Belmont Jazz Ensemble Performs at Cambridge’s Legendary Ryles Tonight

Photo: The Belmont High School Jazz Ensemble.

You can’t get any better than the Belmont High School Jazz Ensemble.

The quintet of talented seniors – Max Davidowitz on drums, Mary Yeh, bass; Charlie Smith, piano; Rowan Wolf, tenor saxophone; and singer Zoe Miner – won over the judges at this year’s Massachusetts Association of Jazz Educators’ annual conference with their outstanding performance at the Berklee Performance Center in March, earning them the rarified status of being named gold medalists.

But the combo never got the chance to show their chops to the public three months ago after the concert they would have been part of was cancelled at the last minute.

So the group’s long-time director, Berklee professor Mazim Lubarsky, and the members decided to put on their own show. Tonight, Wednesday, June 3 at 7 p.m., the combo will be performing at the legendary venue Ryles Jazz Club in Cambridge’s Inman Square. The club, which hosts international and local jazz performers, is located at 212 Hampshire St. which is only 15 minutes from Belmont Center. 

Tickets are $5.

The night will also showcase guest performers – and fellow Belmont High students – Riley Grant and Alex Sun on trumpets and Sa-Sa Gutterman on trombone. 

Check out a video of the group here.

This is an opportunity for residents and fellow students to enjoy great music and get a chance to see young musicians – nurtured in the school district’s music program – at the start of their careers. 

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Belmont Baseball Heading to Wilmington for First Round of Playoffs

Photo: Belmont High School Baseball.

In a meeting between eight and nine seeds, Belmont High School Baseball will be take on Middlesex League partner Wilmington High School in the first round of the MIAA Div. 2 North Sectional playoffs.

The teams, both 11-9, will meet on Thursday, June 4, at 4 p.m. at Wilmington High School. 

In their only encounter this year, the Marauders defeated the Wildcats, 9-3, back on April 29 in Wilmington. 

The winner of the game will take on the winner of number-one seed Danvers (17-3) and 16th-ranked Tewksbury (6-14) on Monday, June 8, at 4 p.m. at the home of the highest seed. 

Belmont Town Meeting, Section B; Monday, June 1

Photo: Belmont Town Meeting

7:08 p.m.: Mike Widmer, town moderator, has gaveled Section B of the annual Town Meeting into session.

It’s the beginning of all things budgetary including what to do with the rest of the override funds. That’s $1.6 million.

7:16 p.m.: A proclamation for Bruce Davidson, a long-time chair and member of the Warrant Committee and Town Meeting member, who recently died. He was also a long-time financial editor and columnist for the Boston Globe.


7:19 p.m.: Kevin Cunningham, Pct. 4, is seeking to change the order of the articles to place Article 12 to go before Article 13. Widmer believe that keeping it in the current order because if Town Meeting does not allocate the remaining $1.6 million of the override amount, then you would want Article 12 coming afterwards. If not, Town Meeting would need to have countless articles. Cunningham’s wishes are defeated.

7:29 p.m.: Sami Baghdady, Selectmen chair, is making the Board’s update. Here are some highlights around town: Belmont Center Recreation . 

And some real news: the Belmont Center commuter rail bridge will be power washed this summer. “How nice it will be for the gateway to our community” to be brought back to its stone glory.

The Underwood Pool is on schedule.

Belmont Uplands project: 298 units/60 affordable units. The building foundations are in the ground. Look on the bright side: 60 units of affordable units but will be give credit for all 298 units s there will be 696 affordable units or 6.7 percent.

Cushing Village: The last two weeks, the new partnership has received the OK for construction financing so maybe something will be built there this summer. Maybe.

Woodfall Road: There is now a P&S agreement and a sale will be done in 90 days. 

Pavement Management Program: The most money that can be used in one year.

Community Path Implementation: It’s on track.

Belmont Public Library: A new project feasibility study will get underway soon.

Solar Net Metering: A modified stage II within 60 days – looking for a compromise between solar advocates and Belmont Light. 

Belmont remains a great place to live so let’s keep moving forward, said Baghdady.

7:42 p.m.: State Rep Dave Rogers is addressing the gathering. House passed its budget – $38 million, a small increase. The new budget does not draw on the stabilization fund. Good news for Belmont is a five percent increase to education and 4 percent for general government. And $350,000 increase in roads and sidewalks. Also fully fund sped circuit breakers and METCO will see a 5 percent increase. Rogers priorities includes funding for homeless families, DEP funding, and funding for Legal Aid. He introduced 26 bills with a focus on legal issues including criminal justice reform (solitary confinement for those 21 and under.)


In local projects, Alewife rotary reconstruction at routes 2 and 16 (public meeting on June 16, at 6 p.m. at 60 Acorn Park in Cambridge.) 

7:54 p.m.: Back to business. Article 10 is up, the salaries of elected officials. It’s approved after Bonnie Friedman, Pct. 3, asked why the town doesn’t pay something to the school committee. Widmer recalled a vigorous debate on paying school committee members several years ago. It was defeated then and it has never come back up. 

8 p.m.: Mike Libenson, chair of the Warrant Committee, is going over the entire budget. Fun facts:

  • The budget is $100,293,295; nine figures!
  • The total budget increased by 5.3 percent while the $84.5 million operating budget (other then pension, debt, the other stuff you don’t spend) increased by more than 6 percent.
  • Fixed costs are $15.8 million with pensions is $6.5 million with debt at $4.4 million. Road spending is going up with debt is falling.
  • Schools take up the most of the operating budget (58 percent) with public safety (15.2 percent) followed by public services (12 percent) then general government (5 percent).
  • Municipal departments funded at level service or better.
  • Healthcare costs is again flat, saving money.
  • School have been saved from significant cuts, adding 16 full-time equivalent personal.
  • Free cash: Belmont spent a lot: It started with $7.5 million in July last year, spending $1.3 million on Belmont Center, and fiscal 16 allocation at $1.75 million and OPED and snow and ice ending at $3.3 million, which is within the guideline of having at least 3 percent of the total budget.

There are four stabilization funds – SpEd, a new “general” fund (where to put the override funds), OPEB and capital/debt (for four projects). 

Long-term trends: as a Town of Homes, growth can only be between 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent annually. Employee pay is 70 percent of the budget, school costs shooting up, lot of needs in capital and maintenance and infrastructure and pension and health care obligations. 

Did you know that there is a different between pensions and other post employment benefits (OPEB)? Yes, there is. Pensions are being paid off by 2027 and OPEB has a $171 million unfunded liability (which is $21 million lower than what was predicted.)

8:23 p.m.: OK, up now is Article 13, the general stabilization fund to be funded with a transfer of $1,674,069. There are two amendments, both by Cunningham. He said he doesn’t care how members vote on the amendment, his objective is to start a conversation on “process.”

But before he could come to a point, Robert McGaw, Pct. 1, calls point of order, that Cunningham has gone beyond the amendment’s scope. Moderator Widmer said he would give Cunningham some “poetic license” on his comments. But Cunningham continues to make it a debate on process, which causes Widmer to ask him to get to the point.

After completing his presentation, Cunningham then removes his amendments after getting his point across.

During the debate, Adam Dash, Warrant Committee and Pct. 1; Jack Weis, Pct. 1; Ellen Schreiber, Pct.  and Paul Roberts; Pct. 8, make the same point: allow the will of the voters who passed the override to be upheld even if members don’t like the idea that these funds are not targeted towards specific needs. Joe White, Pct. 4, said the voters would not have voted for the override if they knew there would be funds remaining. 

The vote has been called and after a false start, the article passes easily, 214 to 32. 

9:15 p.m.: Now is the real money, Article 12, the town’s budget, will be debated and voted. 

Early on in the process, there is an amendment that will request the Warrant Committee to produce an update report on the town’s current pension funding schedule, which is $6 million in fiscal 2016 and will increase by seven percent annually until 2027. Sponsored by Julie Crockett, Pct. 5, the report will see if there are alternative schedules that are not “unsustainable” as the current plan.

The amendment passes 137 to 85. 

9:55 p.m.: The school budget is up. At $49,660,070, it’s big. And it passes, unanimously, like most budget appropriations. 

10:35 p.m.: Finally, all the department budgets have been approved. 

10:36 p.m.: Just one more article, said Widmer. Groans. Article 17 is the OPEB (Other Post Employment Benefits) Stabilization fund at $366,738. Town Treasurer Floyd Carman is masterful in explaining why this little amount of money is seen large by the credit rating agencies which allows the town to keep its AAA rating, a rare occurrence. 

Baghdady said the Selectmen will create a similar committee to the Warrant Committee’s pension review committee to take a look at the town’s OPEB payments. Article 17 passes easily. 

10:45 p.m.: Finally, the gavel comes down and the first night of the reconvened Town Meeting has ended. See you on Wednesday for the Capital Budget portion.


Belmont Garden Club’s ‘Tour’ Set for June 13

Photo: Lilacs in bloom.

The Belmont Garden Club will host “A Tour of Belmont Gardens,” to celebrate the club’s 85th anniversary, on Saturday, June 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
The tour – held rain or shine – will venture into seven local flowering gardens, the locations to be announced on the day of the event. 
Advance sale tickets are $25 and can be obtained by call Loretta at 617-484-4889. On the day of the tour tickets, with a map of the gardens, will be available at the Belmont Public Library for $30.

Reconvened Town Meeting To Determine What To Do With Override Funds

Photo: Belmont Town Meeting.

As the annual legislative meeting reconvenes on Monday, June 1, at 7 p.m. at the Chenery Middle School to debate and vote on the town’s finances, the nearly 300 member will be asked to decided where to place the remainder of the $4.5 million raised after voters approved the Proposition 2 1/2 override at April’s Town Election.

With the focus of the night on the town’s operating budget, the one article that is capturing a great deal of interest is Article 12, transferring $1,674,069 of the override amount into a general stabilization fund. If approved, the funds will remain there until Town Meeting, by a two-thirds margin, approves any transfer of funds.

The key word is “if” because there is a possibility that Town Meeting might not approve the transfer of the funds in the first place. There have been rumblings by some override opponents to vote against Article 12. Since the $1.6 million would not be appropriated, that amount would not be levied in taxes in fiscal 2016, effectively providing ratepayers a small “rebate” on what they had been anticipating in taxes beginning July 1.

Warrant Committee member Adam Dash’s amendment to the fiscal 2016 budget appropriations article will be brought before Town Meeting if Article 13 fails. It would raise the $1.6 million from somewhere in the budget and place the funds into the Warrant Committee Reserve Account. The committee would sit on the amount for the entire year and allow it to become part of the town’s “free cash” amount. So at next year’s Town Meeting, those funds would be placed in the General Stabilization Fund.

“This would preserve the will of the voters by levying the full amount of override funds,” said Dash. If Article 13 passes, Dash will drop his amendment.

But before Dash’s amendment moves forward, there are a pair of amendments sponsored by former School Committee member Kevin Cunningham, on the Article 13. The two amendment would, in their way, take $250,000 of the amount and place it into the Special Education Stabilization Fund, thus providing $1,424,069 into the general fund.

According to Cunningham, the quarter million dollars being directed to the Sped Stabilization account simply replenishes the line item after it was drained by that same amount in April to help close a $500,000 deficit in this school year’s budget.

Since there is “the highest likelihood” the Sped Stabilization will be needed in fiscal ’16, Cunningham targeted fund to an area where the need will be greatest.

It doesn’t appear the amendment will find much support from the Board of Selectmen or the Warrant Committee since, as Board of Selectmen Chair Sami Baghdady said last month, “we made a promise to the voters that every dollar would be set aside for the purposes stated on the ballot” which included school deficit, capital budget bonding and streets and sidewalks.

While it doesn’t appear that Town Meeting will take up five hot-button articles – four citizen petitions and a request to reconsider the “solar” article – being brought to the assembly by newly-elected Selectman Jim Williams until the third night of the June agenda, his presence will be felt with a second amendment to Article 12 sponsored by a slew of Town Meeting members.

Dubbed by Dash as the “Warrant Committee’s summer project,” the amendment directs the Warrant Committee to produce an update report on the town’s current pension funding schedule, which targets $6 million in fiscal 2016 and increased by seven percent annually until 2027.

The Warrant Committee will take a look at different strategies to mitigate the impact the pension has on the town’s annual expenditures.

“[Williams] is the imputes for this project. And it’s something that should be done as being part of good fiscal management,” said Dash two weeks ago.

This Week: Town Meeting Returns Monday, Jazz at Ryles Wednesday, Garden Opening Friday

Photo: Burbank Elementary School Garden.

On the government side of “This Week”:

  • The Board of Selectmen will meet on Monday, June 1, at 5:30 p.m. at the Chenery Middle School to sign a few contracts, approve applications and take a series of votes on Warrant Committee articles and amendments. 
  • The School Committee will discuss pending articles and amendments that will come before Town Meeting when it meets at 6 p.m., on Monday, June 1, and Wednesday, June 3, at the Chenery Middle School.
  • The Warrant Committee meet on Monday, June 1, and and Wednesday, June 3, at 6:30 p.m. at the Chenery Middle School to discuss financial articles and amendments. 
  • The Community Path Implementation Advisory Committee will meet at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 2, at Town Hall, where they will identify challenges with potential routes.
  • The Planning Board meets on Tuesday, June 2, at 7 p.m. where they will discus the next step on the citizen petition zoning amendment. 
  • The Underwood Pool Building Committee will meet on Thursday, June 4, at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

Belmont Town Meeting reconvenes with its focus on financial articles. The meeting takes place on Monday, June 1, at 7 p.m. at the Chenery Middle School. 

State Rep Dave Rogers will be holding office hours on Tuesday, June 2, at 9:30 a.m. at the Beech Street Center.

• The Benton Library, Belmont’s independent and volunteer run library at the corner of Old Middlesex and Oakley, will be holding Summer Pre-School Story Time at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 2, with stories and crafts for children 3 to 5. Younger siblings may attend with adults. Parents or caregivers must be present. Registration is not required. Pre-School Story Time meets at 10:30 a.m. every Tuesday and Friday throughout the summer.

Sing-along with Julie will take place on Wednesday, June 3, at 10:30 a.m. in the Children’s Room.

• On early release Wednesday, June 3, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., Chenery Middle School student can stop by the Belmont Public Library’s Assembly Room, work on your homework, enjoy some lemonade and cookies, and try out an activity. This is for middleschoolers only, so high school students can do something else. The activity is funded by the Friends of the Belmont Public Library. Just drop in.

• The Belmont High School Jazz Ensemble, Massachusetts Association for Jazz Education’s gold medalists, will be performing at Ryles Jazz Club, 212 Hampshire St., Cambridge, on June 3 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5.

• The Friends of the Belmont Public Library annual meeting will take place on Thursday, June 4, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Beech Street Center, 266 Beech St.

• The LEGO Club for kindergarteners through second graders is back on Thursday, June 4 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the Belmont Public Library. Drop in anytime. Members will be creating their own unique LEGO structures. All LEGOs will be provided.

The 7th-8th Grade Book Group from the Chenery Middle School meets Thursday, June 4, at 7 p.m., at Belmont Public Library’s Young Adult Room.

• The Burbank Elementary School Garden Opening Celebration will take place at 3 p.m. on Friday, June 5, at the school on School Street with ribbon cutting and activities for families in the new Garden Classroom and in Burbank’s organic vegetable garden, also established this year with co-sponsorship from Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom. 

Belmont Yard Sales: May 30–31

Photo: Yard sales in Belmont.

Yard sales in the “Town of Homes.” 

• 96 Agassiz Ave., Saturday, May 30, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

• 151 Beech St., Saturday, May 30, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

• 30 Clark St., Saturday, May 30, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

• 30 Davis Rd., Sunday, May 31, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

• 13 Harvard Rd., Saturday, May 30, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

• 6 Hillside Terr., Saturday, May 30, from 8:30 a.m. to noon.

• 30 Moraine St., Saturday and Sunday, May 30 and 31, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

• 179 Trapelo Rd., Saturday and Sunday, May 30 and 31, noon to 4 p.m.

• 449 Trapelo Rd., Sunday, May 31, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

• 88 Winn St., Saturday, May 30, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Selectmen, Minus One, Unwilling to Replay Solar Fight at Town Meeting

Photo: Jim Williams (left) and Mark Paolillo.

Telling their new colleague revisiting a contentious Solar Amendment at the reconvened Town Meeting on Monday, June 1 is “not a good use of Town Meeting’s time,” the Belmont Board of Selectmen voted 2-1 to recommend unfavorable action on a motion to reconsider to bring the amendment back before the town’s legislative body.

During the debate, held at the Board’s meeting on Thursday, May 28, at the Beech Street Center, Selectman Jim Williams – who will bring the motion before Town Meeting next week – contend that the vote by Town Meeting on May 4 to “postponed indefinitely” the amendment was an example of “tantrum management” where personal attacks were launched to stifle a debate opponents didn’t want.

Yet for the two selectmen opposing the motion, a Solar Amendment “reboot” would be the wrong message to bring to resolving the issue of net metering in Belmont.

“We want to focus on the future, not the past,” said Selectman Mark Paolillo, who with Chair Sami Baghdady, voted to recommend not rehearing the debate.

Saying that he is committed to reaching the “right measure” on solar power pricing by committing to a relatively short public process to determine a long-term policy by October, Baghdady added that the reconsider motion “only creates perfect division in town.”

Paolillo restated an argument made by several Town Meeting members earlier in May that the amendment, requiring the town to approve a yet-to-be created state legislation on net metering, as “completely flawed to begin with.”

Paolillo called for an independent review of any future policy “to find middle ground” to defray the cost of installing and using solar power by revisiting earlier plans adopted by the town. He said this could be done within 60 days after Town Meeting adjourns.

Williams said he would be willing to remove the motion if those who brought the solar power measure  to Town Meeting – known as Article 9 – would support a more formalized review period suggested by Baghdady and Paolillo, “because then I have the confidence that the opposing position will be heard.” 

But Phil Thayer, Precinct 6 and a supporter of the article, said he didn’t have any comment on the proposal. 


Selectmen OK Woodfall Road Purchase And Sale, $1.75M Price Tag

Photo: Woodfall Road site.

The Belmont Board of Selectmen approved a purchase and sale agreement for the purchase of town-owned property at the end of Woodfall Road to a Lexington developer for $1,750,000.

Dani Chedid of Lexington’s Phoenix Construction Group will now begin the formal process of purchasing the 5.25 acre parcel adjacent to the Belmont Country Club and in the Hillcrest neighborhood on the west side of Belmont Hill, said Sami Baghdady, chair of the Selectmen at its meeting Thursday, May 28.

Chedid, the lead of a three-person group, outbid Northland Residential of Burlington (which constructed the The Woodlands at Belmont Hill) by nearly $1.5 million in December 2013 to begin working with the town on a final price tag for the property that will be home to four luxury single-family homes. 

Seventeen months ago, Chedid offered $2.2 million of the site. Since then, the town – through Town Administrator David Kale’s office – and contractor have been negotiating a final price for the land after a long due diligence process that included environmental assessments, soil testing, monitoring wetland requirements and, at one point, discussions with the country club on the likelihood of golf balls flying onto the new homes, said Baghdady.

“Woodfall Road is a different site since the request for proposal,” said Baghdady, referring to the nearly half-a-million dollar reduction in the original offer. 

“Yet even now, it’s a much better award than the $750,000 [Northland] offered,” he said.

The P&S now requires the town to present a “clean” title and for a state environmental test to be conducted. In addition, Chedid will go before the Belmont Conservation Commission to request a “side” order to allow some relief to build on one of the four lots due to wetland concerns.

A final purchase of the land, which has been on the market for more than a decade, should occur in the next two to three months, said Baghdady.

Belmont Schools Increasing Rents, Fees for BASEC, Swim Team and Kindergarten

Photo: Renting Belmont High School’s Higginbottom Pool will cost more if the Belmont School Committee approved fee increases. 

Saying that teaching positions should not be sacrificed if programs using its facilities are not paying a fair rate, the Belmont School Committee was presented a proposal to increase the rent for two non-profit programs and a jump in kindergarten fees in the coming school year.

“So now we will be we equitable with other areas and we’ll be getting more money,” said Belmont School Superintendent John Phelan at the committee’s meeting held Tuesday, May 26 at the Chenery Middle School.

Under the new fee schedule, two popular programs, the Belmont After School Enrichment Collaborative (the independent non-profit that runs the after school care programs at Belmont schools) and the Belmont Aquatic Team will see significant hikes in rental bills in the next two years.

Part of the impetus for a comprehensive review of the district’s rent and fee schedule came during the lead up to the Proposition 2 1/2 override vote in April, in which town voters overwhelming approved a $4.5 million tax hike to cover future deficits in the district’s budget.  

“We have not raised fees in five years and we’ve been talking about” revisiting the subject no matter the override’s outcome, said Phelan.

The overriding concern facing the district is that the current rates doesn’t meet the costs of “keeping the lights on,” paying utility costs, cleaning the areas, having maintenance workers on site and other demands on the district to keep the facilities up and running. 

Led by Tony DiCologero, the district’s Finance, Business and Operations director, the analysis calculated the cost-per-square-foot to operate a variety of spaces – the Higginbottom pool at the High School is far more expensive than a standard classroom – so the district could create a “baseline” cost to use a particular location.

DiCologero discovered the current sticker price for space did not meet the basic expenses required to manage the space. In addition, Belmont’s rental fees were well below the market rates of surrounding towns.

After the initial analysis was run, Phelan and DiCologero met with the two major users of school space – BASEC and BAT – to discuss the need for a “rethinking” on the fees.

“We see them as partners with the schools,” said Phelan. “They were expecting rate increases and were eager to refile contracts and we agreed to phase in the fee so not to pile on a burdensome expense in the next six month.”

Under the proposal, BASEC will see an increase of about a third to rent space in the six schools – 25 percent in fiscal 2016 and 7 percent in fiscal 2017.

In actual dollars, increases range from $7,400 to $5,900 over the two years with rental expenses reaching $29,425 at the Wellington, Butler and the Middle School, $23,406 at the Winn Brook and Burbank and $6,688 at the High School in fiscal 2017. The school district will see an increase of a nearly $36,000.

BAT will see a major increase in its rent over the two years of a proposed new contract. Currently, the squad pays what many consider a token fee of $13.28 an hour, using the pool for just over 500 hours for a total cost of $6,760.

Beginning in fiscal 2016, the rent increases to $50 an hour and then to $70 an hour in fiscal ’17. The increase will see rental fees jump by $28,000 over the two years to $35,000. 

In addition to the fees, the groups will also need to produce a certificate of insurance and have their employees submit to a CORI review. 

Phelan said he did not know what the rental fees would cost individuals as members of the effected groups, but he has heard the groups “will be able to absorb the new costs.”  

Parents of incoming full-day kindergarteners will see fees increase either $400 or $600, depending whether Gov. Charlie Baker is successful in passing through the legislature a cut in an annual state grant that facilitates full-day K. If the grant money is not restored by either the House or Senate, the higher rate will be imposed. 

Even with the higher fee – the first increase in four years – compared to surrounding town and private kindergarten, the cost for the program “remains a bargain,” said Phelan.

The proposal is before the School Committee and its financial subcommittee. It will be voted at the next meeting of the school committee on June 9.