Town Election Update: Sullivan Drops Out of Housing Race; Turnout Best in 6

Photo: Matt Sullivan.

Sullivan abandons run for Housing Authority

On the final day to withdraw from town-wide and Town Meeting contests, Hammond Road’s Matt Sullivan decided to remove his name in the race for a five-year seat on the town’s Housing Authority.

A frequent candidate in town, Sullivan did not mention a reason to town clerks when he abandoned his challenge. Realtor Ann Mahon is now the only candidate on the ballot for the seat.

A pair of residents – Tomi Olson and Paul Rickter – are on the ballot seeking a three-year position on the authority.

The numbers are in and the precinct with the greatest number of voters is …

The votes have been counted and there is a bit of an upset for the precinct with the greatest percentage number of voters in the Presidential Primary as Precinct 6 noised out Precinct 1, 60.7 percent to 60.5 percent. The biggest surprise of the night came from Precinct 7, known for having quiet polling areas, were voting participation nearly topped,a;

The biggest surprise of the night came from Precinct 7, known for having quiet polling areas, saw 57.6 percent venture out to take a ballot. 

But there were no real losers this year as all precincts registered for than 54 percent voters turnout with a town-wide total number of 57.3 percent, a high figure in historical terms. Precinct 1; 60.52%

The number per precinct (thanks to the Town Clerk’s Office)

Precinct 1; 60.52%

Precinct 2; 54.07%

Precinct 3; 55.55%

Precinct 4: 55.04%

Precinct 5; 56.79%

Precinct 6; 60.65%

Precinct 7; 57.59%

Precinct 8; 58.93%

Total: 57.41%

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