Photo: Warrant Committee Chair Michael Libenson.
A warrant briefing on the Special Town Meeting to determine if Belmont will withdraw from the Minuteman School District will be held tonight, Monday, Oct. 17, at 7 p.m. in the Chenery Middle School auditorium, 95 Washington St.
The briefing, co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters and the Warrant Committee – Town Meeting’s financial watchdog – will include town officials and department heads providing information and answer citizen inquire concerning the article.
In May, Town Meeting voted by a little more than a 2/3 margin to approve leaving the Minuteman School District due to an ongoing dispute with the administration on the size and scale of a new $145 million building.
In September, Belmont was the only member community to vote against the project in a special district-wide election.
Warrant Committee Chair Michael Libenson will moderate the event.