Town Warrant Is Now Open for the Next Month

Photo: Town Meeting

The opening of the 2017 Town Meeting Warrant, which is the list of agenda items to be voted on by the 290 member body opened today, Monday, Feb. 6 at 9 a.m. close a month later at 3 p.m. on Monday, March 6. 

It will close a month later at 3 p.m. on Monday, March 6. 

During this time, the Board of Selectmen will include articles in the warrant that include everything from appropriating money to run the town to proposed bylaws.

Residents can place articles in the warrant themselves, known as citizen petitions. Those submitting a petition must secure at least 10 signatures from registered voters, although the Town Clerk advises petitioners to obtain 15 to ensure they meet the requirement.

The petition will then go to the Bylaw Review Committee which reviews proposals for bylaw changes to make sure they do not conflict with existing statutes.

For more information, contact Town Administrator David Kale at 617-933-2610.

Trivia Night (And Beer) To Help High School Arts This Friday

Photo: The poster of the event.

Do you love playing (and winning) “Jeopardy”? Are you wicked smaht? Or does the idea of drinking beer on a Friday night holds any interest for you?

If any of these traits sounds familiar, then here is an event for you: PATRONS (Parents of Performing Arts Students) is holding a Trivia Night Community Event/Fundraiser this Friday, Feb. 10 at the Beech Street Center, 266 Beech St. at 6:30 p.m.

Here are some of the many reasons to be there:


If you’ve never been to a Trivia Event before, it’s a great night out!  We are bringing in Stump Trivia Company to run the entertainment portion of the evening. Form a team of 6-10 people ahead of time, or join a team when you arrive (either is fine). There are three to four rounds of trivia questions, with a wide range of topics and difficulty levels – it’s not just for Mensa members! In between rounds, there’s plenty of time for mingling and socializing.


PAC Staff will be there! This is a great opportunity to talk to some of the people you may have heard about from your children.  

It’s also a great opportunity to meet and mingle with a lot of PAC Parents who you may not know yet.


Craft Beer Cellars has donated beer, there will also be wine, and “heavy appetizers and snacks” donated by Il Casale, El Centro, The Loading Dock and more.


All proceeds from the event go to support PATRONS. Activity fees and ticket sales pay only part of the expenses for our productions. We rely on Patrons as an important funding source, especially for Equipment Purchases, Staffing Expenses, Scholarships, PAC Social Events, and more. This fundraising event will help fund new wireless microphone equipment for the shows.


Date: Friday, Feb. 10.

Time: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (The Trivia Portion of the evening will begin promptly at 7 p.m.)

Location: Beech Street Center, 266 Beech St.

Price: $35 per ticketBuy tickets online: 

Buy tickets online:

Group Seeking ‘Sanctuary Town’ Status For Belmont

Photo: Anne Mahon speaking before the Belmont Democratic Town Committee

A group of politically progressive Belmont residents is pushing forward with a citizen’s petition designating Belmont a “sanctuary” community to be voted on at the annual Town Meeting in May.

“We’re not doing this to wave a flag and make ourselves feel warm inside. There are people that are really afraid,” said Anne Mahon, chair of the Belmont Democratic Town Committee who presented the plan before two dozen members at its monthly meeting on Thursday, Feb. 2 at Town Hall.

Mahon said the committee’s move is in response to a ban of travelers from seven majority Muslim nations and halting of the resettlement of Syrian refugees by President Trump. 

“Belmont has residents with green cards and Visas because top scientists, doctors, and engineers are always being recruited from around the world to work at our universities and firms. They come here because we have one of the finest school systems as well as proximity to their job locations. We want our families to all feel safe here,” she said.

Mahon said supporters of the proposal expect an increase in deportations of not only undocumented immigrants but people in the country with a “green” card and student and work visas.

“We have local families that are afraid to visit a sick family member abroad for fear they will be denied access to their return,” she said.

“Imagine how horrible that would be … to have a job and a residence here, a dying parent abroad that they wish to comfort, but worry America won’t let you back in.”

A sanctuary community enacts laws placing limits on how much local police or town officials can cooperate with requests from federal authorities to hold immigrants in custody.

“There are people in Belmont we know who can’t leave the country because they don’t know if they can come back,” she said.

While most in attendance were approving of the measure, the Democrats want to see the petition sponsored by the town’s Human Rights Commission – as it was done in Arlington – to ensure a non-partisan debate at Town Meeting. 

“This is a bipartisan issue. This is just neighbors looking out for neighbors,” she said.

Belmont would join neighboring communities Newton and Arlington which have started their efforts to secure sanctuary status. Boston, Cambridge, Somerville and Amherst have established policies limiting cooperation with federal immigration authority.

Mahon said Belmont would use language similar to Arlington’s proposal [see below] which would prevent town police from enforcing federal immigration laws or for them to ask the immigration status of people they meet.

So far, reaction to Arlington and Newton has been mixed. While the language is still being crafted, Arlington’s Board of Selectmen has placed the article into its annual Town Meeting set for April but have yet to vote on a recommendation. In Newton, Mayor Setti Warren is backing one of two ordinances, but he and supporters have seen considerable pushback from those who feel the measure would threaten to shortchange the town of federal funding.

Trump has threatened to take away federal grants from sanctuary communities if they do not help deport immigrants.

Mahon said an analysis by the town’s treasurer found the financial hit to Belmont if the administration bans federal funds would be minimal with the town receiving just about $50,000, mostly in affordable housing grants.

Arlington’s Sanctuary Town resolution

To see if the Town will resolve to become a Sanctuary Town, joining hundreds of municipalities nationwide, providing a safe haven and sanctuary for undocumented residents of our Town, and protecting all residents from hate and prejudice, provided, however that this resolution shall not prevent law enforcement from investigating, arresting or charging someone for a crime or other legal infraction, or take any other action related thereto.

Inserted at the request of the Human Rights Commission


To see if the Town will resolve to become a Sanctuary Town, joining hundreds of municipalities nationwide, providing a safe haven and sanctuary for undocumented residents of our Town, and protecting all residents from hate and prejudice, provided, however that this resolution shall not prevent law enforcement from investigating, arresting or charging someone for a crime or other legal infraction, or take any other action related thereto.


To see if the Town will vote to adopt a resolution that Arlington serve as a “Trust Act” Community (also known as a “sanctuary community”) to ensure that all immigrants can fully and safely participate in the civic and economic life of the Town by resolving to refrain from among other things: using Town resources for the purpose of gathering information regarding the citizenship, immigration status, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation for discriminatory purposes; engaging in or assisting in Immigration and Customs Enforcement in reporting, arresting, detaining deporting, or taking any other law enforcement action unsupported by separate and distinct warrants or probable cause from criminal conduct unrelated to immigration status; or take any action related thereto.

Comment: A number of simultaneous efforts by Town residents and bodies, including the Arlington Human Rights Commission have expressed great desire to establishing Arlington as a “Sanctuary Town” or “Trust Act” community. I am aware that this matter is separately on your agenda as the Arlington Human Rights Commission plans to present their version of a warrant article (the former above) as part of a wider discussion for your endorsement. If the Board is so inclined, there may be some distinctions between the ultimate Town Meeting motion pursued by like- minded efforts, but overall it is my recommendation that if either or both are pursued, they are presented as resolutions.

I also look forward to the opportunity to discuss some of the distinctions between Trust Act ordinances adopted by neighbors such as Boston and the town’s legislative options.

Sports: Girls’ Basketball Playoff Bound After Dunking SpyPonders, 42-26

Photo: Sophomore Jane Mahon heading to the basket at Arlington. (Credit: Pete Giorgio) 

Unlike last season, Belmont High Girls’ Basketball did not wait ’til the last minute to punch their ticket to the playoffs. This year, they got there early, securing its tenth win in only 12 games as the Marauders had to survive what Head Coach Melissa Hart dubbed “a grim first half” to defeat hosts Arlington High, 42-26, on Friday, Feb. 3.

“We’re in the tournament which is great,” said Hart.

Leading the Marauders was sophomore forward Jane Mahon who had a career night with 13 points, 5 rebounds and 2 blocks.

“Usually I rush my shot but tonight I just took it a step slower, seeing where my defender was. If they were playing off me I was shooting jump shots but if they were on me I was driving the baseline,” said Mahon.

The first half was a rugged affair, with its share of missed shots and fouls as sophomore center Jess Giorgio (4 points) was in foul trouble early. Arlington, which won its first game of the season this week, led after the first, 7-6, and kept it close at the half. Belmont soon took the lead off of three Mahon hoops, which accounted for half of Belmont’s baskets. 

Up 19-15 at the half, the third quarter sealed the game for Belmont as the Marauders’ defense checked the SpyPonders, allowing two free throws, while Mahon took care of the offense with a pair of baskets and a free throw to push the lead to 30-17. Junior forward Jenny Call finished with 10 points including a pair of 3s in the fourth quarter.

Hart said the team is going into the Division 2 North sectionals “fairly well-rounded group in its scoring.”

“One of the most dangerous things is that we’ve had six different high scorers in the past six games,” she said. 

“I think we’ll be tough to guard, it’s hard to focus on one person to try and stop us.”

Burbank Crossing Guard Back To Support Walk to School Day

Photo: Crossing Guard Jim Marcantonio with parent Heather Barr.

Today was a great day for Jim Marcantonio. The Belmont resident was working as a crossing guard in front of the Burbank Elementary School when he was clipped by a vehicle on Jan. 11, sending him to the hospital.

The accident prompted a protest the next day and added a greater sense of safety for students walking to the school along School Street. 

This morning, Wednesday, Feb. 1, Marcantonio was back at his post, this time as a visitor, to participate in a Winter Walk to School Day. Marcantonio, who had been a guard for the past three years, greeted students as parents, town leaders (Selectman candidate Adam Dash) and state officials (Massachusetts Department of Transportation Representative Keith Doty) learn more about ongoing efforts to make Belmont’s streets safer.


Jim Marcantonio with 1st Grader Reece Bundy.

“We are working with the town planning department on various measures to make the crosswalk safer, which will need to be supported through the town’s budgeting process,” said Reed Bundy, a School Street homeowner who lives across from the Burbank who with his wife, Kelly Fanning, has been a leader in the safety efforts. 
“By gathering on Wednesday morning we can show that we value walking to school and care about making our routes to school safer,” he said.

Belmont Groups Screen Films of Refugees With Goal Of Greater Understanding

Photo: After Spring, directed by Ellen Martinez

A coalition of Belmont organizations that are working to help resettle refugees in the Boston area is presenting a series of films on refugees and immigration beginning this week that spotlights issues in the headlines.

“With today’s more than 60 million refugees, we thought that coming together to watch and discuss these significant films would be a way to broaden the community’s understanding of what is happening around the world and what we have been doing to assist,” said Sam James, who is leading a resettlement program at First Church of Belmont Unitarian Universalist.

The Belmont Public Library, Belmont World Film, Beth El Temple Center, and First Church of Belmont presents “A Community Responds: Three Films on the Global Refugee Crisis,” a series of award-winning documentaries:

  • Sonita on Thursday, Feb. 2 and
  • After Spring on Thursday, Feb. 9, both being screened at the West Newton Cinema, 1296 Washington St., Newton, and
  • All of Me on Thursday, Feb. 16 at the Belmont Public Library, 336 Concord Ave.

All screenings begin at 7 p.m. and are followed by discussions.

Proceeds benefit the International Institute of New England, which provides information on resources to refugees and immigrants, and the Refugee & Immigrant Assistance Center (RIAC) which promotes community education, refugee resettlement, post-resettlement support services, counseling services and socio-economic development in Massachusetts refugee and immigrant communities.

Winner of the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival, Sonita tells the story of an 18-year-old Afghan girl living as a refugee in a shelter in Tehran, who dreams of being a famous rapper. In Iran she gets counseling for the traumas she has suffered and guidance in shaping her future. But women aren’t allowed to sing in Iran and her family has a very different future planned for her: as a bride she’s worth $9,000. In an unconventional twist, Director Rokhsareh Ghaem Maghami becomes personally involved in helping Sonita fulfill her dream. The evening also features the short film Refugee Blues by Stephan Bookas, which charts a day in ‘the jungle’, the recently destroyed refugee camp outside Calais in France. Nano Raies, a second-year voice student at the Berklee College of Music and originally from Homs, Syria, will speak after the film. 


Former Daily Show host Jon Stewart executive produced After Spring, directed by Ellen Martinez, which follows two Syrian refugee families in transition, as well as the aid workers fighting to keep the Jordan-based Zaatari Refugee Camp, the largest camp for Syrian refugees, running. With no end in sight for the conflict or the refugee crisis, everyone must decide if they can rebuild their lives in a place that was never meant to be permanent. It will be screened with the short film People of Nowhere by Lior Sperando, which documents the volunteers working to save Syrian immigrants trying to make it to the EU. Omar Salem, chairman of the Karam Foundation that provides emergency aid to the people of Eastern Aleppo, will lead the post-film discussion.

All of Me by first-time Mexican filmmaker Arturo González Villaseñor chronicles a group of women who stand by the train tracks near the Mexican town of La Patrona. Calling themselves “Las Patronas,” they wait for a freight train full of illegal Latin American immigrants—on a perilous journey in pursuit of the dream of a better life in the USA—to pass by. They throw them water bottles and packages of food they cooked themselves and never miss a single train. Although poor themselves, the women understand the suffering of others. Representatives from the International Institute of New England and the Refugee & Immigrant Assistance Center will speak after the film. 


Tickets to the screenings at the West Newton Cinema on Feb. 2 and 9 are $11 general admission, $9 students and seniors, and are available in advance online or at the door beginning at 6:30 p.m. Admission to the Belmont Public Library screening on February 16 is free, but seats should be reserved through the site listed above; arrive early as seating is not guaranteed.

Other community partners include Belmont Against Racism, Belmont Religious Council, Human Rights Commission, and Mosesian Center for the Arts. For more information call 617-484-3980.

Belmont Under Winter Weather Advisory; 3″ to 6″ of Snow Expected

Photo: Snow’s a-coming.

Well, at least it was a nice morning.

The National Weather Service in Taunton issued a winter weather advisory in effect from noon today, Tuesday, Jan. 31 to 4 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 1 as the service is predicting up to half a foot of snow blanketing Belmont and most of the state when the storm ends around noon Wednesday.

Snow is expected to develop in the afternoon starting off as a brief period of heavy snow in early evening, falling at an inch an hour. The snow will taper off overnight. 

As of 10 a.m., Tuesday, Belmont has not issued a snow emergency. 

The storm will result in hazardous travel conditions 

Town Election 2017: Dash Off And Running After Launch Party

Photo: Adam Dash in focus.

If you’re going to have a campaign event for more than a dozen people in Belmont, it’s going to be in one of two places: the basement of the VFW Hall on Trapelo Road (where the bar is located) or Patou Thai in Belmont Center.

You will soon discover that while each location has its distinct ambiance, they both have one feature in common: they are the worst locations in eastern Massachusetts to take photos. Let’s just say you haven’t experienced tungsten lighting this harsh since they closed the interrogation rooms of Soviet-era prisons in the Ukraine.

But the light fixtures did not deter the 60-plus Belmontians from showing up to hear from Adam Dash as the Goden Street resident officially launched his campaign for a Selectmen’s seat this spring.

The Somerville attorney was there with his wife and younger daughter and campaign staff including co-chairs Ellen Schreiber and Sara Masucci – whom just so happened to be co-chairs of the Yes for Belmont effort that passed the Prop 2 1/2 override two years ago – and its chairman Ralph Jones.

Jones introduced Dash expanding on the candidate’s themes of vision, experience, and action.

“After last week, experience is needed” on the board, said Jones to a significant amount of laughter, not realizing his reference to the departure of Belmont’s Town Administrator David Kale would also be interpreted as a swipe at the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and his team that bungled a recent executive order.

He noted Dash’s membership on the Warrant Committee, Zoning Board of Appeals, Town Meeting and as vice chair of the Underwood Pool Building Committee, “the best building project this town has ever seen.” 

Dash joked to the audience that he has “met a million people or so” (What? Another swipe?) as he walked the streets knocking on doors and listening to residents who told him there needs to be a better way to conduct important town business “and then do it.”

He explained how he and neighbors including former Selectman Anne Marie Mahoney got the town to stop parking on both sides of Goden during high school football games which prevented vehicles from traveling on the narrowed street. 

“But not everyone is plugged in” as he and his neighbors.  

Action should be “top down rather than bottom up” when it comes to government, said Dash, who added that it was easy to just “kick the can” down the road; he would rather take the more challenging course of “getting the stone rolling for change.”

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Sports: Girls’ Hoops Dismiss Wakefield With ‘Perfect’ First; Enters Top 25 [VIDEO]

Photo: Belmont’s defense held Wakefield to a single basket in the first quarter.

For the final three-quarters, the 10-1 Wakefield Warriors played host Belmont just about even, scoring 33 points to the Marauders 32.

There was just one problem for Wakefield: a first quarter of perfection by the Marauders.

In the game’s initial eight minutes, Belmont (9-2, 9-1 in the league) played with the intensity and skill that would make the UConn Huskies proud, annihilating the 17th-ranked Warriors (10-2) 24-2 as Belmont dismissed Wakefield, 56-35 on Friday, Jan. 27.

“Wow,” said one of Belmont’s assistant coaches at the end of the first as the players came to the bench in wide-eyed astonishment, looking up at the scoreboard just to confirm what they had accomplished.

It was a quarter that Marauders’ suffocating defense stifled all but a single shot while its offense was nearly flawless, grabbing offense rebounds and making shots from in close and from a distance.

In a win in which each Marauder contributed to the victory, the night’s standout was sophomore center, Jess Giorgio. While a defensive stalwart since her freshman year – which came to the fore during last season’s playoff run – Giorgio offensive production has steadily increased through the season to where she has become a clear threat on both ends of the court.


Friday, Giorgio dominated the first quarter, hitting jumpers and free throws, grabbing rebounds, and making three assists on the first four Belmont baskets. In the final minute, she created a traveling offense, took a charge and made a driving layup with time running out to finish off the 24 point explosion. She finished with 17 points and 10 rebounds for her second double-double in three games.

“It was really, really fun to come out really hard … because we knew we had to come out to beat them.  They’re one of the biggest competitors in the league … it was a really good team win,” said Giorgio to the Belmontonian.

It was a team win from the open tipoff as Belmont’s starters outpaced Wakefield. A Giorgio offensive rebound led to a jumper from sophomore guard Meghan Tan followed by a 3 from junior forward Jenny Call. Giorgio converted a pair of free throws, a jumper, and two big defensive rebounds as Tan pickpocketed Wakefield guards for a pair of steals and junior guard and two-time all-star Carly Christofori hitting a three and free throws. By the time Wakefield called its first timeout at 3:24 remaining in the first, Belmont was up 18-2.

But the reprieve did not cool off Belmont as junior guard Alexa Sabatino 3-pointer and Giorgio’s final scoring spurt ended the quarter. While there were 24 minutes remaining in the game, the contest was essentially over.

Belmont kept the lead above 20 until midway through the fourth quarter when a Wakefield 3 cut the lead to 17 (50-33). But baskets by Giorgio (outrebounding a pair of Warrior defenders), sophomore Jane Mahon and Riley Haight gave Belmont its final margin of victory.

Next up for Belmont is a trip to meet the SpyPonders at Arlington on Friday, Feb. 3. 

Waverley Square Service Station Robbed at Gun Point Sunday PM

Photo: The location of the robbery in Waverley Square in Belmont.

A person with a gun robbed Waverley Square Service Sunday evening, Jan. 29, according to the Belmont Police Department

The Gulf-branded service station at the corner of Lexington Street and Thayer in the heart of Waverley Square was robbed at 7:35 p.m. The police has not released a description or photo of the suspect or how much money was taken.

Belmont Police is asking anyone “who witnessed anything unusual in [the] area around that time” to call them at 617-993-2501.