Photo: New Firefighter Paramedics meet the Belmont selectmen (left) Firefighter Paramedic Michael Goode, Firefighter Paramedic Justin Perino, Selectmen Chair Adam Dash, Selectmen Tom Caputo, Mark Paolillo and Fire Chief David Frizzell
Two newly hired firefighters will soon begin three months of recruit firefighting training at the Brookline Fire Academy as they start their careers with the Belmont Fire Department.
On Monday, Feb. 4, Firefighter paramedics Justin Perino and Michael Goode were sworn in by Town Clerk Ellen Cushman, starting two months of orientation and training within the department. After returning from Brookline, the pair will be on shift in July. Both firefighters grew up in Belmont and still live in the Town.
“I welcome firefighters Perino and Goode to the Department,” said Fire Chief David Frizzell.
“I wish them a long healthy and safe career serving the residents of the town. Their families and friends should be proud of their commitment to their profession and community.”