Belmont Town Day 2015: Overcast with a Chance of Fun

Photo: Town Day Belmont, 2015. 

When Eve Loncar heard there was going to be a dog show at Belmont’s Town Day festivities on Saturday, May 16, she thought why not enter her 10-month-old puppy Maxwell. She lived only a block away on Claflin Street and it would be nice way to spend the afternoon.

“We just walked right in,” said Loncar.

An hour later, she and her “Goldendoodle” left the annual event with the “Best of Show” prize (picked by the cheers from the assembled crowd) and a $100 gift certificate from sponsor Belmont Savings Bank.

“Wow, we got the house in the suburbs, the white picket fence and now a championship dog,” said Loncar, having moved to Belmont two years ago from Cambridge. 

The dog show was just one part of the day-long event hosted by the Belmont Center Business Association, now in its quarter century of existence. In addition to kids rides, businesses hawking their goods and services, and non-profits promoting causes, the day included an auto show, pony rides and plenty of food. Despite the overcast conditions, the rain held off and the day did not have the stifling heat of past years. 

Over by the dunk tank, special guest “dunkees” such as Belmont High Head Football Coach Yann Kumin, sat on the hot seat over a cold barrel of water to raise money for the Belmont Boosters Club. Coach “Q” had the misfortune of having the past head of the South End Youth Baseball Association throw a stinging fastball onto the target, sending him into the drink. 


The Return: Solar Power Article To Be Reconsidered by Town Meeting

Photo: Belmont Town Meeting.

The solar power article – effectively killed off by an amendment postponing indefinitely a vote on the measure on the first night of the Belmont Town Meeting, Monday, May 4 – has returned from the grave after newly-elected Selectman Jim Williams requested the Town Meeting revisit the contentious initiative possibly one more time. 

While voting for the amendment submitted by former Ralph Jones, Williams told the Belmontonian that the decision didn’t “sit well the day after” so he approached Belmont Town Clerk Ellen Cushman early Tuesday to request “a motion to reconsider” which is allowed under town meeting rules.

While Town Moderator Mike Widmer will inform Town Meeting on the reconsideration on the send night of Town Meeting, Wednesday, May 6, the earliest the actual vote on reconsideration will take place is in June, according Cushman.

At that time, Williams will speak on his request, discussion will take place before Town Meeting takes a vote on the reconsideration, which must pass by a 2/3 margin to be placed back before the members. 

If it does reach that plateau, Article 9 will be debated and will need to reach the standard 50 percent plus one vote to be adopted.

William said he believed his vote Monday, which passed overwhelmingly by Town Meeting, was “basically a ‘timeout’ for all parties to settle down and let the new Light Board do its work,”  referring to the board made up of the Selectmen which approves policy for Belmont Light, the town’s public electric utility. 

“[I] learned that the motion to postpone indefinitely was primarily used as a motion to dismiss and is normally employed by town officials when an article has been overcome by events and should be dismissed,” said Williams.

“This clearly was not my voted intention and so the decision to file for reconsideration was straight forward,” he said in an email Tuesday, May 5, 

Williams said, in his opinion, Town Meeting deserve to hear all sides debate the article “and … vote up or down on what [Town Meeting] want to do or should not be able to do.”
The article, which came to Town Meeting as a citizen petition, would place on the town ballot a non-binding resolution to request the town’s state legislators to vote for state legislation that would require Belmont and other municipal utilities to provide solar users favorable treatment when crediting solar owners for the electricity they add to the grid.
Yet many Town Meeting were incredulous with the measure when they discovered there is not state legislation for the legislators to vote on, and that the measure was presented to Town Meeting as a method to begin a discussion on promoting solar power. 

Want to Show Off Your Dog, Car, Family? Town Day Has Something for You

Photo: A cute dog.

Got a cute dog? How about a really cool car? Is your family worth a photo? How about all three? 

In less than two weeks, you’ll get your chance to show them off as Belmont Savings Bank will be hosting those and other activities during this year’s Town Day, Saturday, May 16, which is sponsored by the Bank. 

“Belmont Savings is again thrilled to serve as presenting sponsor for this year’s Town Day, a wonderful annual celebration and spotlight for what makes Belmont such an extraordinary place to live and work,” said Bob Mahoney, president and CEO of Belmont Savings Bank.

Events include:

  • Belmont Savings’ second annual Dog Show will begin at noon on the main stage on Leonard Street in front of CVS. Prizes will be awarded for categories such as Best Trick and Cutest Puppy while the “Best-in-Show” will be selected by the loudest applause. “Best-in-show” will receive a $100 Belmont Pet Supply gift card while each entrant will receive a gift bag. Dogs should be entered before Monday, May 11 to become eligible in the bank’s Facebook Favorite contest.
  • The Bank introduced the Car Exhibit in 2011, giving proud area collectors an opportunity to show off their pristine cars. Originally showcasing 12 cars, the show has grown to more than 40 cars. The cars will be at the bank’s headquarters at 2 Leonard St. and along Moore Street. Participating cars will be displayed in the “Monterey” style, parked angled to the sidewalk. Anyone interested in displaying their cars can contact Mike DeMarco, Belmont Savings Bank marketing director, at 617-484-6700.
  • New this year is a photo booth for family photos which will be open from 11 2 p.m.
  • There will also be face painting and a Cash Cube in front of the Belmont Savings main branch and pony rides from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. under the Leonard Street Bridge, also sponsored by Belmont Savings Bank. 

It’s Official: Town Day Set for Saturday, May 16 in Belmont Center

Photo: Town Day in Belmont.

Town Day will take place on Saturday, May 16 in Belmont Center after the Belmont Board of Selectmen gave the annual event its blessing at its meeting on Tuesday, April 21. 

Hosted by the Belmont Center Business Association and sponsored by Belmont Savings Bank, kiddy rides, a petting zone sponsored by the Belmont Lions Club, food, and tables manned by organizations and businesses will be located along Leonard Street.

Any group, business or individual seeking to rent a table at Town Day can do so until May 1 at the BCBA web site.

The morning and afternoon event takes place the day after Belmont High School celebrates its prom.