Photo: The town of Belmont is counting on you to return the census
Belmont’s Annual Town Census mailing was delayed until March 12th this year due to the Re-Precincting for four of our voting precincts. The Town Clerk encourages all residents to complete and submit the yearly town census. This is an important task as most town programs require proof of Belmont residency for enrollment and Emergency Response Personnel will know for whom they are looking in the event of a 911 call.
Residents should notify the Town Clerk’s office in writing of any change of their primary residence location, within Belmont or out of town. Please note that to remove a registered voter from the census, an original signature from the voter is required.
If your household does not receive a census addressed to your family or one addressed to “Current Resident,” contact the Town Clerk’s office to have one mailed to you by calling 617-993-2603 or