Photo: The Underwood Pool, finance in part with a grant from the Community Preservation Committee.
Do you or your community group have a great idea for a town-wide project but can’t think how to pay for it?
If that’s the case, your answer could be in applying for the fourth-round of funding from the town’s Community Preservation Committee.
According to Town Treasurer and CPC member Floyd Carman, the committee will have approximately $1.2 million to distribute to organizations or town agencies in the fiscal year 2017, beginning July 1, 2016.
“It’s roughly the same amount as last year,” said Carman after the committee’s monthly meeting on Aug. 12.
Using money from a 1.5 percent surcharge on property taxes and state contributions, the CPC supports a broad range of proposals involving:
- acquiring or improving open space and recreation land,
- rehabbing or preserving historic sites, and
- promoting community housing.
In the past, the CPC has provided funds for the new Underwood Pool, restoring the Pequossette Park tennis courts, first-time homebuyer’s assistance and the electrical upgrade of town-owned housing.
Individuals and groups interested in learning more about the process can attend a public meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 17, at Town Hall where the committee will answer questions and review the extensive process in which projects are evaluated.
Preliminary applications are due on Oct. 4 and final applications are expected on Dec. 4. The CPC will make its final decision on applications on Jan. 15, 2016. The accepted application will then go before the annual Town Meeting in April for final approval.
The new CPA applications are available on the Town of Belmont’s website.
For more information, contact the Community Preservation Hotline at 617-993-2774 or Michael Trainor at