Join League Of Women Voters’ ‘Brown Bag’ Lunch On Senior Tax Relief Friday

Photo: Join the Zoom meeting on Senior Tax Relief on Friday, Feb. 28 at noon

Join the Belmont chapter of the League of Women Voters for a virtual “Brown Bag” lunch on Friday, Feb. 28, from noon to 1:30 p.m. for an information session on Senior Tax Relief.

Come learn about the programs that are currently available and possible future programs to help defray residential property taxes for those over 65. Find out if you are eligible to reduce your tax burden. Note that the annual senior tax relief application deadline is April 1.

With nearly one-in-five Belmont homeowners having reached senior status, this is a subject that will hold a great deal of interest for many citizens.

Leading the session will be the town’s Senior Tax Relief Working Group: Aaron Pikcilingis, Geoff Lubien, Kathy Keohane, and Mark Paolillo. Also in attendence will be Marsha Semuels from the Town Staff, Assessing Administrator Dan Dargon, and Assistant Town Administrator/Finance Director Jennifer Hewitt.

There will be plenty of time for questions.

Enjoy your own brown bag lunch in the comfort of your home while we gather together on Zoom.

The Zoom session can be found here:

Zoom Meeting ID: 880 3835 5536. The sessions passcode: LWV

League Of Women Voters, Warrant Committee Holding Briefing On Town Meeting Segment A On Wednesday

Photo: The Belmont League of Women Voters will co-host this virtual briefing

The Belmont League of Women Voters and the town’s Warrant Committee will co-host a virtual Warrant Briefing preceding the first night of the 2024 Town Meeting on Wednesday, April 24, at 7 p.m.

Here is the opportunity for Town Meeting members and residents to ask questions about articles in the non-budget warrant – known as Segment A – that will come before the annual Town Meeting starting on Monday, April 29. Town officials and department heads will be present to provide information.

Chair of the Warrant Committee Geoffrey Lubien will moderate the meeting.

Town Meeting Members and residents will have several viewing options to attend on Wednesday:

  •; Zoom meeting ID: 861 3704 4412
  • Live broadcast: Belmont Ch 8 (Comcast); Ch 28 (Verizon)
  • Livestream or on-demand at

The League Of Women Voters Annual Candidates’ Night A Virtual Event March 21


Belmont residents will be able to don their pajamas while having dinner as they are introduced to the contestants for town-wide office and Town Meeting seats as the Belmont League of Women Voters is holding its third virtual Candidates’ Night on Thursday, March 21 at 7 p.m.

The evening will begin with a “parade” of Town Meeting Member candidates from each of the town’s eight precincts, followed by short speeches and a round of Questions and Answers with the town-wide candidates including those running for Town Moderator, Select Board, and two seats on the School Committee.

The night will conclude with information on the two ballot questions: the proposed $8.4 million Proposition 2 1/2 override and a change from an elected to an appointed board of assessors.

And the league wants residents to remember that the Town Election takes place this year on Tuesday, April 2.

League’s Brown Bag Lunch To Update Public On New Library’s Future And

Photo: The Belmont Public Library, circa 2025

The Belmont League of Women Voters is holding its next Brown Bag Lunch on Friday, Dec. 1, from noon to 1:30 p.m., the subject will be an update on the Belmont Public Library while the new library building is constructed.

Bring your lunch; the lunch will be virtual, so members and the public can join from home.

Kathy Keohane, chair of the Board of Library Trustees, and Library Director Peter Struzziero will discuss and answer questions on a wide array of topics, including the demolition of the current structure and construction of the new library, the status of programming and events, as well as an update on the relocation of books and services during the year-and-a-half it’s being built.

The lunch will be virtual by going to the League’s website and on Zoom:

The meeting is open to the public, so please invite friends.

Let’s Talk Budgets: Warrant Briefing On Segment B Of Annual Town Meeting

Photo: Budget discussion this Thursday

The Belmont League of Women Voters is hosting a Warrant Briefing before the start of Segment B – the budget related articles of the annual Town Meeting on Thursday, May 25, at 7 p.m.

At this virtual meeting held over Zoom and broadcast via the Belmont Media Center, the briefing – cosponsored by the Warrant Committee and the League’s Education Fund – will allow Town Meeting members and residents to ask questions on budget articles prior to the first night of Segment B on Wednesday, May 31.

Town officials and department heads will be present to provide information. Moderating the meeting will be Geoffrey Lubien, chair of the Warrant Committee.

Viewing options include:

Participating on Zoom

Zoom meeting ID: 878 6042 1130

Watching on cable television or live stream

Live broadcast: Belmont Ch 8 (Comcast); Ch 28 (Verizon). Livestream or on-demand:

League Of Women Voters Town Meeting Warrant Briefing On Thursday, April 27

Photo: A screenshot of last year’s meeting

The Belmont League of Women Voters will hold its annual Warrant Briefing before the start of the annual Town Meeting on Thursday, April 27, at 7:30 p.m.

At this virtual meeting held over Zoom and broadcast via the Belmont Media Center, the briefing – cosponsored by the Warrant Committee and the League’s Education Fund – will allow Town Meeting members and residents to ask questions about Warrant Articles prior to Town Meeting, Segment A, that begins on Monday, May 1.

Town Officials and Department Heads will be present to provide information. Leading the meeting will be Geoffrey Lubien, chair of the Warrant Committee.

Viewing options include:

Participating on Zoom 

Zoom meeting ID: 867 1988 6843

Watching on cable television or live stream

Live broadcast: Belmont Ch 8 (Comcast); Ch 28 (Verizon). Livestream or on-demand:

League Of Women Voters Candidates’ Night, On-Line This Thursday

Photo: The league’s annual candidates’ night.

The Belmont League of Women Voters is holding a virtual Candidates’ Night on Thursday, March 23, at 7 p.m.

The night will start with a video “parade” of Town Meeting Members.

Short speeches and Questions & Answers with each town-wide candidate will follow it.

The night will conclude with information on the two ballot questions: the debt exclusion for a new rink/recreation center and a change from an elected to an appointed town treasurer.

Viewing Options:

Zoom meeting webinar: 893 7026 9526
Live broadcast: Belmont Ch 8 (Comcast); Ch 28 (Verizon)
Livestream or on-demand:

Remember: Town Election Day is Tuesday, April 4.

League of Women Voters’ Segment B Warrant Briefing Via Zoom This Thursday, 7PM 

Photo: The poster for the Warrant Briefing on May 26, 2022

Town Meeting members and the public are invited on Thursday, May 26 to attend the 2022 ‘Zoom’ Warrant Briefing on all things budget for next week’s resumption of the annual Town Meeting.

The meeting is cosponsored by the town’s Warrant Committee and the Belmont League of Women Voters.

Residents and members will have the opportunity to ask questions of town officials and department heads about the budget articles and amendments prior to the annual legislative gathering on Wednesday, June 1.

Geoffrey Lubien, chair of the Warrant Committee, will preside.

Viewing Options:
Zoom meeting ID: 890 2008 1969
Live broadcast: Belmont Ch 8 (Comcast); Ch 28 (Verizon)
Livestream or on-demand:

League Of Women Voters’ Virtual Candidates’ Night 2022 Thursday, March 24 At 7 p.m.

Photo: The good ol’ days: the parade of Town Meeting members candidates in 2019

The League of Women Voters of Belmont is holding its annual Candidates’ Night on Thursday, March 24 at 7 p.m.

The event will take place virtually via Zoom, over the internet and live on Belmont Media Center.

The night will start with the popular Town Meeting Member “parade” to be followed with short speeches and questions and answer with each of the town-wide candidates.

Just a reminder: Town Election takes place on Tuesday, April 5.

Your viewing options include:
• Zoom meeting webinar: 827 7506 4862
• Live broadcast: Belmont Ch 8 (Comcast); Ch 28 (Verizon)
• Livestream or on-demand:

League of Women Voters’ Segment B Warrant Briefing This Thursday, 7PM

Photo: The budget will be discussed this Thursday at the Warrant Briefing

Town Meeting members and the public are invited on Thursday, May 20, to attend the 2021 ‘Zoom’ Warrant Briefing on all things budget for next week’s resumption of the annual Town Meeting .

The meeting is cosponsored by the town’s Warrant Committee and the Belmont League of Women Voters.

Residents and members will have the opportunity to ask questions of town officials and department heads about the budget articles and amendments prior to the annual legislative gathering on Wednesday, June 2.

Laurie Slap, chair of the Warrant Committee, will preside.

  • Please click the link below to join the webinar by computer, tablet or smartphone:
  • To join by telephone, call: 1 (929) 205 6099. When prompted, enter:865 8991 9600 # When prompted, enter #
  • Follow along live on Belmont Media Center Gov/Ed TV. Watch in Belmont on: Ch 8 – Comcast or Ch 28 – Verizon
  • Watch from anywhere on