Town Proposes Using Free Cash Twice to Pay for Belmont Center Project

Town Meeting members will be asked next month to dip twice into the town’s “savings” account to pay for the long-awaited facelift of Belmont Center’s traffic and parking design.

Under a proposal derived by town officials and Belmont’s Treasurer Floyd Carman who presented the plan to the Belmont Board of Selectmen Wednesday, Oct. 29, the now $2.8 million construction project set to reshape the roadways and parking in and around Belmont Center will be paid for using the town’s “free cash” as both a downpayment and then dipping into the account over 15 years to pay for the remaining debt, said David Kale, Belmont’s town administrator.

Free cash is unspent money remaining at the end of the fiscal year including from budget line-items and any greater than expected tax or fee receipts.

If approved by a majority of members of the Special Town Meeting on Nov. 17, $1.3 million will be taken from free cash as a one-time lump sum payment. The remaining $1,475,000 will be raised by selling 15-year bonds,

But rather then ask voters to approve a debt exclusion as has happened in the past with large capital expenditures, Belmont will take the unprecedented step of using free cash make the bond repayment over the life of the bond.

While the state’s Department of Revenue has not certified the amount Belmont has for free cash, Carman said free cash came in at $6.2 million in fiscal 2015.

Carman said the town will take approximately $169,000 from the free cash account in fiscal 2017 to pay both the interest and principal of the note. The payments will then decrease in subsequent years until there is a final payment of just under $100,000 in fiscal 2032.

Andy Rojas, Selectmen chair, told members of the Warrant and Capital Budget committees that the town hopes to have the project out to bid in January and have work completed by October. He also said the Special Town Meeting will only take up the project’s expenditure plan, “we are not opening up the project’s design for discussion.”

“[Town Meeting] is about funding, not to discuss every crosswalk or bump out,” Rojas reiterated.

While Kale is known for reminding residents, town officials and Town Meeting members that “free cash is not free” – any reduction in the account must be restored in the next year’s budget – both he and Carman believe free cash is strong enough position to sustain payments over the next decade and a half.

“We’re looking at a healthy free cash and the opportunity is there to utilize the low-interest rates,” said Carman.

Saying that he has heard some residents being critical of the town not utilizing the millions in the account, Carman told the Belmontonian “here’s an opportunity to use the savings constructively.”

Using the town’s savings account will also lessen the burden on the town’s debt service now hovering just over $5.1 million in fiscal 2015.
“Rather than burden taxpayers of 2015 to pay for this debt, we are spreading out the obligation to residents over the 15 years of the bond,” said Carman.

Carman also noted the town in the next few years will likely be asked to fund a new Belmont High School for between $60 to $100 million.

“We don’t want to add anymore debt to the books with that looming,” he said.

Paying the interest and principal of the $1,450,000 (the actual amount could be less once the engineering blueprints are completed, said Rojas) would be the second specific expense that will be paid by free cash. Last year, Town Meeting approved spending approximately $240,000 annually in other post-employment benefits, or OPEB, payments to a nearly $180 million unfunded obligation.

In recent years, the town has transferred approximately $2 million from free cash at the beginning of the budget cycle to pay for town and school expenses, filling a shortfall in local aid from the state legislature.

The town will also create a Capital Project Debt Stabilization Fund to pay down existing obligations.

The new stabilization account – to be approved by Town Meeting – will be funded with one-time payments to the town. Kale said this would include the sale of town-owned property such as the long-awaited purchase for $850,000 of the municipal parking lot at Cushing Square as part of the delayed Cushing Village project and the increasingly doubtful Woodfall Road luxury housing development.

Which of the current debt obligations could be reduced by the stabilization fund “will be part of a group discussion,” said Rojas.

When asked why this project is being given priority over six large capital projects – including a new police station and refurbishing the Viglirolo Skating rink – Rojas said the others have not begun the detailed process of design and planning.

“Why we are doing this is because it’s ready,” said Rojas, adding the reconstruction will increase business and economic development to the business center of town.

Get Spooked At a Pair of Halloween Events at Belmont High Today

And you thought just going to high school was scary!

Two big terrifying events will be held at Belmont High School today, Thursday, Oct. 30, to get the whole family into a Halloween state of mind.

For the first time, there will be a Halloween Haunted House at Belmont High School from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. All profits made from this event will go to the Make a Wish Foundation. There will be a range of spooky activities for people of all ages. For younger guests, there will a face painting station and a pumpkin painting station. There will be a very small suggested donation for participants who want to be “boo-ed.”

After being frightened, head over to the fourth annual “Masquerade Concert” performed by the Belmont High Wind Ensemble and Concert Orchestra will begin at 7 p.m. in the school’s auditorium. The two ensembles will perform a family-friendly variety of seasonal selections, including creepy classics like the Tocatta and Fugue in D minor by Bach, selections from The Dark Knight Rises and FROZEN! Audience members should arrive in costume to maximize the fun. As always, the concert is free.

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Sports: Arlington-Belmont Crew Takes Top Prizes at State Fall Finals

Coming off their best ever showing at the Head of the Charles Regatta, the boys from Arlington-Belmont Club Crew – made up of students from Arlington and Belmont high schools – powered their way to an overwhelming win in the prestigious Varsity Eights event at the 2014 Massachusetts Public Schools Rowing Association’s Fall State Championships.

Rowing at Quinsigamond State Park in Worcester on Sunday, Oct. 26, the A-B First Varsity boat – using the same rowers that finished 21st in the Youth Eights at the Head of the Charles: Max Halliday, Louis Pratt, Adrian Tanner, Liam Lanigan, Nicholas Osborn, Eryk Dobrushkin, Brendan Mooney, Alexander Gharibian with coxwin Brenna Sorkin – finished a full 14 seconds ahead of runners-up Wayland-Weston and Hingham, winning in 14 minutes and 20.03 seconds to defend the title the team won last year.

And the boys showed their dominance in the eights by winning the second varsity race and placing second in third varsity while taking first in the novice eights.

The A-B Varsity Girls’ Eights took home third behind winners Wayland-Weston and second Hingham, stoking home in 16:43.16 with Catherine Tiffany, Sara Hamilton, Jessica Keniston, Sophia Fenn, Bridget Kiejna, Alena Jaeger, Catherine Jacob-Dolan, Julia Blass and coxswain Ellen Cayer in the boat.

The Girls’ second varsity boat finished second in its race.

To cap off the successful fall season, A-BC coach Mark Grinberg was named last week Junior Coach of the Year in a fans poll conducted by USRowing, the national governing board. 

“Mark Grinberg guided Arlington Belmont Crew men to two consecutive Massachusetts state championships, becoming the first ever Massachusetts public school to qualify two eights for the 2014 USRowing Youth National Championships. His men’s varsity eight also won the Textile River Regatta and Massachusetts Public School Rowing Association Fall State Championship, just four years after the team had a mere six members,” read the honor. 


Final Farmers Market of the Season Today; Have an Apple! Sharpen Your Knives

The Belmont Farmers Market bids adieu to its ninth season as it holds its final market day today, Thursday, Oct. 30.

Come down and say goodbye to your favorite vendors. Stock up for the winter. Stop by the Manager’s Tent for a free apple and fill out an survey card: Tell the organizers what you like about the Market, write a note for a vendor and say what changes you’d like to see at the market next season.

The Belmont Farmers Market is located in the Belmont Center parking lot at Cross Street at Channing Road.

The market is open from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

This week’s guest vendors include Sugar + Grain, Fille de Ferme, The Amazing Smokehouse and Seasoned and Spiced. Find all the weekly vendors here.  

Siraco Sharpening Service returns for a final visit. If you’re going to be cooking or carving pumpkins, you’ll want sharp knives! And you can put your gardening tools away sharp for next year. But, please, don’t bring lawnmowers. For big items, go to Siraco’s drop off sites which includes the quilt shop on Brighton Street.

The food truck is Benny’s Crepe Cafe.


• 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.Face Painting with Amber Espar.

• 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Story time thanks to the Children’s Room of the Belmont Public Library.

• 4:30 p.m to 5:45 p.m.: Joe Zarro, Belmont resident and pastor of the Plymouth Congregational Church, will be singing and playing the guitar.

Help the Belmont Food Pantry by bringing non-perishable items each week. Find out about the Belmont Food Pantry, and see how the Market supports it.

Rising Enrollment, Structural Faults Puts Schools Half-a-Million in Red

It isn’t “the happiest news” the Belmont School Department wanted to give anytime, especially less than two months into the school year, said Laurie Slap, chair of the Belmont School Committee.

If expenditures and trends continue on their current trajectories, the fiscal year 2015 school budget will end the year approximately $500,000 in the red, according to the school’s Director of Finance and Administration Anthony DiCologero.

The forecast, present to the Belmont School Committee at its Tuesday night meeting on Oct. 28, “is not a deficit in any item,” said DiCologero. 

While there isn’t one specific cause, there is an overriding theme to the shortfall facing Belmont’s public schools: the well-noted increase of students entering the system. 

Kevin Cunningham, at his final committee meeting as he will be replaced by the next meeting on Nov. 18, said the expense spike is “enrollment driven” – with the surge of students has come the need for more services “that is driving costs.”

Due to the rapid rise in total enrollment in all grade levels, a jump in children who are English Language Learners and an increase in students requiring special education instruction has placed the budget under pressure as salaries are nearly $225,000 above the $31.4 million budgeted for the fiscal year, noted DiCologero. 

The deficit comes from adding instructors to address enrollment and ELL needs as well increasing the number of special education aides, tutors and occupational therapists.

The remaining $360,000 of the total deficit is the result of an increase in special education expenses such as $125,000 for tuition for six additional out-of-district students (Belmont pupils who are determined will be educated outside the public schools) and $60,000 in added transportation costs.

John Phelan, Belmont’s first-year school superintendent, said he has spoken to administrators, principals and staff on the need “slow down” expenditures such as bringing new technology into the schools and to “prioritize spending.”

But, said Phelan, the “big picture” is “what we need to do differently next year” to prevent repeating the same steps in fiscal 2016.

“These are structural issues,” said Cunningham. And while “this year we’ll strategically shrink it” the deficits will only continue unless expenses are placed in a more long-term context.”

Sports: Volleyball Begins Playoffs at Home on Halloween Night

The Belmont High School Volleyball team hopes they’ll be the ones receiving treats rather than being tricked as the Marauders being the MIAA Div. 2 North sectional playoffs on Halloween night hosting Danvers High School at Wenner Field House.

The 15-5 Marauders are seeded 7th as they take on the 10th seed Falcons at 6 p.m., Oct. 31.

Coincidentally, the Belmont High Field Hockey team, ranked 10th, will visit Danvers, seeded 7th, on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 30.

Danvers, 12-6, is the talk of the North Shore as the varsity program started last season. During its first season, the Falcons did not win any of their 18 games in 2013. This season, under Head Coach George LeVasseu, Danvers has joined another second year program, Marblehead, on the top of the Northeastern Conference South League. 

Sports: Brams Takes Second in Middlesex X-C Championships

There could not have been any better conditions to run a cross-country meet then what greeted the runners assembled for the Middlesex League Meet on Monday, Oct 27; a brilliant, clear sky, temperatures in the low 60s and a note of crispness in the air.

And Belmont High runners excelled individually and as teams against many much larger enrollment schools at the meet held in Woburn.

In the feature Girls’ Varsity race, the two heavy favorites, hometown senior Gina D’addario and two-time defending champion, Belmont junior Leah Brams, did not disappoint the crowd as they battled for all but the final 400 meters of the 2.5 mile course.

D’addario stalked Brams, staying off her left shoulder from the start of the race until the final downhill on the hills of Woburn Country Club.

Just as she did previously in a duel meet in Woburn last month, D ‘addario – who is a standout 800 meter runner indoors and out – used her finishing speed to run away from Brams, who claimed second in 15 minutes, 2.8 seconds.

Belmont High’s Varsity Girls’ sixth place finish was notable as all their points were scored by underclassmen, five juniors and a freshman – Brams, Sophia Klimasmith, 19th (16:22.9), Emma Chambers, 44th (17:52), Carly Tymm, 53rd (18:04.3), freshman Camilla Carere, 64th (18:42.8) and Madison Kelts, 72nd (19:06.1) – the only team to make that distinction.  

On the Boys’ side, senior Ari Silverfine stayed within the top 20 for the entire route to finish 15th in 13:23.9 with fellow 12th grader Seth Altman coming in 27th in 14:03.8.

Freshmen Boys’, led by a 7th place from Calvin Perkins, finished 4th while the Boys’ JV captured 7th. Another impressive showing came from thFreshmen Girls’ who placed 4th with Seneca Hart finishing 13th in 8:45.3.

All the runner’s and team results can be found on the MileSplit Massachusetts website.


Brownsberger: The ‘Sad’ End to Silver Maple Forest

As the Philadelphia-based commercial real estate firm O’Neill Properties continues to clear an eight-acre portion of the Belmont Uplands for the construction of a 299-unit apartment complex off of Route 2, the hindsight analysis has begun of what many believe is the destruction of the Silver Maple Forest situated on the border of Arlington, Belmont and Cambridge.

One of the first and most detailed reviews of the failed efforts to preserve a Massachusetts mainstay environmental preserve comes from State Sen. Will Brownsberger.

“As the saga of the Silver Maple Forest winds to a sad end, the question recurs: What will the state do to help save the forest? The discouraging short summary appears to be: nothing,” wrote Brownsberger.

 “It is with great sadness and a sense of defeat that I report these realities. For me, the Silver Maple Forest is a special place,” he said.

To read the entire essay, go here.

Belmont Fire Log: Ambulance Crew Losing Patience With Runaway Patient

Just a bit of deadly gas; nothing to worry about

Oct. 19 – Just before 8 p.m., Engine 2 took off to a Stone Road house to investigate why the carbon monoxide detector was blaring. The owner said his gas stove burners and oven would “periodically” malfunction releasing gas into the house. “This is the first time the alarm went off,” he said. The firefighters quickly shut off the stove and the heating system. The gas company shut off the main gas supply to the house as well as the air handling unit. Heating unit and stove were red tagged for service, and the homeowner was informed of the process.

Losing patience with runaway patient

Oct. 19 – At 20 minutes past 6 p.m, the Advance Life Savings ambulance was sent to Park Road for a medical emergency. But once there, they couldn’t find the patient! The person who called 911 said her boyfriend did not feel well, but did not want her to call 911. Apparently the “possible patient” fled the scene when his friend called 911. Belmont Police and the Engine 1 crew searched the surrounding neighborhoods for said patient. When the reluctant patient was not found, the department told the woman to call back if the patient contacts her or is located.

Killing a mosquito with a cannon 

Oct. 20 – Two minutes ’til 7 p.m., crews arrived at a Marlboro Street home after a resident called 911: she burned a plastic spoon on the stove.


If a tree falls in Belmont …
Oct. 23 – At 25 minutes past 8 p.m., Engine 1, Ladder 1 speed through town heading for Davis Road after a tree fell onto the house. Sure enough, the tree was resting on one side of the house but with no visible inside damage. All occupants were escorted out of the building to a safe area as the Belmont Highway Department, and the town’s tree service was on-scene upon the fire department’s arrival. The town’s building inspector came out also. As the crews were about to leave, a large tree limb fell onto the same electrical wires. Command requested the Light Department come back to the scene.

Sports: Boys’, Girls’ Soccer Await Playoff Fate

It’s now all about waiting for the Belmont High Boys’ and Girls’ teams as they prepare for their first round matches in the Div. 2 North sectional playoffs that begin this weekend.

Coming off emotional wins over Lexington High School last Tuesday, Oct. 21 – the boys’ defeating the ranked Minutemen, 3-2, while the girls’ defeated their hosts 1-0 – the teams took points in their final two games.

Girls’ missing scoring punch in final two draws

On a rare Saturday evening romp on Oct. 25, the Girls’ team celebrated Seniors Night at Harris Field with a hard-earned 1-1 draw with arch-rival Winchester. A wonderful shot 15 meters out from forward Kristen Gay screamed by the outstretched arms of Winchester goalkeeper Sofia Herron with three minutes remaining in the first half.

“The goals I’ve had this season have all come from the great work down the wings. All of them are team goals,” said Gay who has become Belmont’s scoring threat in the past two weeks with her aggressive nature and ball striking skills.

Paul Graham, who is currently at 298 wins in his career, said he placed freshman Emma Sass on Winchester’s star player, Alix Curtin, “and she came up huge. [Sass] shut her down.”

Graham continues to sing the praises of another freshman Natalie Marcus-Bauer who is taking up the important task of keeping speedy forwards from moving into the penalty box.

Belmont also received stellar work from senior goalkeeper Linda Herlihy who made solid saves throughout the night, including a reaching glove save off a shot that was heading into the far right corner.

“[Herlihy] is starting to play her best right before the playoffs,” said Graham.

Twice in the second half it appeared Belmont would score the critical second goal; sophomore forward Julia Cella‘s breakaway shot from eight meters out was parried away by Winchester substitute goalkeeper freshman Silvia Dowdel.

A rebound off Dowdel from a corner that freshman Carey Allard put into the net was ruled a no goal due to a Belmont player being in an offsides position.

It appeared that Belmont would walk away with both available points, but Winchester was fortunate that a quick counter pass into the Marauders penalty box came just as the Belmont back line began moving forward. Winchester’s Emily Price stayed on side and slipped the ball past a defenseless Herlihy.

Graham said he would like to see more scoring punch from his forwards but all-in-all, “we are in good shape heading into the playoffs.”

On Monday, Belmont traveled to Medford but could not get the same result as when the Mustangs came to Belmont, a Marauder win. The match ended in a scoreless draw. The girls’ record is 9-5-4.

Boys’ scoring and winning

The boys’ wrapping up the regular season with a 3-1 victory away at Winchester on Saturday, Oct. 25 and a 2-1 squeaker against Div. 3 Pentucket Regional at Harris Field on Monday, Oct. 28.

Rediscovering its scoring touch, the Marauders put a pair past the Winchester goalkeeper with forward Daron Hamporian driving the first one home 12 minutes into the game with Luke Gallagher netting the second at the half hour mark taking a pass from midfielder Norman Kilovutitu. Tokio Kobyashi finished the scoring with a breakaway blast with a dozen minutes to play.

On a glorious fall afternoon, Belmont hosted the emerald-clad Pentucket Regional High School squad to Harris Field. Monday became the breakout performance for sophomore Marvyn Dorchin to scored a brace in the first half.

Belmont’s back-up goalkeeper to senior standout Peter Berens, fan-favorite Dorchin – who spent his early years in France – has proven to be a skilled defender and recently a dangerous attacking midfielder. Monday, Dorchin became a Gallic goal scoring machine with his two within five minutes of each other late in the first.

Berens would not get his 12th shutout of the season as Pentucket’s Ian Sands punched one passed the ‘keep with 11 minutes remaining.