Photo: Gregory Arabian raising the flag in front of his house on Homer Road.
If you have never heard of Israel Bissell, then you should come by and ask Gregory Arabian.
The Homer Road resident held a July 4th flag raising on Friday, July 3 at this house with a contingency of Belmont Fire – including Chief David Frizzell who came with Engine 1 – and Belmont Police present to honor a great, but now relatively unknown American Patriot.
Bissell, it turns out, was a 23-year-old post rider ordered by John Hancock in April 1775 to spread the word of the Battle of Lexington and Concord down the east coast from Watertown to Harford, New York and Philadelphia.
“That act help unite the United States of America,” said the attorney whose practice is located in Watertown.
The retired US Air Force officer and Commander of the Belmont AMVETS Post 2008 said that “many things are forgotten. July 4th is forgotten. July 4th is remembered only for barbecues, days off.”
“But the reason why July 4th is so important is that we are independent and free and we should enjoy this nation,” he said.
And to the sounds of the “National Anthem,” Arabian raised the flag – which flew over the Capitol Building in Washington DC – to honor those freedoms.
Thank you