Kevin Foley is a man on a mission; telling Belmont the former Macy’s site in Belmont Center will return from its current mothball state and will be filled with tenants.
But not in 2015.
The manager of Locatelli Properties who oversees the significant stake the company has in Belmont’s commercial hub, Foley came before Belmont’s Board of Selectmen last week to reiterate what he told the Belmontonian in October: the historic building which opened in 1941 to house a Filene’s Department Store and then Macy’s (Macy’s closed in January 2013) will soon be transformed inside and out to attract at least four and up to eight commercial tenants.
“We are all excited about the future of the [site],” Foley told the board.
“My goal is to renovate the building and bring back the details,” he said, pointing to plans to re-establish large windows along Leonard Street that were boarded up in the 1980s, as well as add architectural details to the facade.
“We are essentially bringing back … more store fronts to the street,” Foley told the board.
As he told a public meeting on Oct. 30, Foley said there will be “no substantive” exterior alterations to the building other than the creation of a vestibule on the parking side of the building to assist people entering the top and lower floors of the complex.
Locatelli has received the go-ahead from the Zoning Board of Appeals to move forward on the plans.
When asked about possible tenants – there will be nearly 50,000 square feet of retail space in the new structure – Foley remained mum, only saying “that everyone is asking me the same question.”
Foley does not rule out either national, regional or independent retailers or a restaurant becoming tenants. He has time to ponder which business will be coming to Belmont Center.
“Right now, I’m hoping spring or summer 2016 to open,” he said.
Looks like a former tenant is still paying rent.
It is really in the town’s interest to have it vacant for 3+ years? Why wasn’t the approval contigent on reasonable best efforts to lease the space?
Do you doubt that Locatelli Properties is trying as hard as they can to rent the space? Why would they not?
It may be that Macy’s lease had not expired and it is still paying rent for a little while longer. Nevertheless, it is to Locatelli’s advantage to get the renovations done as fast as possible and put in new tenants while the real estate market is pretty good