Photo: These events will take part on Saturday morning.
Belmont citizens who served and sacrificed for their country will be commemorated in a pair of dedications taking place on Saturday, Nov. 2.
At 9 a.m., the courts at Town Field, 160 Waverley St., will be named for Sgt. Edward “Teddy” Lee, a Bradley Road resident who lost his life serving with the 75th Airborne Ranger Division in Vietnam on May 13, 1968.
The naming of the courts to Lee – a Belmont High graduate who was a member of the school’s only state football championship team in 1964 – has been the singleminded effort of Belmont Police Assistant Chief James MacIsaac.
At 10:15 a.m. a parade will begin from the World War I memorial, 1 Common St., across from the commuter rail station traveling up Concord Avenue to the dedication of the renovated Belmont Veterans Memorial at Clay Pit Pond across from Belmont High School at 11 a.m.
The new memorial will restore the existing wall to its original condition when it was built in 1941, as well as new memorial stones honoring Belmont residents who took part in military conflicts since the town’s founding in 1859.