Don’t Pass Up Summer’s Favorite Stop; The Local Lemonade Stand

Photo: Belmont lemonade salesperson.

The days are not as long as they were just two weeks ago and the high temperatures just break 80 degrees. High school teams are practicing on Harris Field while kids are loading up on school supplies.

Summer is nearly over.

But in the final two weekends, before school resumes, you can still enjoy one of the joys of summer somewhere in town: freshly-squeezed lemonade from a paper/plastic cup, the creation of a young entrepreneur on a Belmont sidewalk.

So take the time to stop by and visit your local lemonade stand and purchase a glass (along with a side order of cookies if that’s also for sale) in an effort enjoy the last days of summer before heading home to wrestle through your closet to find the sweaters and boots you’ll need to wear soon enough.