New Library Building Designs To Be Revealed At Public Forum Sunday, May 19

Photo: An example of a design by Oudens Ello Architecture for the Scituate public library.

Gather your friends, family, and neighbors and join the Belmont Library Building Committee and its architectural team, Oudens Ello Architecture, for an open public forum on Sunday, May 19 at 2 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the Belmont Public Library.

Come to the forum to:

  • View designs for the new library,
  • discuss plan options,
  • learn about the spaces, and
  • explore the site.

Children are welcome to attend and participate in interactive activities.

Final Night Of ‘One Acts’ Saturday, May 11, 4 PM, 7 PM

Photo: The poster of the show

The final night of the Belmont High School Performing Arts Company’s student directed “ONE ACT PLAY FESTIVAL” will be held on Saturday, May 11 with a matinee at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the High School’s Little Theater.

Join BHS-PAC for the annual Student Directed Festival of short plays. Featuring 10-minute plays directed by PAC Members, the One Acts are a mix of comedy, drama and everything in between.


Tickets are now on sale online and at Champions in Belmont Center

The plays are:

Directed by Alice Turner and Grace Christensen
Dick Piston is a world-renowned hotel detective. A guest at the hotel comes to him, distressed by the murder of her husband. Hilarity and chaos ensue.

THE BEST DADDY By Shel Silverstein
Directed by Jacob Makar-Limanov and Sam Lubarr
It’s Lisa’s birthday and she’s getting a pony…
Or is she?

THE WEDDING STORY By Julianne Homokay
Directed by Liz Biondo and Sri Kaushik
An innocent attempt at a bedtime story quickly goes astray after the tale’s characters begin to inform the storyteller that she has got the facts all wrong.

THE MIME CRIME By Jonathan Yukich
Directed by Alyssa Bodmer and Megan Bodmer
A seemingly ordinary mime appears to have a connection with recent mysterious murders in a park.

Directed by Alyssa Allen and Zoe Armstrong
The feud between the Hatplains and the McCroys has been in a slump for some time now, but perhaps a forbidden love between Romero McCroy and Julia Hatplain can get things going again.

THE GAME By Louise Bryant
Directed by Nathan Miller
Life and Death play a game of dice to decide the fates of two young people.

THE ZERO SUM MIND By Stephen Gregg
Directed By Sammy Haines
A group of people deal with the implications of the revelation that every time they learn something, they forget something else.

Eagle Scout Project Saturday Seeks Bikes For Donation


Owen Thomas is combining his love of bikes with helping others by asking Belmont residents to donate bicycles no longer being used to be sent far away where they are needed.

On Saturday, May 11 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thomas, a 13-year-old Chenery 7th grader and member of Boy Scout Troop 66 in Belmont, is spearheading a bike drive for Bikes not Bombs, a Boston-based non-profit that collects used bikes, parts and accessories. The non-profit rehabilitates the donated bikes and ships them to economic development projects in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

The bike donation/drop-off location will be at 17 Clark St. at the corner of Common and Clark streets in the parking lot of All Saints Episcopal Church.

The donated bikes become the primary means of transportation and economic opportunity for individuals living in developing economies.

“It’s spring and many people are cleaning out their garages and donating or getting rid of older items,” says Thomas. “This project gives Belmont residents an opportunity to help underprivileged people in Massachusetts and around the world by donating used bicycles that will provide a reliable, eco-friendly, low-maintenance mode of transportation to school and work. These bicycles will transform people’s lives.” 

There is a $10 tax-deductible, suggested donation to Bikes not Bombs to support refurbishment and shipping of each bike. Tax receipts will provide at the drop-off location. All types of bikes are desired such as road, hybrid, mountain, BMX, and tandem, along with bike parts, tools and other accessories (helmets, bags, lights, pumps, locks, etc.). 

“My goal for this drive is to gather at least 50 donated bicycles,” says Thomas, “And I hope that Belmont community members will share the word with friends and neighbors to help us reach our target.” He is an active Scout and a candidate for the Eagle Scout rank, which this project will help him achieve. 

Bikes not Bombs also engages Boston-area youth in fixing the donated bikes as part of summer activity programs. Youth nurture a love of biking, develop useful mechanical skills and are eligible to earn a bike of their own. They are also trained in safety for urban bikers, get physically fit and participate in biking field trips throughout summer.W

2019 Belmont Annual Town Meeting, Segment A, Day 3

Photo: It’s town meeting

Welcome to possibly (hopefully) the final night of Segment A of the 2019 Belmont Town Meeting being held in the Belmont High School auditorium, Monday night, May 6.

Two big articles await the 290 plus members of Belmont’s legislative body, the first is voting on an extra $3.76 million for the renovation of the Belmont Police headquarters and additions to the Department of Public Works main building.

The second article will be the fourth time Town Meeting will either be debating or voting on changing the tenure of the Town Moderator from one to three years. The first vote was a razor-thin rejection of the article but in a tactical mistake worthy of the French at Agincourt, the “Nos” requested a roll call vote that resulted in accepting the three-year change.

The third time the article came before the meeting was this past Wednesday on a call for reconsideration that seeming laid on the assumption that members weren’t fully informed on the role of the moderator before voting one way or another. The debate along with a more than 90-minute presentation on a non-binding article on the town’s response to climate change resulted in the meeting adjourning past 11 p.m.

Why four bits at the apple on a seemingly non-controversial measure that Mike Widmer, the well-liked and respected moderator for the past 12 years who has come out saying he’d be in favor of whatever the meeting wants? The answer will likely come during the debate.

The under/over that the meeting ends by 11 p.m? 2 to 1 the over.

The meeting is about to start. Here’s the agenda:

7 PM: Reconvene the Special Town Meeting,

Article 1: The DPW/ Police Appropriation.

After the conclusion of the Special Town Meeting, the Annual Town Meeting resumes with the following articles in this order

  • Article 1,
  • Article 11, Community Preservation Community allocations.
  • Reconsideration of Article 10,
  • Article 9

Celtics up 5-3 in the first quarter.

7:06 p.m.: The roll call is being called to check the electronic voting. The question reveals only 2/3 of the meeting is following the Bruins this playoff season.

In a powerful speech from the moderator’s stand, Widmer said he is deeply concerned about “what’s happening with the roll call.” He said people are telling him that “people are feeling intimidated” and none of us should “be shamed” for the votes they take as the roll call is being “weaponize.”

“The fact that our democracy was built on dissent. And if we’re can’t embrace this in this town meeting, then we are in deep trouble,” said Widmer.

“Democracy is not a given,” he said. “

Anne Marie Mahoney is presenting the special town meeting for an added $3.76 million for the $7.9 million renovation of the police headquarters.

Just like the Kentucky Derby, a building project can have unexpected outcomes and the renovation of Police HQ is just like that. And the added funding is due to an added scope of work.

Ted Galante, the project architect, said the best way to do the most efficient building process and provide the most safety for the officers. He speeds through the designs.

Mahoney goes over the relocation of the police at the Water Dept. and the DPW, the trailers and talked about how the police will be traveling to and front the site. It will take 15 months.

Mahoney runs through the financing, a total of $12.5 million and explains that the $1.9 million in contingency which is more than the standard 10 percent. “This is an old building,” said Mahoney and there will be issues that pop up doing this work. If the meeting does not approve the article, it means the entire project must start over with either keep doing costly repairs or build a new headquarters for up to $60 million. Mahoney does her usual masterful job “selling” a project (or passing a budget) that there is cheering at the end of the presentation.

Questions include the energy efficiency of the future building and if the DPW is just as

Jamie Murphy, pct 5, asked why didn’t the building committee know that the scope of work could change resulting in an additional “ask” of $3.76 million, deeming it as a “bait and switch.” Mahoney said that was a “fair” complaint but the added funding comes with more information.

More questions on energy issues with the building, such as electrifying the building rather than using natural gas for heating.

The vote is underway and it passes 223-16.

The special town meeting is ended and the town meeting returns with the Community Preservation Committee requests. There are eight requests and seven projects for funding.

Bob McLaughlin, Pct 2, questions the work of the committee, whether it takes a vote on each of the project or if it simply “check the boxes” on its acceptability under the rules. Another question, who oversees each of the projects to get the best value for the bucks paid.

Now the projects:

  • the historic preservation of the facade of the Belmont Police Station for $787,575.10. Passes on a voice vote, some “nos” out there. 
  • repair of the slate roof at Town Hall, Homer Building and the School District Building for $100,000. Voice vote – overwhelming yes, two or three nos.
  • The request for the clock tower at the First Church is being removed due to some question of separation of church and state and could lead to litigation. Will likely come back next year after more work.

So there is a five-minute break. About time!

  • $1 million for the design of the community path from the Clark Street Bridge to Brighton Street. Selectman Adam Dash going over the history of the community path and its a long one. This is the second request for design work on the complete path, the first was $400,000 for an underpass at Alexander Avenue. The design phase is for the north side of the commuter rail track. “But until we start digging” the path could go back to the south side. But at least the design work is moving forward. A little extra – Belmont is requesting $300,000 from the state’s MassTrails Grant Program; while not a sure thing, it would be great to get to reimburse the town for the design work. A voice vote, all but one vote positive.
  • $60,000 to prepare for construction and bid documents of the Town Field Playground restoration. The cost of construction of the playground and courts will come back next year looking for $640,000. Voice vote, unanimously approved.
  • Payson Park Music Festival Bandstand for $90,000, to protect musicians during the festival concerts. Linda Oates, Pct 6, ask that the request be postponed because it’s not a “gazebo” which she said she supported in the past and that neighbors were not sufficiently informed. “My neighborhood is important to me,” she said. The postponement would last until there is a meeting the neighborhood and abutters. Anthony Ferrante, chair of the Rec Commission, said he was surprised that neighbors were not contacted and if that was the case, he would support a postponement. The vote for postponement passes 208-23.
  • $20,000 for preservation and restoration of vegetation around the bank of Clay Pit Pond. “This has been a disaster from what I see,” said John Robotham, pct 2, “Does anyone know what’s going on?” The path being built around the “pit” is different than the vegetation project. “Why isn’t this project part of the regular town budget?” is asked. Many questions on the effectiveness of such a project, the timing as the new high school is being built and pesticide use. Still passes 157-72.
  • Finally, $25,400 for preserving the meadow at Rock Meadow from invasive vegetation. It is adopted unanimously.

Now for the fourth time: Article 10, the term of office from one to three years for the Town Moderator. Mark Paolillo is taking over as moderator. This debate is if going from one to three years would be a more efficient way of governing.

Mike Widmer speaks why he presented this article. He points out what the duties of the moderator, he appoints four of 30 committees. He talks about the four committees (Warrant, Capital Budget, etc); these are legislative bodies as he acts on the Town Meeting’s behalf. This is done for the separation of powers. When he makes these appointments, he asks several people, Town Meeting members and groups while performing interviews before selecting that person. It is the process that moderators have been performing for years.

The debate comes down to this: those in support of the three-year term is that the moderator doesn’t actually have that much actual power and can be held accountable for their actions. Those who want to keep it at one year is that moderators have too much power and can be unaccountable for their personal whims. It’s interesting that a few members bring up the current political climate (not naming the administration in Washington DC, of course) to defend the one year term.

So the third vote on article 10; yes for three years; a no, one year.

The article is defeated, 141-82. And guess what? A roll call request! Who would have thought! And it passes with 39 votes. There will be no scrolling this time.

So the fourth vote is in and its 139-79 against.

That’s it. I lost my bet by two minutes! At least the Bruins won.

Belmont High’s Empress: Class Of ’81 Alum Graduates to Chrysanthemum Throne

Photo: Empress Mask, Belmont High School, Class of 1981.

Some high schools can boast of their alums who have become pro athletes, pop singers or movie stars while others point to those who run high tech start ups or prize winning eateries.

At Belmont High, the most noted graduate is part of royalty. Not the Hollywood type of nobility (aka Kardashians) or someone from a tiny island principality. In Belmont, that grad is a proper empress.

Belmont High School alumna Masako Owada, 55, became the Empress of Japan on Tuesday, April 30.

A member of the graduating class of 1981, Owada – who was named Masako, Crown Princess of Japan, when she married Crown Prince Naruhito in 1993 – became empress with the abdication of Naruhito’s father, 83-year-old Emperor Akihito who is stepping down from theChrysanthemum Throne.

Owada’s journey to Belmont was not that uncommon for a child of a diplomat as her father, Hisashi Owada, was sent by the Japanese government to Moscow and New York before coming to Massachusetts as a visiting professor at Harvard Law School for two years.

Living a stone’s throw from Habitat on Juniper Street with her parents and younger twin sisters, Owada spent her junior and senior years at the Concord Avenue school where she was a member of the French Club and Math team. After graduation, Owada didn’t travel far for college, attending Harvard. 

Belmont and Owada would next intersect in 1993 when her engagement to Akihito’s eldest son was announced. A short blast of interest in Owada’s former hometown from Japanese tourists occurred only to subside just as quickly. 

The next question is if Empress Masako will be attending her next high school reunion, her 40th, in 2021.

Roll Call, Wrong Call: 2019 Town Meeting Starts With A Topsy-Turvey Result

Photo: Belmont Town Moderator Mike Widmer

Those who are successful at the card table will agree a basic rule to stay in the game is not to “overplay your hand,” which the Cambridge Dictionary describes as “spoiling your chances of success by saying or doing too much.”

Oh, if only those Belmont Town Meeting Members who battled to keep the term of Town Moderator to one year had heeded that warning. After beating back an article to lengthen the moderator’s term to three years by a razor thin margin, they said “too much” by asking for a roll call vote.

And within mere minutes, those members snatched defeat from the jaws of victory as the legislative body went topsy turvey and


For a meeting seemingly devoid of “blockbuster” articles or amendments, the start of the 2019 Belmont Annual Town Meeting on Monday, April 29 sure had its share of memorial moments.

One hundred and sixty years of tradition was set aside, increasing affordable units in larger private developments, and were actions by the 290 member legislative body on Town Meeting’s first night.

But it was a seemingly inconsequential amendment changing the term of the Town Moderators tenure from one to three years proved to be the night’s highlight, demonstrating, as the great American philosopher Mike Tyson noted, “everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth.” And in this instance, the injury was self inflicted.

Supporting the article, Town Moderator Mike Widmer told the meeting he was not advancing the article for any personal reason; many municipalities have moved to a multi-year term for moderators as it provides continuity to a position that has taken on more roles and responsibilities in the past century. The change would take place in 2021. Widmer admitted he would happily accept any decision made by the legislative body he has presided over for the past dozen years.

The “no” group concerns were based on that expanding powers of the position which includes appointing the members of several important town bodies including the Warrant, Capital Budget and all building committees. They contend that this is too much responsibility for one person to have over that “long” period of time who could “stack the deck” for one side or another.

“There is on the national scene some great examples of people who are not component get appointed to roles that we really should think about,” said Claus Becker, Pct. 5.

And in one of closest votes in modern Town Meeting history – Town Clerk Ellen Cushman couldn’t say for certain if there were any tighter in the past century – Town Meeting rejected the article by two votes, 124 to 122.

But rather than taking its winnings and running for the door, the group that prevailed in besting the article suddenly requested a roll call vote, a second tally of members which their individual votes are recorded and made public on the main screen.

While a fairly rare occurrence in past Town Meetings, the action was not unexpected on Monday as a group of members declared on social media and at the auditorium they would request roll calls on three articles including the Moderator’s term.

Those promoting the planned roll calls said it was an attempt to bring a great level of transparency at Town Meeting, said Julie Crockett, Pct 6.

“Calling for a roll call is all about accountability,” said Crockett after the meeting. “It’s not an attempt to make anyone feel uncomfortable. For far too long Town Meeting has hid behind [aggregate] voting.”

Others town meeting members were not so kind to this tactic, calling it “vote shaming” as it identified the decisions of members who may take unpopular decisions. Earlier roll calls Monday on affordable housing and changing the name of the Board of Selectmen – both which passed by large numbers – saw the number opposing those articles fall from the first to the second vote as apparently some members didn’t want to be recorded on the “wrong side” of an issue.

“It’s intimidation,” said one member who while voting in the majority in earlier votes, was not happy with “taking down names. It’s not right.”

In an outcome that surprised many in the room, the subsequent vote resulted in the “yes” supporters victorious by two votes, 126 to 124. By zealotly sticking to its preconceived blueprint, the proponents for keeping the one year stint were left to rush to the Town Clerk’s office Tuesday morning to seek a reconsideration of their overplayed hand and a third bite of the apple. The reconsideration has been accepted, according to an email from the Town Clerk’s Office.

Name That Change

In other articles, a more than a century and a half tradition came to an end when the members overwhelmingly struck a blow for gender neutrality officially changing the name of the board of selectmen to the select board. The new name will become official in about three months, according to Town Counsel George Hall. The article initially passed, 238-11, with a roll call vote, the article was approved 243 to 4 with 4 abstaining.

“I only wish he had done this some time ago,” said Selectman Adam Dash.

The yearly gathering also approved by a more than two-thirds needed majority increasing the potential number of affordable housing units in large residential and for the first time in mixed-use projects by changing the existing bylaw. In the first vote, the measure passed 224-25.

“The impacts of these amendments will make Belmont more consistent with our peer communities, increase the production of affordable homes in development projects with 20 or more units, treat single and mixed-use developments the same … and make sure we are suited for the current environment. When development happens, we want to be ready by having a strong, inclusive policy in place,” said Rachel Heller, chair of the Belmont Housing Trust.

The members easily passed a zoning change to provide the same height and massing limitations on expansions and renovations of homes in the relatively small neighborhood along the east side of Pleasant Street adjacent the Route 2 off ramp as other neighborhoods in town. It passes 236 to 15.

2019 Belmont Annual Town Meeting, Segment A, Day 1


Welcome to the 2019 edition of the Belmont Town Meeting! We’ll get underway about 10 minutes late, which isn’t all that bad. Town Moderator Mike Widmer has called the meeting to order

We had the invocation and the flag ceremony thanks to the Boy and Girls scouts of Belmont.

And the annual check of the electronic voting machines. Seems to be working. New and re-elected members are sworn in by Town Clerk Ellen Cushman. The rules are read and the warrant is called. And longtime meeting members who are no longer serving are honored with Charles Hamon with the most years of service with 48 years.

The Town Meeting will be hearing the motions in the following order tonight: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10.

The first two articles are housekeeping items.

The meeting now has Article 3 before it: Amending the “Inclusionary Housing” Zoning By-Law (which needs a two-thirds vote) – which sets the number of affordable units in residential housing projects – bringing Belmont’s By-Law into alignment with peer communities and clarifies and simplify subsections of the By-Law. It’s to reduce the threshold for when affordable housing is required, from 40 dwelling units to 20 (in which 12 percent of the development will be affordable); delete a provision that regulates mixed-use developments differently and simplifies the cash option to building affordable units.

Rachel Heller who is making the presentation said that Belmont needs affordable housing as home prices have outpaced income with nearly a third of Belmont residents could apply for affordable units.

The change will increase the production of affordable units and create a town’s policy is better suited for the current environment, said Heller.

The new amendments will not increase density in any one area, said the Planning Board. Anne Mahon asked if developers who construct across town can come under the law in the aggregate of units they build. Nope, is the answer.

The vote on the article is underway and passes easily 224-25. A roll call request is being asked which needs 35 votes. That is approved with 90 votes. This vote will be part of the public record. I wonder if this is a bit unneighborly.

Article 4 is now before the meeting. Another Zoning By-Law change which involves a small section of Pleasant Street within two blocks of the Route 2 off-ramp that will “ensure that tear down/rebuilds and additions reflect the current character of the neighborhood in terms of density, mass, bulk, height, etc.”

This originally came to the Planning Board as a petition to ask that their neighborhood be protected from oversized mega homes. This is a neighborhood that is much like the zoning of the nearby streets (SRC) with 2/3 of lots being non-conforming which could lead to additions or added floors in his hilly location to have an oversized visual impact.

The changes will make the area much like the zoning nearby. You’ll now need a special permit from the Planning Board if your addition is more than 30 percent or 700 sq.-ft. or increase in stories or the overall height to the ridge on nonconforming lots. The special permit can be granted if the height and mass are in harmony with surrounding homes and is sensitive to topographical considerations.

Questions are not actually pertaining to the measure Rachel Berger, Pct. 2 and SRB resident, said this article is the continuation of protecting homeowners from overbuilding and large expansion that started in the General Residences zone. “We are all one Belmont.”

This requires a 2/3s vote. It’s 236 to 15 in favor, 96 percent to 6 percent.

Article 5 is to amend the General Bylaw concerning kennels. George Hall, Town Counsel, said this article is simply keeping up with state law which changed the monetary fines of violating the kennel bylaw. A voice vote approval.

Article 6, the end of tradition! The selectmen will become members of the “Select Board.” Already cheers from a few members. Selectman Adam Dash said it’s not just cosmetic; it’s the only elected body with a gender-specific title. “I only wish we did this long ago,” said Dash. Cheers.

With the exception of Don Mercier, Pct. 8, who, as a traditionalist, is opposing the article, overwhelming support for the name change. 238 to 11. It will take effect after the state AG accepts the results of the meeting, in about three months. A roll call request passes with 118. Now the margin is 243 to 4 with 4 abstained.

Article 7 is dismissed as its the citizens petition for the name change for the board of selectmen.

The final article of the night, number 10, is to support a home rule amendment to change the term of the Town Moderator from 1 to 3 years. Mike Widmer, who recused himself from his position for this article, said the trend statewide is moving to a three-year term.

Jack Weis, Pct 1, said continuity is important to do the job well so a three years is preferred.

Anne Mahon, Pct 4, said to have a three-year term for a position who selects members of many important committees such as the Warrant Committee could easily be abused. Claus Becker, Pct. 6, said it’s better to have someone who can learn as an assistant rather than having someone with so much power. Julie Crockett, Pct 5, said it’s comforting to have to vote for this position. The question has been moved.

Easily passed, so the vote on the article: Wow: 122 to 124 against the article. Did not see that coming. A roll call vote has been asked. It will need 35 votes. It passes so here we go with the roll call. 126 to 124! It passes! And I called it! Four members who didn’t vote the first time tallied their votes while the no votes stayed solid.

And that’s that for the night. See you on Wednesday, May 1.

Teammates Start GoFundMe Site To Remember Cleo

Photo: Cleo Theodoropulos (center) with her Belmont High School Field Hockey teammates before its playoff game against Masco in November 2018.

It’s something that teammates do for their fellow player; being there for them at the most difficult of times.

Cleo Athena Theodoropulos was a junior and a member of the Belmont High School Field Hockey, playing left side forward on the playoff squad this past fall. In less than a week, she was diagnosed with a rare bone disorder which a few days later resulted in a stroke that caused her sudden death on April 22.

“Cleo will always be remembered as a ray of light, a beautiful and positive person,” wrote varsity player Emma O’Donovan who along with nine other teammates set up a GoFundMe site to raise money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute where Cleo was being treated.

“Belmont Field Hockey will be raising money to benefit Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and any donation will make an impact. Thank you in advance for your contribution and generosity. Anything is greatly appreciated. We will all miss Cleo dearly and will remember the incredible impact she made on each and every one of our lives,” reads the appeal.

The team posted on social media to everyone they knew. And a flood of donations began.

The team passed through its initial goal of $7,000 in a few hours and broke $10,000 in about a day. So they raised the mark to $12,000. As of Monday at 6 a.m. the campaign has raised $10,810 that will go to research and treatment of cancers and blood disorders that struck Cleo.

Annual Town Meeting Gets Underway Monday, April 29

Photo: Town Meeting in action.

While there doesn’t appear to be any “blockbuster” articles before them, the Belmont annual Town Meeting which convenes at 7 p.m., on Monday, April 29 at Belmont High School, there will be a few items that will spark interest of the 290 member body.

One of those items is likely to be Article 1 of the Special Town Meeting on May 1 when the building committee for the renovation of the Police Headquarters and the DPW returns to request up to $3.5 million over the $7.4 million last year’s meeting approved to do the job. The extra money is needed to relocate the police personnel offsite, for more extensive renovations and the higher cost of construction. It’s not unusual for Town Meeting to scrutinize any second go-around for funds after approving a project the year before they assumed was complete.

Another is the proposed change to the inclusionary housing zoning bylaw – which sets the number of affordable units in residential housing projects – bringing Belmont’s By-Law into alignment with peer communities and clarifies and simplify subsections of the By-Law by reducing the threshold for when affordable housing is required, from 40 dwelling units to 20 (in which 12 percent of the development will be affordable); deleting a provision that regulates mixed-use developments differently and simplifying the cash option to building affordable units. These measures could come under fire as dampening future large residential development in Belmont.

The Town Meeting will hearing the motions in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 8, 9 and 11.

  • The first two articles are housekeeping items.
  • Article 3: Amending the “Inclusionary Housing” Zoning By-Law (needs a two-thirds vote)
  • Article 4: Another Zoning By-Law change which involves a small section of Pleasant Street within two blocks of the Route 2 off ramp that will “ensure that tear down/rebuilds and additions reflect the current character of the neighborhood in terms of density, mass, bulk, height, etc.”
  • Article 5: Article on kennels and dogs.
  • Article 6: The one which will do away with 160 years of tradition by making gender neutral the name of the Board of Selectmen to the “Select Board.”
  • Article 7 will be withdrawn as it was a citizen’s petition that is now taken up by Article 6.
  • Article 10 is to support a home rule amendment to change the term of the Town Moderator from 1 to 3 years.
  • Article 8 and 9 are non-binding articles; 8 is the Belmont Climate Action Resolution while 9 is to support efforts on the state level to allow the right to repair on electronic equipment.
  • Article 11 is to approve projects to be funded by the Community Preservation Committee.

If the meeting does not conclude the Segment A warrant articles on Monday, April 29, it will continue th meeting to Wednesday, May 1 at 7 p.m.   

On Wednesday, May 1 at 7 p.m., the meeting will reconvene starting with a report by Anne Marie Mahoney, chair of the DPW/Police Project Building Committee. At 7: 30 p.m. the meeting will recess from the Annual Town Meeting warrant and take up the articles in the Special Town Meeting, in the order: 2, 3, 4 and 1. 

  • Article 2 of “The Special” will approve transferring $3,663 excess premiums from the sale of general obligation bonds to the Kendall Fund.
  • Article 3 will approve the spending of a State Transportation Infrastructure Fund which will go to the improvement of the intersection of Lexington and Sycamore.
  • Article 4 is the paying of old bills.

It’s anticipated Article 1 of the Special will be taken up on Monday, May 6.

If all of the business of Segment A of the Annual Town Meeting and the Special Town Meeting does not conclude on May 6, the Meeting will resume on May 8.

Segment B Articles – all budget-related items – of the Annual Town Meeting will be taken up beginning Wednesday, May 29.  

Correction: In an earlier version of the article, there was a reference to an amendment to the planning board’s change to the “inclusionary housing zoning bylaw” as watering down the number of affordable units. That was an incorrect reading of the amendment and has been corrected.

Memorial Service For Cleo Theodoropulos, Fri., May 3

Photo: Cleo Athena Theodoropulos (GoFundMe)

There will be a celebration of the life of Cleo Athena Theodoropulos on Friday, May 3, at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge.

Born on Aug. 30, 2002, Cleo died suddenly of a stroke on April 22, 2019, at Boston Children’s Hospital where she had been diagnosed the previous week with Ewing Sarcoma, a rare bone disorder. She was 16.

A junior at Belmont High School who was an outstanding figure skater and played varsity field hockey, all will remember Cleo as the beautiful, sweet and big-hearted girl everyone loved. She was radiant, a tall, graceful, blue-eyed girl with a big laugh and a long Greek name. 

She had the gift of giving and receiving love without prejudice. We will all dearly miss her hearty laughter and wry sense of humor. This world lost a rare gem, and we will miss her terribly. The memory that we will hold onto a girl who was “game on” for life – all of it.

Memorial and Reception in honor of Cleo will be held Friday, May 3, 2019, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Mount Auburn Cemetery, 580 Mt. Auburn St., Cambridge at the Bigelow Chapel. Cleo’s family welcomes all those who wish to celebrate her life and receive comfort from the many who were touched by her eternal light.

Interment will be on Halesia Path in Mount Auburn Cemetery after May 3. 

Cleo is survived by her parents Constantine and Amanda (McCarthy) Theodoropulos, grandparents Franziska and Spyros Theodoropulos of Yorktown Heights, NY, grandmother Sandra Ann McCarthy of Ottawa, Ontario, uncle Alexander Christopher Theodoropulos and aunt Tara Cloe Foley of Wassaic, NY, aunt Cara Eileen McCarthy of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and Jojo, her Australian Cattle Dog.

Special thanks to Cleo’s doctors, Lindsay Frazier, Wallace Bourgeois, and Adrienne Randolph as well as the many extraordinary nurses at the Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center.

A heartfelt thank you as well to the children, parents and staff of Belmont High School. Your support of Cleo in the last few days and years before helped made her an amazing young woman. 

In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to the Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center in memory of Cleo.