Belmont Pride Parade Set For Saturday, June 11 At 1 PM

Photo: The Belmont Pride Parade will head through Belmont Center on Saturday.

In celebration of Pride Month, the annual Belmont Pride Parade will be held on Saturday, June 11, at 1 p.m. The parade will begin at the Wellington Station in the Town Green next to the First Church at 404 Concord Ave. across from the underpass to Belmont Center.

The three-mile route will start at the Green, continue through the underpass to Channing, Claflin, Alexander, through Belmont Center on Leonard, under bridge taking a right on Common, another right on Waverly, left on Beech, left on Trapelo, left on Common and back to Town Green.

June is LGBTQ Pride Month! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is celebrated each year in June, to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising demonstrations by Manhattan’s gay community.

Learn About A New Belmont Library At Virtual Public Forum Thursday, June 9

Photo: A drawing of the facade of the new Belmont Public Library

The Belmont Public Library Building Committee will be presenting the seventh open public forum on Thursday, June 9 at 7:30 p.m.via ZOOM. The forum will give residents and patrons an opportunity to see the new library’s plans including site plan, floor plan, budget, timeline, and exterior and interior renderings.

The forum will be held virtually: participants can register for the Zoom link or click here to join:

2022 Town Meeting Segment B: Swan Song For Capital Budget’s Stalwarts As One-Time Windfall Meets This Year’s Needs

Photo: Anne Marie Mahoney, chair of the Capital Budget Committee, in action.

For 15 years, Anne Marie Mahoney has identified, found the funding for, and shepherd Belmont’s capital needs through the Town Meeting process with her usual aplomb as the longstanding chair of the Capital Budget Committee.

Known for her meticulous reports, having every fact down cold and at the ready all which she presented in a good natured but firm disposition of a school teacher she once was, Mahoney has long been the model in town of how to present – and importantly, pass – an article before, at times, testy audiences of nearly 300 Town Meeting Members.

On Wednesday, June 1, Mahoney – along with her fellow long-serving Capital Budget stalwarts Jenny Fallon and Betsy Vose – presented their final capital budget before Belmont’s legislative body on the first night of Segment B of the annual Town Meeting held virtually. (It is also the final action of the Capital Budget Committee as it has been absorbed into the newly-formed Comprehensive Capital Budget Committee.)

Calling the trio “the oldies but goodies,” Mahoney said she and her compatriots “loved our time working for the town particularly love capital” having served on the committee for so long. “But at the same time, it’s good to recognize when it’s time to move on and do other things,” she said before the meeting.

“If we were in person, we would have a loud standing ovation for these individuals,” said Town Moderator Mike Widmer.

And ending this chapter of their Town Meeting history with a flourish, Mahoney stated that in fiscal ’23, Belmont has more than enough money to meet its capital needs! Well, at least for this coming fiscal year.

“For the past ten years, I have stood before you and reminded you that the Capital Budget Committee needs at least $3 million a year to keep on top of routine requests,” said Mahoney, saying it would be lucky to come up with half that amount. This year, finally, all the financial stars aligning, with the sale of the Cushing Square parking lot ($1.043 million) and end-of-the -year turn backs to town coffers ($545,121) resulted in a robust $3.138 million in available revenue. And since half the total came from these one-time funds, “this windfall came with the obligation to choose wisely” which was to target one-time projects, said Mahoney.

Mahoney preceded to present the articles, with a significant amount of the facilities department’s allocation – $1.2 million – directed to the Butler Elementary School, the town’s oldest school building, which will include façade repair, replacement windows and a new PA system.

(The full list of capital allocations can be found at the bottom of the page.)

The extra revenue also allowed the committee to add a new Project Bid Reserve line item for $205,738. Like a building contingency fund, when the cost of a capital budget job runs over its allocated bid price, the department can use the funds rather than waiting until the next Town Meeting to seek the difference.

As part of the annual roads and sidewalks, $1,857,772 was appropriated for paving projects, and $237,730 for sidewalks.

By the end of the 10 separate votes, you could count on two hands the number of negative tallies as Mahoney left the stage one last time.

As a final word, Mahoney reminded the meeting that while the funds were available this year, there remains “projects without end” facing the town from building envelopes, roads, sidewalks, culverts and water mains that will quickly require attention.

And it wouldn’t be a Capital Budget presentation from Mahoney if there wasn’t a quote or, this year, a story enlightening the members on the process the committee followed. Mahoney was taken with a performance of a contemporary work at a recent Boston Symphony Orchestra Friday afternoon concert which featured non-musical items such as sandpaper and cellophane as important sounds in the work as well an artist playing two pianos simultaneously then plucking its strings.

“What is my capital budget takeaway? We have the score for the concerto to follow which is our process and our legal requirements. But we also have ingenuity within the limitations with unusual instruments such as creative playing techniques, everyday items play to deliver something exciting. We hope that what the Capital Budget Committee has done this year is equally exciting,” said Mahoney.

The complete list of Capital Budget expenditures which were accepted by Town Meeting include:


2022 Hybrid Utility Vehicle: $55,666
Butler Masonry Façade Repair: $487,000
Butler KalWal Replacement: $415,000
Butler PA System: $300,000
Electric Van: $54,756
Wellington Heat Pump: $97,595
Winn Brook Fire/PA Systems: $75,000

FIRE DEPT. $583,665
Air Packs: $376,584
Ambulance Replacement: $80,000
Cardiac Monitor Replacement: $7,000
Ambulance Power Load Cot System: $45,081
Replace Staff Car: $75,000

IT DEPT. $230,000
Fiber Optics Burbank/Wellington: $20,000
Network Storage:$60,000
Fiber Line to Antenna Site $150,000

POLICE DEPT. $42,000
Radio Amplifier: $30,000
Replace EMD Server: $12,000

Tree Inventory: $55,000

Cemetery Pick-Up Truck: $58,310

Parks Front End Loader: $112,450

Parks Pick-up Truck: $58,310

Replace Trees $25,000
Sidewalks from Balances $100,000

Roads Rebuild and Patch $150,000

Capital Roads Non-Discretionary $1,857,772
Sidewalks $ 237,730
Total Paving/Sidewalks $2,095,502

Project Bid Reserve $205,738

Parade And Ceremony Marks Belmont’s Memorial Day, 2022 [Photos]


The weather cooperated – brilliant sunshine, low humidity, upper 70s – as Belmont returned to he public celebration of Memorial Day.

It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that the numbers along the route and at the commemoration were down from 2019 as the ceremony booted up for the first time in three years with the parade that started in Cushing Square and traveled to Belmont Cemetery adjacent the Grove Street playground led by a contingency of veterans and guests, girl and boy scouts, all serenaded by the Belmont High School marching band.

At the cemetery, the solemn tribute for the fallen who died in defense of the country commenced with Bob Upton, Belmont’s Veteran’s Service Agent who is retiring at the end of the week, who spoke of those who were honored on this holiday.

“Let’s appreciate our time together here in this beautiful place within this wonderful community of Belmont,” said Upton. “We are here today because of the sacrifices made by so many Belmont families. We are here because of the willingness of someone we love or maybe someone we many not even know who laid down their life for our freedom. We are here to honor them.”

Nor should the day be best known as the unofficial start of summer, suggested the chair of the Belmont Select Board.

“Memorial Day has become a day of picnics, barbecues, parades a day to spend time with family and friends as we look forward to their carefree days of summer,” said Mark Paolillo. “But it must remain a day to pause from our very busy lives to reflect, honor and thank those individuals that have given all to defend our freedoms. We must remember them.”

Speaking on his tenure as the vets rep in town, Upton spoke of some of his most personal rewarding efforts which may have flown under the radar such as creating a low-key coffee hour for veterans at the Beech Street Center, coordinating a trip for an aging WWII vet to Washington DC on an Honor Flight or negotiating what can seem to be an overwhelming amount of paperwork to allow vets survivors to receive the benefits they rightfully have earned.

“Some of my most proudest moments here in Belmont has been working with our veterans and their family members and the stories I heard at events and activities such as today,” said Upton.

Finally Upton read the names of Belmont’s fallen from the Civil War to the War on Terror, taps was played and the parade reassembled to the Veterans Memorial at Clay Pit Pond for a brief commemoration.

Health Dept. Holding Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic May 31, 10AM-2PM, At Beth El Temple


The Belmont Health Department is offering Covid-19 vaccines to eligible residents, including first, second and booster shots.

The clinic will take place on Tuesday, May 31, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Beth El Temple Center, 2 Concord Ave.

  • Those 5 to 11 can now sign up to receive a booster dose if it has been at least 5 months since their second dose. Individuals 50 years of age and older at least 4 months after getting a first booster.
  • Individuals 18 and older with certain medical conditions may get a second Moderna booster at least 4 months after first booster.
  • Individuals 12 and older with certain medical conditions may get a second Pfizer booster at least 4 months after the first booster.In addition, per the CDC, individuals 18 and older who received a primary vaccine and booster dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine at least 4 months ago may now receive a second booster dose using an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

This clinic will be operated through a partnership between VaxinateRX and the Belmont Health Department. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be available.

Find information on the clinic and how to register for a vaccine appointment HERE

To register for an appointment click HERE

If you have difficulty with registration call  617-993-2720 or Email: for assistance.

Belmont’s Memorial Day Parade/Observation: May 30 Starting At 11 AM From Cushing Sq.

Photo: Flowers at veterans’ graves at Belmont Cemetery on Memorial Day 2015.

The Memorial Day’s of pre-Covid restrictions and cancellations will return to Belmont on Monday, May 30.

For the first time since 2019, a parade from Cushing Square to the Belmont Cemetery will start the day at 11 a.m. with contingencies of veterans, town and state officials, the Belmont Police and Fire departments, the Belmont High School marching band, boy and girl scouts, and town employees in large trucks and equipment coming down Trapelo Road to Belmont Street before taking the left onto Grove Street.

All veterans and current military personnel are invited and welcome to join the other vets at the head of the parade.

The observance will take place at Belmont Cemetery adjacent to the Grove Street Playground at roughly 11:45 a.m. The parade will then proceed to the Belmont Veterans Memorial at Clay Pit Pond off of Concord Avenue for a short ceremony.

The parade and observation will be coordinated for the final time by Belmont’s retiring Veteran’s Services Agent Bob Upton.

With Concerns Heightened, Belmont School Committee Will Host Community Safety Forum Tuesday, May 31

Photo: The Belmont School Committee will host a virtual community safety forum on Tuesday, May 31

After a pair of alarming incidents directed at and in Belmont schools and the recent mass murder of students and teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, the Belmont School Committee will host a virtual community safety forum on Tuesday, May 31, at 6:30 p.m., according to an email from Belmont Superintendent John Phelan.

  • To join the Zoom video meeting, click this link: Webinar ID: 832 1791 9060
  • To join by telephone:Call: (929) 205-6099 and enter this PIN: 83217919060# To ask a question or raise your hand, enter *9 on your phone.
  • The meeting will be cablecast live on channel 8 (Comcast) and channel 28 and 2130 (Verizon) and online at

The meeting comes after a bomb threat on May 11 was directed at Belmont High School and “concerning” social media messages accompanied photos of the interior of the Chenery Middle School has raised tensions among residents and parents of school-age students.

The meeting, which will be attended by Belmont Police Chief James MacIsaac, Fire Chief David Destefano and Facilities Director David Blazon, will be an opportunity for public safety and town officials “to update on our protocols and to listen to concerns and feedback,” said Phelan.

“As most of our students have exposure to technology, news media, and social media, many of them have likely heard about the tragedy in Uvalde,” said Phelan.

“This topic will no doubt be top-of-mind among families throughout the nation for days to come. Our staff and counselors are available for students in school as needed. Please reach out to one of your child’s teachers, counselor, or principal if you feel your child needs specific support in processing this incident.”

Belmont Community Path On The TIP Of A Milestone

Photo: Russell Leino, chair of the Community Path Project Committee at Town Day

Just how important is the vote taking place on Thursday, May 26, for the future of the Belmont Community Path?

Russell Leino, chair of the Community Path Project Committee, used “big” four times – “it’s big, big, big, big” – to describe the pending milestone of securing the money needed to build the first section of the two-mile path bisecting the town between the borders of Cambridge and Waltham.

The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization will vote on Thursday to endorse the final version of its Transportation Improvement Program – known as the TIP – which lists the construction projects in eastern Massachusetts it will fund through federal fiscal years 2023 through 2027. And the first section of Belmont’s community path was preliminarily tagged by the MTO back in 2021 for the funding slot in 2026.

By allocating funds to the path, “it says there is a solid belief in the project,” said Leino, as he held down the fort at the Community Path tent on Town Day Saturday, May 21.

A critical link of the 104-mile Mass Central Rail Trail (MCRT) from Boston to Northampton, the Belmont path is slated to receive $21 million in federal funds to build Phase 1 of the path from the Clark Street Bridge via Belmont Center and along the commuter rail tracks to the Cambridge border. In addition to the path, a pedestrian tunnel under the commuter tracks from Alexander Avenue into the new Middle and High School campus leading to Concord Avenue makes up Phase 1.

A “yes” vote on Thursday “means our our community’s interests are aligned with the state’s interest and with the feds interest. That means everybody is working together to make this make this a reality,” said Leino, who has been leading the effort to build the path from it’s first rough concept up to a working design.

The path has also received a big push from residents: at the end of a three-week comment period on May 22, the MPO received 35 letters in support, two letters in opposition and an online petition in support with 707 signatures.

While a favorable vote by the MPO on the Belmont Community Path is anticipated, there remains a great deal of work remaining for the committee, town and Nitsch Engineering – which is leading the design work – to complete as the clock begins ticking on Thursday.

“We’re at 25 percent design completion, which is a preliminary design right now. We’ve got to progress all the way to 100 percent design in just about four years,” he noted. “It’s a long road ahead. There’s lots of work for our committee to do and for the town to do to make sure the design is finalized. “

“But Thursday’s vote is just a huge step. I can’t understate how important this is,” said Leino.

Get Tix Now For Performing Arts Company’s Spring Improv Show On Friday, May 27

Photo: Poster for the Spring Improv Show

It’s fun, it’s spontaneous and it sells out each year.

Belmont High School Performing Arts Company is presenting its final production of the school year, the annual Spring Improv Show, on Friday, May 27 at 7 p.m. in the school’s Black Box Admission: 

The Improv Show is a high-energy performance, made up on the spot from audience suggestions. This week’s show will feature a set of musical improv games, with made-up-on-the-spot songs!

One of the most popular productions of the year, advance ticket purchase is encouraged. The show is free for the school’s staff and students and $5 for everyone else.

Ticket sales and more info at  

Belmont Police Will Be At District Schools Wednesday After ‘Incident’ At The Chenery

Photo: Chenery Middle School where an “incident” occurred on Tuesday which was resolved by Belmont Police.

Belmont Police will have an increased presence at all district schools Wednesday morning, May 25, after an incident Tuesday at the Chenery Middle School and yesterday’s mass killing of elementary school children in Uvalde, Texas.

At 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 24, Belmont Police were made aware of a social media post showing pictures of the inside of the Chenery Middle School that included comments from the poster which were deemed “concerning” to the police, according to Chief James MacIsaac.

“Officers immediately responded to the Chenery Middle School along with our Co-Responder Clinician and located the person responsible for the social media posts,” said MacIsaac in an email press release.   Officers and the clinician were able to successfully address the matter.

Belmont Police would not expand on the nature of the comments in the posts, whether they could be perceived as a threat or a call for help.

“Out of an abundance of caution and due to today’s incident in Texas,” police will be at each of Belmont’s six schools Tuesday, said MacIsaac.

Also on Tuesday, the Belmont School Committee led by Chair Meg Moriarty paused for a moment of silence at the start of its business meeting to remember the 19 students and two faculty members murdered by a lone gunman in Texas earlier in the day.