A large excavator has begun breaking up the walkway at the Underwood Pool adjacent the Belmont Public Library as a staging area is being set up behind a temporary fence in the bowl of the 102-year-old facility.
Monday, Nov. 3 begins the $4.6 million construction project which will result in a new Underwood Pool complex with two pools – including one for diving and lap swimming – and a pair of bath houses with modern changing room and restrooms.
The project appeared dead in the water in September when an original low bidder of the project withdrew his proposal leaving the Underwood Pool Building Committee facing a deficit of approximately $400,000. That amount was quickly erased with a $200,000 grant from the Belmont Savings Bank Foundation and with a community fundraising effort raising in more than $210,000 in small and large contributions.
According to previous reports, the contractor, Methuen-based New England Builders and Contractors, plans on having the pool complex completed before the end of the 2015 summer recreation season.
On Thursday, Nov. 6 at 1 p.m., the Underwood Pool Building Committee Construction Team meeting will be held in the Flett Room of the Belmont Public Library.
This will be such a wonderful project once it is completed. I like how their are two separate pools because diving and swimming laps require different pool specifications, and having two separate pools will allow for more activity use. Thanks so much for sharing!