Final Say: Jessie Bennett, Board Of Selectmen

Photo: Jessie Bennett (photo from

I am inspired by you.

You have shared so much with me these last few months: your hopes for your children or your retirement; your excitement, and nervousness, about the educational opportunities brought by the new 7-12 school; your determination to address our climate goals, cost of housing, business climate, traffic congestion, and pedestrian safety; your passion for the gathering places that define our town – the library, rink, and soon, community path.

You are what I love about Belmont.

So let’s do something bold. Let’s bring us all together. Let’s bring our combined skills, experiences, points of view. And let’s work like crazy until we get things done.

That’s what I do. I’ve spent my entire professional life joining and leading teams – in banking and non-profits, marketing and communications. I’ve spent nearly a decade in Belmont organizations – from town government to school-related non-profits to citizen groups – collaborating and leading people to accomplish big goals.

At this moment in time, Belmont needs a leader. Not an analyst, not a manager – we have those on staff. We need a Selectwoman who talks to residents, studies every angle of the issues, and values the advice of town departments and committees.

We need a leader who strikes the right balance and keeps us all in mind when tough decisions are made.

This is my promise: I am here to serve you, and I will never forget that it’s not about me – it’s about us.

I hope you will join me in creating the future of our town, and I humbly ask for your vote on April 2.

Letter To The Editor: Joint Endorsement For Jessie

Photo: Jessie Bennett at the Belmont League of Women Voters’ debate

To the Editor: 

Jessie Bennett is the selectman candidate we should vote for.  She is fiscally responsible and an enthusiastic civic leader. Jessie Bennett is the candidate who understands the needs of our town because she mingles with the citizens and listens to differing points of view.

Jessie steps out publicly to address problems. She led the fight to make walking to the Burbank School safer. She has joined the Transportation Advisory Committee and the High School Traffic Working Group in order to make sure that our new high school does not overwhelm the surrounding neighborhoods.

When building a new high school was on the horizon, Jessie jumped in to help with the project. She not only worked to pass the debt exclusion, but she has also been a presence at the Building Committee Meetings to participate in the discussions.

Jessie doesn’t come into the process in the middle of deliberations, she is there from the start.

Experience is valuable but what kind of experience do we need? Jessie has had experience in the world of work, from banking to marketing and communications as well as working in the non-profit sector. Her kind of experience leads to good decision making for all the citizens of Belmont. In the debates, Jessie has demonstrated her knowledge of the varied aspects of the issues and how they present opportunities for the Town of Belmont.

Selectmen do not make decisions in a vacuum. They have the assistance of professional employees who make the town work on a daily basis and also advise the selectmen on issues of finance. They provide information and background materials that lead to good decision making. A selectman is not just an individual, she is also part of the team.

Jessie Bennett is one of us. She knows how the ordinary people rely on the schools, the recreation activities, the Council on Aging, the work of the Department of Public works, and the Board of Health.  Her decision making will not only be financially sound but it will also be informed by broad input. Let’s put a smart hardworking woman on the Board.

Fred and Anne Paulsen

School Street