High School Building Committee Picks Leader, Debt Vote Likely in 2018

Photo: William Lovallo (right), the newly-elected chair of the High School Building Committee, speaking with BHSBC member Bob McLaughlin.

When the Wellington Elementary School opened on Sept. 25, 2011, Sarah Lovallo cut the ceremonial ribbon for the kindergarteners entering the school for the first time. 

Lovallo, who is in fourth grade at the Wellington, is eight years from graduating from Belmont High School, which may seem like time enough for her to cut the ribbon for a new high school.

But her father, Willam Lovallo, who was selected as chair of the newly-created Belmont High School Building Committee on Monday, April 4 at the first meeting of the committee held at the Chenery Middle School, doesn’t think Sarah will have a second cut at the ribbon.

“This is beginning to look like it will be closer to ten years before the construction is completed,” said Lovallo, who was the unanimous selection of the 15 member committee.

The Homer Road resident’s professional background as a vice president at the Boston-based civil engineering firm LeMessurier Consultants along with being a veteran of the town’s Permanent Building Committee and building committees including the fire houses, Beech Street Center, and the Wellington will bring “that remarkable knowledge” to the post, said Patricia Brusch, who led the inaugural meeting. 


Pat Brusch (center) at the inaugural meeting of the Belmont High Building Committee.

Brusch, who has been involved with constructing municipal and school buildings in Belmont for three decades, gave the committee a brief outline of what could be the next ten years of planning, financing and construction of a new high school.

With an expected infusion of $1.75 million from the proceeds of the sale of town-owned property on Woodfall Road – which will need to be approved by a majority vote at a Special Town Meeting on May 4 which will be a part of the annual Town Meeting – the committee will use the funds to:

  • create a feasibility study that will include environmental testing and assessment,
  • the hiring of a project manager and
  • Schematic designs for a new or renovate the high school. 

After the feasibility study, the committee in partnership with the Massachusetts School Building Authority will need to decide between one of four options for the building.

  1. Keep the present building and commit to repairing problem areas.
  2. Renovate the building “within the walls.”
  3. Renovate and construction of an addition.
  4. Build a new high school building at a nearby location.

After one of the four options is selected, the process moves to the schematic design stage. Once that is completed, then the town will need to come up with a budget which will come from a debt exclusion.

Brusch said a quick calculation using past examples such as the Wellington, the most likely date for a vote by town residents will occur two years from now during Town Election 2018, with an outside possibility of the fall of 2017 “if everything goes smoothly but that rarely [happens].” 

Brusch also noted state law prohibits the Building Committee from advocating or showing support for the debt vote.

“Citizens will be asked to form” an independent committee “which is not a problem in this town,” said Brusch, whose last piece of advice to the group is “stay within your budget!”

“The first reason is credibility,” said Brusch, as the cost of the construction “will be a huge nut for the town to crack” which will be easier to do if the committee can demonstrate that a new high school “is not a Christmas tree with everything below.” 

Both Brusch and Town Administrator David Kale emphasized that any final dollar figure and project timeline will be set only after the schematic designs are complete. But Brusch did say the long advertised amount of $100 million was used by town departments as “a placeholder” with a more realistic figure about 50 percent higher. 

Police: Allegation of Anti-Freeze Placed at PQ Park Proven Untrue


The Belmont Police has closed their investigation of allegations a person was spreading automotive anti-freeze in Pequosette Park off Maple Street after the person who witnesses reported was making the warning recanted what he told the residents.

In a press release released Thursday, April 7, Belmont Police Assistant Chief James MacIsaac said the police department received information on April 4 from two residents who told police they were informed that a person had “spread antifreeze” in the park.

“The Belmont Police investigated the allegations and on April 4, 2016, police spoke to the person who had reportedly witnessed the incident,” said MacIsaac.

“That person told police he had not seen anything.  This person further stated that he believed there was no antifreeze spread at the park and that the park was safe for dogs,” reported MacIsaac.

During its investigation, BPD could not find any evidence that antifreeze was placed in Pequossete Park. 

“Pending any forthcoming information, the Belmont Police consider this investigation closed,” said MacIsaac.

ZBA Denies Developer Vote To Build ‘Boutique’ Hotel on Pleasant and Brighton

Photo: The Zoning Board of Appeals voting to deny vote on hotel proposal.

For the second time this year, the Belmont Zoning Board of Appeals denied special permits which would have allowed the construction of a multimillion-dollar development on two lots at the intersection of Pleasant Street and Brighton Avenue.

This latest denial occurred Monday night, April 4, for the renovation of the two-building, two-story structure at 334 Pleasant St. – the former Mini Mart convenience store and offices – into a boutique hotel consisting of 19 guest rooms, a cafe for guests, a fitness room, a business center and offices on the 14,400 sq.-ft. site. 

Screen Shot 2016-04-05 at 11.36.16 AM

The ZBA Monday voted 3-2 not to even bring the five permits sought by Waltham developer Michael Columba before the board for discussion. Chair Eric Smith said the board did not have the authority to move the waivers forward since the town’s zoning bylaws don’t explicitly mention “hotels.” as an acceptable application.

“There is nothing in the bylaws that says a hotel can go anywhere in Belmont because there is no reference to a hotel use so how can we even hear arguments for the special permits,” said Smith.

The board dismissed the claim by Robert Levy, an attorney with Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott representing Columba, that the zoning bylaw’s parking requirements – which does briefly refers to a “hotel” – suggests the development’s “impacts” were similar to retail and service uses that are allowed at the site with a special permit.

“In my view, the mention of a hotel in the parking requirements was simply an error made at the time the bylaw was approved,” said Smith.

Not all the members held the same view as Smith as Associate Member John McManus said he “hates to see all these opportunities get squandered.”

While “disappoint,” Waltham developer Michael Columba said he was “OK” with the decision.

“I’ve always said that if the town did not want [a hotel], I have to put the building to good use with whatever tenants I can get,” Columba said, which will likely include a convenience store, garage and offices which are deemed “as of right” under the zoning bylaw and does not require town approval.

“I have to move on this project in a few months,” said Columba, who purchased the site in September 2015 for $1.9 million. 

Monday’s decision follows the rejection on Jan. 11 of a proposed 3,500 sq.-ft. Dunkin’ Donut franchise and retail space across Brighton from Columba’s property. The landowners and franchise, the Leo family who operates nearly 20 donut shops in Massachusetts and Florida, has suggested appealing the 3-2 vote denying them permits to renovate a former gas station and garage it purchased for $1 million in 2014. 

These latest board decisions have led some residents to complain that the ZBA is contributing to what many views as a negative business climate in Belmont, where the needs of commerce are pushed aside for those of residential housing.

Board members rejected the notion it is feeding the perception of an anti-business bias in town, saying it only follows what the Town Meeting – the legislative branch of town governance – has approved.

“In my view, we are trying to apply the bylaws which have been determined by Town Meeting what should be allowed and … if it turns out, in our opinion, it’s not, we are following [Town Meeting’s] edicts,” said Smith.

“This board definitely does not have an anti-business motivation,” said member Nicholas Iannuzzi, noting the ZBA approved “a ton of businesses along South Pleasant Street using the same bylaws which are on the books today.”

“But if something doesn’t fit within the zoning bylaws, then we don’t have much choice,” said Iannuzzi.

Changes to zoning laws would start at the Planning Board who would create a new bylaw before presenting it before Town Meeting for a vote. A current example is the rewriting of zoning language placing limits on the height and mass of new residential construction in the neighborhoods surrounding Grove Street playground.

But even if Town Meeting introduces hotel use under the bylaw, Columba is not interested in a do-over.

“No, I am not coming back for a hotel. That’s done. It’s no longer an option,” he said 

Hotel Proposal Hopes Third Time the Charm Before Zoning Board of Appeal

Photo: A rendering of the proposed Belmont Inn Suites at the corner of Pleasant and Brighton streets.

“Some conjurers say that number three is the magic number,” wrote Charles Dickens and Waltham developer Michael Columba hopes his third time before the Zoning Board of Appeals is a magical one as he one again presents his proposal to build a small hotel at the base of Belmont Hill.

It’s expected the Board will take a vote tonight, Monday, April 4, on Columba’s attempt to secure five special permits which will allow the construction of a 19-unit “European-style boutique hotel” at the corner of Brighton Avenue and Pleasant Street at the location of the now vacant Mini-Mart convenience store.

And there is every reason to think that the hotel has a better than average chance to pass board muster as the five members have asked Columba and his architect, former Belmont Selectman Andy Rojas, twice to return with greater detail and data on what are standard technical issues – sound levels of air conditioning, lighting, trash collection – that a commercial real estate development is required to present. 

If there is one issue that could derail Columba’s plans to bring to Belmont the first hotel in more than century it would come from ZBA Chair Eric Smith’s quiry on  just how a hotel fits within the town’s bylaws. As there is no mention of hotels in the table of uses in the zoning documents, “the closest … is apartments which are a prohibited use in [this zoning district],” Smith said at the previous meeting in March and February.

In March, Columba’s team made the connection the zoning bylaw’s parking requirements – which does briefly refers to hotel use – suggests a hotel would be similar to a daycare center or a catering business, retail and service uses that are allowed at the site with a special permit.

The project would involve renovating the two-building, two-story structure at 334 Pleasant St. to open a boutique hotel consisting of 19 guest rooms, a cafe for guests, a fitness room, a business center and management offices on the 14,400 sq.-ft. site. 

Columba, who is head of a construction company that specializes in building airport control towers and other aviation infrastructure, built his first hotel, the Crescent Suite Hotel in Waltham and is preparing to construct a multi-level hotel on the foot of the Charles River on Moody Street.

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Burgess-Cox for Precinct 2 Town Meeting

Photo: Vote on April 5. 

To the editor:

Belmont voters should head to the polls on April 5. Those in Precinct 2 should vote for me, Susan Burgess-Cox, for Town Meeting Member.   

I grew up on Lawrence Lane and moved to Radcliffe Road earlier this year after living on Hull Street and serving as a Town Meeting member in Precinct 4. I am currently a member of the School Committee and the Capital Budget Committee. My five-year-old twins, Maggie and Matthew, are in Kindergarten at the Butler School and will be enrolling at Winn Brook in the fall.    

Over the years, I have served Belmont as a member of the Disability Access Commission, the Senior Center Building Committee, Precinct 4 Town Meeting Member, the Wellington PTO and the Butler PTA. As a current School Committee and Capital Budget Committee member, I am working to address financial and policy issues related to increased enrollment in the schools and the capital needs of the town. Like many towns, Belmont faces challenges that require thoughtful planning. I would like to continue to address these challenges not only as a member of the School Committee but also as a Town Meeting member representing Precinct 2.

I would appreciate your vote on April 5.

Susan Burgess-Cox

Radcliffe Road

Letter to the Editor: Snow Days From a High School Student’s Perspective

Photo: A long way to school.

To the editor:

My name is Lloyd Ellison, and I am a senior at Belmont High School. For the third or fourth time this year, Belmont public schools will stay open even with the threats of six inches of snow.

I have a couple of issues with this; the first is obviously that I don’t get a snow day in which I get to sleep in and not take tests, but there is a much larger problem with the safety of getting and leaving school. Every time it has snowed this year, the large parking lot is not plowed before school. The lines are nearly invisible leading to confusion in where to park and disruptions in the flow of traffic in the parking lot. It is also not plowed during school, which makes it tough to get out.

I also find the main road is also not plowed particularly well, and this makes it very tough to get out of the school and onto Concord Avenue in addition to dropping off and picking up students in front of the school. I also get out early most days, so I find these troubles even before the bulk of students leave.

I’m not sure who is responsibility for clearing, but in my opinion, the removal needs to be better. I know it is tough to get this work done, especially early in the morning before staff and students come in. But this is why we have snow days because if it is too dangerous to get or to leave school then we don’t have it. Just because the roads are clear doesn’t do anything if the last roads and parking lots are not. I’m not saying that tomorrow needs to be a snow day, I’m just saying I want to feel safe going and leaving school.

Lloyd Ellison

Letter to the Editor: Town Meeting Needs a Youth Perspective

Photo: Daniel Vernick

To the editor:

I’m running to bring new energy and a youth perspective to Town Meeting for Precinct 1. I’ve lived in Belmont for the past 18 years, attending Belmont Cooperative Nursery School and then the Belmont Public Schools from Kindergarten through 12th grade. I’ve been involved in the Belmont community and town government throughout middle and high school, from establishing Chenery Green Week and Multicultural Night in 8th grade Student Council to planning the MLK Breakfast and expanding high school representation on the Human Rights Commission as a Commission member.

I’ve often seen a disconnect between students and town leaders. The youngest of 294 Town Meeting Members is more than 30 years old; college and high school students have no representation on Town Meeting. That’s unacceptable. Leading the high school override effort made me realize that many in town just don’t understand where we’re coming from. There are so many issues that young people are uniquely impacted by and have an important perspective on, from social justice to a new high school to the latest technology and its integration into education. As an 18-year-old BHS graduate, I’ll make sure that the voices of Belmont’s youth are heard, and that students’ ideas are integrated into town policy.

I’ve seen firsthand the problems facing our schools and the need to maintain the highest quality education. I first became involved in activism with the 2010 override in 7th grade. Last year I again organized my classmates for an override, connecting energy at Belmont High School with activism in the community. As Belmont High School Vice President, my work included successfully advocating for library renovations and new study areas, evaluating candidates for superintendent, and planning events such as Senior Service Day. I have experience representing my classmates’ perspective both internally within the school administration and externally through the town. I’ll have unique insight on the new high school, working to connect students’ ideas with the broader Belmont community.

I envision a bold Belmont at the forefront of progressive change. A few priorities:

  • Schools. Build on the progress of the override. Our schools remain underfunded and often improperly managed. Belmont schools have done an enormous amount for me, and I’ll do everything in my power to preserve and improve them for future generations.
  • Environment. Belmont should be a leader in sustainability and clean energy. I’ll work to preserve conservation land, advocate for solar net metering, improve public transportation, and support the Community Path and other new recreation areas. I’ll also push for Belmont to follow the lead of cities from Cambridge to Framingham in divesting from fossil fuel corporations.
  • Teachers. The teachers I’ve had in Belmont are some of the most incredible people I know, and I’m certain I would not be here without their tireless work. Belmont must ensure that every teacher is treated with fairness and justice. I’ll voice the concerns of teachers and elevate their influence in the school administration. 
  • Innovation. Make Belmont business-friendly, and attract businesses to build the tax base. Improve town infrastructure and technological capabilities; Belmont’s restrictions on social media make its Web presence lacking and archaic. Resist town regulation of Airbnb and other new technologies.
  • Equality. Belmont doesn’t have an equal rights bylaw that officially states racial and LGBT equality. I’ll advocate for a comprehensive bylaw that includes equal transgender accommodations. We must do more to combat prejudice and create an inclusive community.
  • Responsive government. Stand up for greater transparency and hold town leaders accountable.

I was inspired to run by beloved 15-year Belmont teacher John Sullivan, who was unjustly fired last June. I organized students to resist the termination; we organized more than 50 students to attend a School Committee meeting in protest and wrote a petition that obtained 650 signatures. Sullivan was a mentor, a leader, and the definition of a 21st-century educator. His philosophy of learning is exactly what Belmont needs more of. I’ll never forget Sullivan, and I’ll never stop fighting for the respect and dignity that my teachers deserve.

Town Meeting should make Belmont a leader. We must stand out not just in education but in everything from infrastructure to sustainability. My goal is to expand youth involvement in town government and to get more students to run for town office in the future.

I’ll bring a fresh voice and new ideas to Town Meeting. With 17 candidates running for 12 seats, this will be a tight race and every vote will make a difference! Feel free to reach out to 781-697-9732 or danieliwvernick@gmail.com if you have any questions or can help out with my campaign. Join me in the fight to empower young people and to make Belmont a leader. It would be an honor to have your vote this Tuesday, April 5th.

Daniel Vernick

Fairmont Street

Candidate’s Final Pitch: Andrea Prestwich for School Committee

Photo: Andrea Prestwich

Belmont schools are world-class. I’m in awe of our teachers, the achievements of our students and families who support them. I hope to serve on the School Committee because I’m committed to maintaining excellence in our schools. Belmont schools face tough challenges over the next few years, including a space crunch, increasing enrollment and a new high school. The school committee needs to make smart decisions and look for creative solutions to these problems. Most importantly, the school committee should be unanimous in maintaining funding and take a leadership role in advocating for a new high school. 

Another important issue is school start times. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control both recommend that middle and high schools should start later to allow kids to get the sleep they need. Recently, superintendents in the Middlesex Athletics League, including Belmont, signed an agreement to transition to later start times. I totally support the superintendent’s initiative and, If elected, I will work very hard to make later start times a reality. 

My day time job is in astrophysics. I am a member of the team that manages the Chandra X-ray Observatory. I have learned how large organizations work, how to negotiate, how to work with diverse people with different perspectives. I understand how to work through the ramifications of policy decisions while keeping focused on critical goals. I have overall responsibility for a $10 million dollar budget. I believe that my policy and budgetary experience will be invaluable on the School Committee, which sets policy for Belmont schools and approves the school budget.

I would be honored to serve on the school committee and if elected will work hard for our schools and the health and well-being of our children. I respectfully ask for your vote on April 5. 

Letter to the Editor: Why Belmont Should Vote for Kim O’Mahony

To the editor:

Belmont voters should head to the polls on April 5, 2016 and remember to vote for Kim O’Mahony for School Committee. 

Kim is qualified to serve on the School Committee for several reasons. First, as a mother of three students, she has a deep understanding and commitment to the schools. Second, running her own early childhood education business provides a genuine understanding of budgeting and expenses associated with education. Finally, she has been attending school committee meetings and understands the role of the school committee in overseeing the budget, superintendent and establishing policies for the schools.

I first met Kim when she was one of several candidates for an appointment to the School Committee in the fall of 2014. Kim answered the questions posed by the School Committee and Selectmen well and understood the role of the school committee in town government at that time.  During this election season Kim continues to provide thoughtful answers that truly show her understanding of the functions and role of the school committee. 

While I will gladly serve with any of the three candidates, the one who I believe will thrive as a member is Kim O’Mahony.  I hope you all head to the polls and vote for Kim O’Mahony. 

Susan Burgess-Cox

Radcliffe Road 

Why I’m Running: Paul Rickter for Housing Authority

Photo: Paul Rickter
My name is Paul Rickter and I’m running for Belmont Housing Authority. I’m a Town Meeting member and I live with my wife on Cross Street. Professionally I’m a programmer and I work for a software company called MEDITECH in Westwood.
There are three reasons why I’m running for Housing Authority.
One is my commitment to safe clean affordable housing. Affordable housing is an important part of the fabric of our community.
Two is my depth of experience serving on non-profit boards. I’ve served for 25 years on various boards, including 10 years on the national board of the Unitarian Universalist Association. I’ve chaired boards; I’ve chaired finance committees; I’ve chaired staff search committees. My board experience has taught me several lessons about leadership. One is that, especially on a small board like the Housing Authority, every member can and needs to take a leadership role.
Three is that I can forge creative solutions that make a difference in people’s lives. Writing software is about assessing problems, breaking down the issues into their component parts, and devising solutions for them. Low-income families trying to make ends meet are not ones and zeros, but the discipline of working through a problem and finding a creative solution is a skill that is definitely applicable to the Housing Authority. 
I am sure that my commitment, experience, and ability to forge creative solutions make me an ideal candidate for Belmont Housing Authority. I ask you for your support on April 5.