Belmont is on the forefront of local communities who have taken action to reduce its part in global climate change. More than a decade ago, Town Meeting in 2008 adopted a climate action plan to reduce the town’s green house gases by 80 percent by the year 2050. Since then, the town and Town Meeting has pushed policies and measures that has strengthened its role as a leader in mitigating carbon emissions in Belmont.
But according to the Belmont Energy Committee, the town can do better to achieve the goal of becoming a 100 percent carbon free community by 2050.
On Wednesday, April 10 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Belmont Art Gallery, (Homer Building) 19 Moore St., the Energy Committee is holding an educational forum on what are the most important steps residents and the town can take to make a difference in preventing global warming and climate change. Hear from experts about how the world of 2035 can and will differ from the world we know today.
Speakers will include:
George Bachrach: Former president of the Environmental League of Massachusetts and one of the leading environmental voices in Massachusetts. Bachrach is a former state Senator whose district included Belmont.
Peter Fox-Penner: Director of Boston University’s Institute for Sustainable Energy. The Institute’s Smart Cities Initiative focuses on promoting smart, sustainable cities through new methods of urban planning, infrastructure development, mobility, and built environment energy use.
Belmont Energy Committee along with Belmont Light General Manager Chris Roy, will explain Belmont’s Roadmap toward achieving Belmont’s goal of reducing carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050. The presentation will include an explanation of current ongoing action steps, the long-term action plan, and the Climate Change Resolution to be presented to Town Annual Town Meeting in the spring of 2019.