Belmont Police Feedback Survey Now Underway ‘til Dec. 4

Photo: Belmont Police’s newly renovated headquarters in Belmont Center

The Belmont Police Department has embarked on a strategic planning process to map out the department’s direction for the next five years. The first step in the process is a survey for residents, visitors and people who have a commercial interest in the town. 

The survey provides an opportunity for citizens to comment on current conditions throughout the town to include:

  • the perception of crime,
  • quality of life concerns,
  • citizens’ perception of safety and security, and
  • what enforcement activities or services people would like to see improved or strengthened. 

It is important that we hear from our community and what is important to them regarding public safety.

The survey process will be available until Dec. 4. The Department will quantify the survey results and begin producing a plan for further action. The electronic survey can be accessed at this link.

The survey is anonymous.

If you have questions regarding this survey, send an email to:

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