Photo: The Belmont Education Association has come to an agreement on a four year contract with the Belmont School Committee.
After more than a year of increasingly contentious negotiations and union activism, the Belmont Education Association agreed on Thursday evening, June 10, to new four-year contracts with the Belmont School Committee to three remaining labor units.
The unit representing assistant principals and district directors accepted contract language last week.
“We did it! All four Belmont Education Association contracts are settled because of our collective willingness to strike for the contracts Belmont educators, our students, and our community deserve,” read a statement on the association’s Facebook page Thursday night.
The agreement will be presented to the members for a ratification vote at its membership meeting on Tuesday, June 14. Speaking to several teachers after the announcement, the current sentiment is for a ”yes” vote.
The four units in the BEA include public schools teachers (Unit A); assistant principals and coordinators, (Unit B), secretaries (Unit C), and teacher aides/instructional support staff and campus monitors (Unit D).
The agreement the membership will vote on Tuesday:
- Compensation for Units A, C, & D:
- Year 1
- Ratification Bonus – Unit A: $500, Unit C & D: $750
- 2.75 percent plus an additional .25 percent on the top step
- Year 2: 2.5 percent plus an additional .25 percent on the top step
- Year 3: 2.5 percent
- Year 4: 2.5 percent
- Year 1
- Health Insurance: Maintains the 80/20 percent split for all employees.
- Planning Time: Unit D members will be receiving 30 minutes a week of prep/collaboration time, which adds approximately $500/year to each Unit D member’s base salary more or less depending on the position on the salary scale.
“Standing together and being willing to fight for and win the contracts we deserve cements our power as a union and as educators,” said the BEA statement. “Looking forward, we are in a much better position to continue the fight to make Belmont a better place to work and learn in.”
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