Nine Belmont Runners Break 3 Hours At ’22 BAA Marathon As Brownsberger Tells His Day At The Race

Photo: This was the 126th Boston Athletic Assocation’s marathon held on Patriots’ Day.

While he may have felt he was living in a Jackson Browne song, Belmont’s Will Brownsberger did himself proud Monday at the 126th Boston Athletic Association’s Marathon even though came in on fumes.

Having last run the annual 26.2 mile race 17 years ago, the veteran legislator was hoping to keep the same pace at 65 as he had at 48. And for 22 miles – having climbed over the four Newton Hills including the devilish last one named Heartbreak – he was holding his own until Father Time met him at the race’s last downhill plunge into Coolidge Corner and climbed on his back for the final stretch.

“My tank was so empty at the finish line that the short walk to the Public Garden to meet my wife felt longer than the race,” he said. You can read about Brownsberger’s day racing to Boston at his website here.

While the long-time state senator and resident completed his race running on empty in 3 hours, 51 minutes and 58 second, Brownsberger placed a very credible 111th of 611 in his men’s 65-69 age category.

Over all, 35 Belmontians started in Hopkinton and completed the 26.2 mile race in Boston’s Copley Square on Monday, April 18. And it was a fast bunch as nine – a quarter of those who finished – crossed the finish line in under three hours. Leading the way for the men was Somerville Evan Vadenais in 2 hours, 37 minutes and 22 seconds

Also rocking his division was Tony Luongo who placed 112th from 2,985 in the male 50-54 group in a time of 2:59:42.

Tops for the 13 women residents running Monday was Belmont’s premier marathoner Becca Pizzi coming in under three and a half hours in 3:29:37, followed by Laurie Nahigian in 3:38:00.

Name ”chip” time
Emily Anderson5:54:58
Sam Belcher2:51:20
Katie Brace3:50:55
Charlie Brodigam 4:34:43
Will Brownsberger3:51:58
Sarah Cote5:48:05
Lisa Engler 3:45:53
Estrella Garcia Griego 5:01:20
Douglas Hall2:55:58
Jenny Luongo 3:58:58
Tony Luongo2:59:42
David Marchefka2:59:27
William Marinell4:07:31
Maria Marques Samary4:29:23
Laurie Nahigian 3:38:00
Lulu November 5:15:36
Becca Pizzi 3:29:37
Alix Price5:45:45
Teresa Pulaski 4:36:44
Lixin Qin3:14:24
Doral Reynolds 2:55:42
Paul Roberts 3:58:26
Jeffrey Roth 3:17:52
Chris Sabo 4:10:41
Joseph Shaw3:04:03
David Somers4:29:36
Matt Swanson2:56:48
Matt Taylor2:58:54
Mike Thomas 4:14:06
Simone Tropeano4:06:17
Evan Vadenais 2:37:22
Peter Walker 5:51:17
Andrew Webster3:45:50
Yi Zhang 3:41:46
Cheng Zhong2:55:39