Photo: Selectman Mark Paolillo and his mom, Mary, as he turns in his nomination papers to Town Clerk Ellen Cushman.
One Week to Turn in Nomination Papers
You’ll likely have neighbors stalking the streets with pen and clipboard in hand this weekend as residents who took out nomination papers for town-wide elected office and Town Meeting have one week to turn them into Town Clerk Ellen Cushman.
The deadline to bring signatures into Town Hall is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16. Residents seeking town-wide office will need 50 certified signatures of registered Belmont voters, 25 certified signatures of Belmont registered voters dwelling in the appropriate precinct are required for Town Meeting.
Paolillo Makes It Official: He’s on the Ballot
Belmont Board of Selectman Mark Paolillo will in all likelihood be on the April Town Election ballot as the two-term incumbent turned in more than 100 signatures to Town Clerk Ellen Cushman at noon, Tuesday, Feb. 9 at Town Hall.
Accompanied by his mom, Mary, Paolillo said he is looking forward to running “one final time” for town-wide election, noting that he will not seek a fourth term if elected in April.
“We accomplished a lot in the past six years but there is more to do,” said Paolillo. He pointed to finishing the work of the Financial Task Force, the need to finalize a community path through the community and take a hard look at a renovated Belmont High School and other municipal buildings.
“I talked to many supporters in town and former selectmen and they really encouraged me to run and stay on the board for another three years,” he said.
Alexandra Ruban of Claflin Street has also taken out nomination papers for the board.
A Quartet for Housing Authority
Add another person with papers out seeking one of two seats on the Belmont Housing Authority.
Paul Rickter of 119 Cross St. came drudging through yesterday’s snow storm to pick up nomination papers, making it a possible quartet running town-wide for the places on the body which manages programs providing housing assistance for low-income families, veterans, and the elderly.
Also taking out papers are Anne Mahon and Tomi Olson while Matt Sullivan has already submitted his paperwork.