Photo: Mark Paolillo.
By Ellen Schreiber and Sara Masucci
Leadership, experience and vision matter on our Board of Selectman.
Last year, we led the override campaign to protect our town – to keep the schools strong; to fix our roads, sidewalks, and buildings; and to avoid encroaching on other town services we all depend on.
This work is not done. Belmont is now facing some of its most exciting and most daunting challenges ever.
These challenges require Mark Paolillo’s strong leadership, experience and vision.
Mark believes in a community where individuals make a difference. He is a parent who “put his money where his mouth is” to guarantee the excellence of our schools. With Mark, everyone has a voice, every perspective is important, and a consensus is a worthy goal. In Mark’s Belmont, unique places like the Underwood Pool, the Viglirolo Skating Rink, Butler playground, Joey’s Park, the emerging Community Path, and the Senior Center define this “Town of Homes.” He fosters the vision that we become a community when we serve our neighbors and strive together to be better.
Mark’s priorities are our priorities, including:
- Shepherding the renovation/rebuild of Belmont High School,
- Relieving the budget pressure caused by skyrocketing school enrollment,
- Extending the positive impact of the Proposition 2 1/2 override,
- Leading the implementation of identified revenue opportunities and fiscal discipline,
- Achieving consensus on the community path,
- Navigating the murky waters of the Minuteman High School project,
Plus many more.
Mark is uniquely capable of accomplishing these tasks.
- Mark was a key architect of the override. The Financial Task Force he led performed the analysis that created the override proposal, and he was a primary advocate for passage.
- Mark has always been a strong supporter of the Belmont schools as a parent and town leader.
- Mark has 12-years of experience analyzing and optimizing Belmont’s complex, $100-plus million budget.
- During his tenure as Chair of the Board of Selectmen, Belmont benefitted from Mark’s skill in consensus building and negotiation. Time after time, he demonstrated his commitment to listen to all residents as a key part of his decision making.
- Mark has experience with building projects, as selectman during the construction of the Wellington School and the Underwood Pool.
We believe the effectiveness of the Board of Selectmen would be compromised without Mark.
- Mark has a unique skill set on the board as a CPA, who leads a global accounting practice.
- Mark is the only selectman with 12-years of Belmont budget experience, compared to the other selectmen who have 1-2 years of experience.
- Mark’s institutional knowledge is irreplaceable on the board; he is well versed on every important issue that Belmont has faced for the last 18 years.
This is not the time for “change for the sake of change.”
Of course, there are always things we can do better. A government is a work in progress. And none of us are perfect. We believe Mark sincerely regrets the vote that led to the contentious atmosphere surrounding the Belmont Center project, and he was part of collaboration that achieved a compromise.
Mark’s leadership has helped Belmont take huge steps forward. We wouldn’t have the override without Mark. Or the Underwood Pool. Or the new Minuteman agreement. Or the Financial Task Force. Mark is the “go-to” selectman to resolve Belmont’s most thorny issues.
There is no one more committed to Belmont’s children and seniors, homeowners and renters, businesses and employees, than Mark Paolillo. He is dedicated to serving this community.
In these exciting and challenging times, Belmont is lucky that Mark Paolillo wants to continue to serve on the Board of Selectmen.
Great article… Mark details more his priorities on his website here