryan Keene

On Thursday, Aug. 10, the fire was determined to be arson and a $100,000 reward is being offered by the property owner and contractor for information leading to the arrest of the person responsible.

Vehicle Break-ins Break Out in Belmont

Photo: Nearly all the cars broken into were left open by their owners.

July has been designated National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month, but that hasn’t stopped a rash of break-ins of autos and trucks throughout Belmont in the past 30 days.

According to Belmont Police, the latest series of breaking and enterings occurred between Thursday night and Friday morning, July 20-21, many in the Grove Street area near the playground. Three cars were pilfered with easy to carry items – change, sunglasses and a charger – taken. 

This is the second time the area was targeted; the previous event happened over the weekend of July 8-9. 

Last week, cars across town in the Kendall Garden neighborhood off Mill Street were broken into overnight.

Belmont Police report that each break in had one thing in common; the vehicles were left unlocked by their owners.

“Lock up – don’t become a victim,” said the Belmont Police, who are asking residents to call 617-484-1212 with any information.

West Nile Virus Found In Belmont and Cambridge

Photo: West Nile virus back in Belmont.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health announced today, Thursday, July 13 that West Nile virus has been detected in mosquitos recently collected from Belmont and Cambridge. 

WNV is most commonly transmitted to humans by the bite of a mosquito infected with the virus. While WNV can infect people of all ages; people over the age of 50 are at higher risk for severe infection. 

Information about WNV and reports of WNV activity in Massachusetts during 2017 can be found on the MDPH website.

As always, there are a few precautions people can do to help to protect themselves and their families.

Avoid Mosquito Bites 

  • Be Aware of Peak Mosquito Hours: The hours from dusk to dawn are peak biting times for many mosquitoes. Consider rescheduling outdoor activities that occur during evening or early morning. Otherwise, take extra care to use repellent and protective clothing. 
  • Clothing Can Help reduce mosquito bites: Although it may be difficult to do when it’s hot, wearing long-sleeves, long pants and socks when outdoors will help keep mosquitoes away from your skin. 
  • Apply Insect Repellent when you go outdoors: Use a repellent with DEET (N, N-diethyl-m- toluamide), permethrin, picaridin (KBR 3023), IR3535 or oil of lemon eucalyptus [p-methane 3, 8-diol (PMD)] according to the instructions on the product label.

Mosquito-Proof Your Home 

  • Drain Standing Water: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. Limit the number of places around your home for mosquitoes to breed by either draining or getting rid of items that hold water. Check rain gutters and drains. Make sure rain barrels are covered or screened. Empty any unused flowerpots and wading pools, and change water in birdbaths frequently. 
  • Install or Repair Screens: Some mosquitoes like to come indoors.

Belmont Police to Collect Old, Unused Prescription Drugs Saturday, April 29

Photo: Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative this Saturday.

The Belmont Police Department in conjunction with the Belmont Auxiliary Police and the federal Drug Enforcement Agency will host a Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative to prevent the abuse and theft of old, unused and expired prescription drugs.

The Belmont Police will have a collection point set up at the DPW yard, 37 C St., on Saturday, April 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Old or unused prescription drugs – no liquids, please – may be dropped off for free with no questions asked. You won’t even have to get out of your car

Unfortunately, these drugs are highly susceptible to misuse by family and friends. In addition they can be improperly disposed of and end up in our environment, posing a potential health hazard.

Please take some time to check your medicine cabinet and visit us on the 29th

For more information on the Rx Drug Take Back Initiative or a list of additional collection sites, visit  the DEA’s webpage.

Residents may also contact Lt. Daley at We also have a permanent Rx drug collection kiosk located in the lobby of the police headquarters in Belmont Center that is accessible 24/7. 

Belmont Dispatcher’s Heroic Act on Tragic Day In Watertown

Photo: The scene of the fire. (Courtesy Watertown News)

Dave Jones should have been the good news story on a tragic St. Patrick’s Day.

The long-serving Belmont Police dispatcher was off-duty as he and his wife were heading to Donohue’s in Watertown to listen to Irish music on Friday morning, March 14. As the couple of two young boys were on Bigelow Avenue, Jones spotted a house on Merrifield Avenue with heavy smoke and fire coming from the building’s second floor.

“We were just traveling through. Just being in the right place at the right time,” Jones told the Belmontonian on Friday night as he began his shift at Belmont Police Headquarters.

Pulling over to the side of the road, Jones – whose father was a firefighter – jumped out and followed a Watertown Police officer who had just arrived into the burning structure.

Inside the house, Jones found an elderly resident who he brought out of the structure.

In his two-plus decades in public safety, “that’s the closest I have ever been to being a firefighter,” said Jones, who is a familiar figure at Belmont High football games as one of the members of the chain crew.

But should have been a story of selfless heroism by Jones and the Watertown police officer instead became on of the tragic death of Watertown firefighter Joseph Toscano who died of a heart attack battling the two-alarm blaze.

“Rather than me, what everyone has to remember, an old [man] lost a house and the loss of a firefighter,” said Jones, who last week celebrated his 21st year as a dispatcher, the same length of service as Toscano, a father of five from Randolph.

“It didn’t turn out to be the sort of story we all would want it to be,” said Jones.

Stand Up to Bullying: Bystander Intervention Workshop This Saturday

Photo: Poster

Witnessing a person – particularly a stranger – being harassed can be an uncomfortable or confusing experience for many people. Without having a strategy to safely de-escalate a situation or to support the person being attacked, many people choose to not intervene.

To provide people with the appropriate tools in this scenario, The Stand Up Campaign and the Belmont Council on Aging will co-sponsor an interactive workshop, Bystander Invention WorkshopWhat You Can Do When Witnessing Harassment on Saturday, March 18 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Beech Street Center, 266 Beech St.

The Stand Up Campaign, a program partner of Belmont Against Racism, promotes kindness, respect, and civil communication.

The workshop content will be led by experienced actors from an Arlington-based theater group, True Story Theater, who will improvise realistic situations and lead participants in role play scenarios.

The workshop is non-political and non-partisan and is appropriate for ages 16 years and older. The event is free, but registration is required here.

For questions, contact Donna Ruvolo at or 617-489-5446.