It’s a story about Viola, a shipwrecked noble-woman who is disgusted as a boy to become the page of Count Orsino, who loves Lady Olivia but she, Olivia, falls for Viola (who is going by the name Cesario) who is madly in love with Orsino.
So Viola loves Orsino, Orsino loves Olivia, and Olivia loves Cesario which makes everyone miserable.
And I haven’t gotten to Olivia’s relatives, a right lot who are about to foul things up to the ‘n’th degree. Oh, did I tell you about Viola’s presumedly drowned twin brother, Sebastian? Olivia marries him, thinking he’s Cesario. Or Viola.
If this sounds like a comedy by Shakespeare, you’d be right. And “Twelfth Night,” will be performed over three nights by the Belmont High School Performing Arts Company: Thursday, Nov. 6 to Saturday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. at the high school auditorium.
Tickets are adults: $12 in advance/$15 at the door; students: $10.
Tickets are now available online.
Tickets will be on sale soon at Champions Sports in Belmont Center later this month.
Chenery 8th Grade Students: reserve a free ticket when you order online using coupon code: CMS8. Belmont Schools Staff: reserve a free ticket online with coupon code BPSSTAFF or by e-mailing