Belmont School’s Remote Learning To Begin This Week, Lasting Until May 4

Photo: A photo of Belmont Superintendent John Phelan via the internet.

Assignments, reading and a “regular” school day.

Those are the highlights of the new way of education as Belmont School District begins this week “Phase 2 Remote Learning” for the nearly 5,000 students enrolled in the town’s public schools.

The change to learning through the internet and email, which will run until May 4, is another way the COVID-19 novel coronavirus has fundamentally altered the norm.

In an email dated March 30 to the community, John Phelan, Belmont district superintendent, provided a timeline for the next month detailing the approach Phelan and the district leadership team, made up of principals, teachers and directors, are taking in creating an off-campus curriculum for K-12 following the guidelines from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The “Phase 2” will emphasize “reinforcing skills, curriculum advancement, and new and meaningful learning opportunities [in] remote learning,” wrote Phelan.

The timeline for Phase 2 is:

  • On Tuesday, March 31, Belmont’s six school principals will hold faculty meetings to outline the framework of Phase 2 Remote Learning.
  • Those specific details will be emailed by the principals to families on Tuesday, March 31 following the faculty meetings.
  • Principals will set times for staff to access their school and classrooms to gather needed materials during the remainder of the week.
  • Educators will spend time working to review, plan, and prepare for this work with the goal of contacting students and families starting this week and no later than Monday, April 6.
  • The enrichment and re-teaching work “Phase 1” provided students and families for this week should remain in place unless your students/teacher(s) are prepared to move forward with the Phase 2 plan.

The timeline for Phase 2 will be in effect at least until May 4.

Unlike Phase 1 which was student-led reteaching and enrichment of what was learned during the school year, Phase 2 will be teacher-directed with pupils will be expected to spend at least three hours a day working on the reinforcing skills and new and meaningful remote learning opportunities.

Under Phase 2, students in 5th to 12th grade will:

  • Complete and submit work within a set deadline.
  • Open and address daily morning emails from educators.
  • Read for an hour a day.

Younger students, from K-4, will:

  • Engage in daily activities that their families will receive daily via email.
  • Read for a half-hour a day.

Teachers will be tasked with doing what they have been previously, just doing it through the internet. Those tasks include being an instructor and facilitator, collecting and grading assignments, creating resources for students, and even hold “office hours” to allow for a more personal “human touch.”

For more about Phase 2, head to the Belmont Public School link.

Phelan also apologized for the delay in communicating how the remote learning process was being developed and implemented.

“I take responsibility for the role of communicating the hard work we have engaged in over the last week, in order to provide a more direct form of Remote Learning in Belmont,” he said.

Moving forward, Phelan said the district is meeting the challenge the community is facing.

“The community of Belmont has always been a great supporter of public schools. This support has always been valued and appreciated by the faculty and staff in Belmont. Please know that your teachers, directors, and principals have been working hard and will continue to do so on behalf of their students,” said Phelan.

Town Election Pushed Back To June 23; A Virtual Town Meeting In The Cards

Photo: Wear your shorts, it’s summer time voting in Belmont

In response to the continued COVID-19 pandemic, the Belmont Select Board approved moving the annual Town Election from April 7 to Tuesday, June 23 at its March 26 meeting held via video conference.

In addition to a new day for voters to head for a summertime election, Town Meeting members could be debating the 2021 budget sitting in front of their computers rather than in the Chenery Middle School auditorium as plans are underway to possibly hold a virtual annual Town Meeting in May if the novel coronavirus continues to force social distancing.

Saying “it seemed imprudent to proceed with an election for April 7,” Select Board Chair Tom Caputo complimented the state legislature for passing a bill allowing city and towns to postpone local elections until June 30.

Town Clerk Ellen Cushman and Town Moderator Micheal Widmer, who led the effort to establish a new election date, believed that “for the people who work the elections and the voters in general, the longer we can push that off, the better,” said Cushman. They also had to consider a date in which Belmont public schools had shut down for the summer recess as three of the town’s eight polling stations – at the Winn Brook, Burbank and Butler elementary schools – are located in district buildings.

In the end, the pair came up with three dates; June 16, 23 and 25 with the 23rd receiving the highest favorable response from volunteers who work the elections.

Yet a June date would come after the completion of the annual Town Meeting, which begins on May 27. Traditionally, a new Town Meeting is held after a Town Election to allow new representatives to debate and cast ballots.

But as the Select Board’s Adam Dash noted, there is also no requirement in the new town election legislation compelling towns to hold elections before Town Meeting – as is usually the case.

Cushman said that whoever is actually elected to serve as a Town Meeting member and in town-wide office would be the ones who represent at Town Meeting.

“So it’s possible that you might have [a] group who would represent at the annual town meeting … before the election, and then a completely different group would be at a Special Town Meeting that deals with those zoning articles and other items that took place after the election,” said Cushman.

“I certainly don’t want to set a date … in May, and then it turns out we’re still quarantined and then we have to pump it a second time, which would not be ideal,” said Dash.

Board Member Roy Epstein – whose background image suggested he was speaking from along the pre-1940 Maginot line in France – asked Cushman if the town could hold the election via absentee ballot to lessen the anxiety of voters concerning contacting COVID-19 at polling stations.

Belmont Select Board’s Roy Epstein.

“I guess there’s some possibility that even in June, it wouldn’t be wise to have an election with live polling places,” he said.

Cushman noted that the state has recently altered its criteria for casting an absentee ballot to include voters who are avoiding a polling place as a precautionary measure in response to COVID-19. The state has also extended early voting to municipal elections for the remainder of 2020.

Yet there is one catch; under state law, the town must have at least one “live” polling station on election day to allow voting for anyone who didn’t vote early or with an absentee ballot.

“[I]f people do show up, then you might put them in jeopardy because suddenly you’d have a lot of people located in one location. So there are a lot of considerations,” said Cushman.

In addition to settling on a new election day, Cushman said Belmont and other towns are watching another piece of state legislation. They are hoping language will be added to allow towns to run “remote access Town Meetings” if necessitated by the continued presence of COVID-19 in late May.

Cushman said her office has been in discussions with Turning Technologies, the town’s electronic voting vendor, which indicated there needs to be coordination between its software and Zoom, the remote conferencing service, to make it work.

“But for Town Meeting members, the experience would be virtually seamless. Roll call votes would … be instantaneous, and it’s part of our existing license so it wouldn’t cost us anything,” said Cushman

“So I already have people taking training and webinars … so should [if enabling language] happens in the legislature, we will be pretty much ready to start turning on,” said Cushman.

Caputo said he had recently participated in a work meeting with 254 people, “and it actually worked remarkably well.”

And on the plus side of a Town Meeting via Zoom, suggested Dash, “if you go beyond the time limit [the Town Moderator] can just mute them.”

Town Election Delayed, Town Meeting Tentative Start On May 29 – Budgets Only


Town elections are “funny little animals,” said Ellen Cushman, Belmont Town Clerk addressing the Select Board last week.

While the ballot is specific to the municipality, they can’t be delayed, postponed or changed by local action. Altering the date, for instance, can only be done through a “higher power,” either going before a judge for a court ruling or via a special act of the legislature up on Beacon Hill.

Asking to tinker with a town’s election dates is a fairly rare request, but circumstances around the world had forced Belmont’s and other communities hands on the matter.

With the advancing coronavirus pandemic forcing the cancellation of gatherings of more than a handful of people, it became clear holding the election on the traditional first Tuesday in April was all but impossible.

It was for that reason the Select Board voted to approve – better known as “calling” – the annual Town Election for April 7 just so it could then start the process of postponing it.

After the Select Board’s unanimous vote, the town prepared plans on what avenue to pursue to change the election date; through the courts as Wellesley had recently done or via legislation. Turns out that neither was needed as just days after the Board’s vote, state legislators stepped in with a universal fix.

As pressure from municipalities requesting delays and postponements began to swamp Beacon Hill, the Massachusetts House and Senate on Monday, March 23, passed legislation, S.2608, allowing municipalities to postpone 2020 local elections while the Commonwealth is in a state of emergency.

Under the legislation, the Select Board will be able to postpone to a date on or before June 30.

“I’m informed that the House and Senate passed the bill this afternoon and it is anticipated that the Governor [Charlie Baker] will sign it,” Cushman said.

The next question is when will the election take place? Belmont will find out on Thursday, March 26 when the Select Board meets to make the postponement official and sets the new date.

The pandemic has also impacted the 161st annual Town Meeting as the Board along with Town Administrator Patrice Garvin and Town Moderator Mike Widmer decided to move the first day of the annual Town Meeting from late April to May 29, which was already scheduled to be the start of the meeting’s Segment B which focuses on financial articles.

And that meeting will be limited to budgets and fiscal matters, measures vital “to keep the lights on,” according to Garvin.

The non-budgetary articles which were to highlight the April meeting including important topics as imposing a fee for paper bags, restricting gas hookups in new buildings, a lease agreement for the new ice skating rink and zoning changes to facilitate residential development at the McLean property will be delayed to a date yet known.

Garvin said it would be likely those measures will be taken up during a special Town Meeting during the summer.

Playgrounds Now Off Limits As Belmont, State Shuts Down Public Gatherings

Photo: PQ Parks Playground is now

Playgrounds – but not parks – throughout Belmont are the latest areas to be officially closed by the Belmont Health Department in an effort to slow the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic.

In the latest public health update issued Monday, March 16, Health Department Director Wesley Chin focused on actions taken by the state and his office over the weekend and today.

On Sunday, March 15, Gov. Charlie Baker announced additional measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  The Governor’s Order includes the following restrictions throughout the Commonwealth that will go into effect on March 17.

  • All public and private schools will be closed through April 6.
  • All restaurants and bars will be prohibited from the on-premise consumption of food.  However, restaurants may remain open for now to provide food through take-out or delivery service.  These restrictions extend through April 17 but may be extended based on the spread of COVID-19.
  • Gatherings of 25 or more people are also banned. This includes all community, civic, public, leisure, and faith-based events. It also applies to gyms, private clubs, and theatres.

Chin announced that Belmont is taking additional precautions and instituting the following actions that will be effective on March 16

  • All Town of Belmont public playgrounds (specifically playground equipment) are closed.  At this time, open spaces such as fields remain open. However, the Belmont Board of Health and its staff ask all residents to engage in the social distancing practices detailed below.
  • Field use permits are suspended to discourage social gatherings. We are strongly discouraging activities that promote the gathering of people.
  • Public meetings and hearings will be limited to those that are considered necessary for the purposes of maintaining essential Town of Belmont government functions and that are mandated under federal, state, or local law/regulation.
  • Town Hall Offices are closed to the public. At this time access to these facilities will be limited to staff only.  Residents in need of assistance are encouraged to contact respective Town departments by phone and/or email
  • Important updates about COVID-19 and its impact on the Town will be posted at .

The Belmont Board of Health and its staff ask all residents to immediately and seriously engage in the practice of social distancing. Social distancing means staying out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining a distance of 6 feet (minimum) or at least an arm’s length away from others when possible.

This means:

  • NO small gatherings (even though the state has capped gatherings at 25 people).
  • NO playdates (for individuals of any age).
  • NO sharing of childcare responsibilities with other families, unless you have been deemed an essential worker (i.e. Police, Fire, EMS, medical professional).
    • Essential workers should make every attempt to stagger their schedules with partners to allow for coverage of childcare.

Chin is advising residents to:

  • Stay home.
  • Minimize the number of trips you take to the store for food and medicine.
  • Avoid close contact with people who do not live with you.
  • Show compassion for your neighbors.
    • Make a plan with your elderly neighbors to check in with them on a daily basis via phone or email to help monitor their health and to see if you can help them obtain any food, prescriptions, or other basic needs.

Help save lives:

  • It is important that we all take social isolation seriously to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The transmission of this virus grows exponentially and will soon overtake our healthcare system. We must all work together for the common good of society. This is our chance to come together as a community to stem the spread of this virus. If we are all successful at social distancing, we will slow the spread of COVID-19, and this will give our healthcare providers and hospitals a chance to prepare to be able to treat people who may need scarce medical resources to survive the pandemic.  

CLOSED: Belmont’s Town Offices, Library, Senior Center Shut Down Monday, Meetings Held Online

Photo: Belmont Town Hall which will be closed on Monday, March 16

Belmont has hung up the “Closed” sign.

Belmont’s government including Town Hall, the Public Library, its schools and the senior center will be shut down for the foreseeable future beginning on Monday, March 16, according to town officials.

“In accordance with guidance from Governor Baker and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), and in an effort to balance the ability to continue to provide important services and to protect the health and safety of the residents of Belmont, the Town is taking the following measures,” read an email from Assistant Town Manager Jon Marshall dated Saturday, March 14

Effective Monday, March 16, services and closures are as follows:

Beginning Monday, March 16, Belmont Town Complex Offices are CLOSED to the PUBLIC until further notice. Access will be limited to staff only at this time. Essential services will continue but are subject to change as circumstances change. Town Hall and Homer Building office hours will remain the same: Mondays 8 a.m. – 7 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., and Fridays 8 a.m. – noon. If you need assistance please contact Town offices via email or phone.


Police and Fire emergency response will continue to operate as usual. However, administrative services have been amended as follows:

  • Fire Stations are closed to the public. For Fire Prevention issues please call 617-993-2210.
  • Police Headquarters will remain open. No one will be turned away. However, we would prefer that if you need to visit the police station you call first at 617-484-1212In the event of an emergency please call 9-1-1.

The Belmont Public Schools are CLOSED through Friday, March 27. This timeline may change as we learn more from our federal, state and local boards of health. Although school administration central offices will remain open, in an attempt to limit person to person interactions, all questions should be sent via email or phone.

Beginning Monday, March 16, the Belmont Public Library will be CLOSED to the PUBLIC until further notice. Belmont Public Library building access will be limited to staff only at this time. Hours are Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you need assistance please contact the library via email or phone. Information regarding available services can be found on the library website

Beginning Monday, March 16, Beech Street Center will be CLOSED to the PUBLIC until further notice. The Beech Street Center building access will be limited to staff only at this time. Essential services such as food, social work counseling and transportation for seniors will continue to be available. If you need assistance please contact the senior center via email or phone at 617-993-2970.

Beginning Monday, March 16th, Belmont Electric Light will be CLOSED to the PUBLIC until further notice. All questions should be sent via email or phone. Belmont Electric Light building access will be limited to staff only at this time.


The Town is working on modified procedures to allow for the Food Pantry, which is located in Town Hall, to operate and provide this critical service to the community. We anticipate having the Food Pantry open on its regularly scheduled day, Saturday, March 21. Food will be provided by volunteers handing out bags outside of Town Hall. If you need assistance, please contact the Food Pantry at We anticipate further updates mid-week.


The Governor’s Executive Order suspended portions of the Open Meeting Law to allow for remote participation for boards and committees. The Select Board is meeting Monday, March 16 at 7 p.m. The Select Board recognizes that this is a public meeting, but given current circumstances is encouraging residents to view the meeting from home. The Town is actively working to provide residents with remote capability that allows for participation at home. We will provide more information on how to access the meeting on Monday, during the day.


The Town is evaluating, in collaboration with the state, the potential impacts of COVID-19 on the local Town Election scheduled for Tuesday, April 7. We will update the community as circumstances change.


Please call or email the informational line if you have questions: Monday through Friday 8am -4pm.



The Board of Health continues to recommend the following actions to limit the spread of COVID-19:

  • Cover your mouth – when you cough or sneeze use a tissue or your inner elbow, not your hands.
  • Wash your hands – with soap and warm water or use an alcohol-based sanitizing gel.
  • Practice social distancing – when in public spaces try to remain at least 6-feet away from others.
  • Actively Promote Social Distancing – encourage children to practice social distancing and goodhygiene when interacting with family and friends of all ages.
  • Stay home if you are sick – and avoid close contact with others.

This situation is constantly evolving, and we are receiving updates throughout the day. We will continue to provide updated information as it becomes available on our website.

Two More Cases Of Coronavirus In Belmont, Raising Total To 3

Photo: Belmont now has three confirmed cases of the Coronavirus.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has informed the Belmont Health Department that two more residents have been declared “presumptive positive” for the COVID-19 virus, according to an email dated Friday, March from Wesley Chin, director of the Health Department.

Belmont now has a total of three MDPH confirmed cases of the stain of the Coronavirus which has developed in just four months into a global pandemic. As of March 13, there are 123 cases In Massachusetts.

MDPH defines “presumptive positive” as a person that has tested positive by the Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory, while awaiting specimens sent to the US Centers for Disease Control for final verification.

Like the initial case, these residents are linked to the Biogen conference held in Boston at the end of February. Statewide 82 out of 108 positive cases are linked to the Biogen event that took place at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel.

The first person who contracted the virus is currently in isolation in their home, staying away from their family members who are self-quarantined in the same location for 14 days.

“Other members of the family, do not have symptoms of COVID-19,” said Chin.

“Local health departments, including the Belmont Health Department, conduct contact investigations of confirmed and presumptive positive COVID-19 cases, in collaboration with MDPH. This helps to prevent further spread by having contacts of cases self-quarantine,” read the email.

Breaking: First Coronavirus Case In Belmont Confirmed, Attended Biogen Conference

Photo: The Belmont resident with the coronavirus attended a Biogen conference at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf (Google maps)

Belmont’s first positive Coronavirus case in a resident has been confirmed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, according to a press release dated Wednesday, March 11 from Wesley Chin, director of the Belmont Health Department.

“The presumptive positive individual is in good spirits and reports mild symptoms,” said Chin.

A parent of students who attend the Chenery Middle School and Belmont High School, the resident took part in a Biogen conference at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf in late February which is “Ground Zero” in the spread of the respiratory disease. As of Tuesday, approximately 70 out of 91 presumptive positive cases in Massachusetts are linked to that leadership meeting.

Only the parent has shown symptoms of the virus known as COVID-19; the students and other members of the family are symptom free.

The resident and the family are now complying with a 14-day in-home quarantine protocol provided by MDPH, said the press release. The individual is isolated in the home and is staying away from members of their family.

Even before the confirmation, the individual and its family have been out of school and work since the previous week as a preventative measure to reduce the chance of community spread.

In light of the first positive case in town, the Belmont Public Schools Facilities Department is cleaning and disinfecting the schools the children attend as well as the Belmont Public Library, which was cleaned prior to opening today.

The school department has strengthened cleaning protocols at all schools, with a focus on high touch points. It is also closely monitoring hand towel and soap dispensers to ensure regular refill and has ordered a large supply of hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes to be distributed to all schools.

There are now plans to systematically disinfect all other town buildings moving forward, said Chin.

Local health departments, including the Belmont Health Department, conduct contact investigations of confirmed and presumptive positive COVID-19 cases, in collaboration with MDPH. This helps to prevent further spread by having contacts of cases self-quarantine.

The US Centers Disease Control (CDC) has updated recommendations for people at higher risk — older adults and people who have chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease.

Warren Finds Love In Belmont, Winning Dem Presidential Primary

Photo: credit Lorie Shaull (Creative Commons)

It was a rough Super Tuesday for Elizabeth Warren, as the Massachusetts senator saw her chances to become the Democratic standard bearer for President of the United States take a serious blow as she finished back in the pack in each of the 14 states up for grabs including in her home Bay State which was won by a surging Joe Biden.

But Warren would be able to savor the taste of victory at least once Tuesday; over in the Town of Homes as the Cambridge resident racked up nearly a third of all votes cast by Belmont voters in the state’s Presidential Primary held March 3.

The final tally in the Democratic primary from Belmont’s eight precincts:

  • Liz Warren: 2,856 (32.2 percent)
  • Joe Biden: 2,681 (30.2 percent)
  • Bernie Sanders: 1,805 (20.4 percent)
  • Mike Bloomberg: 1,043 (11.8 percent)
  • Pete Buttigieg: 239 (2.7 percent)
  • Amy Klobuchar: 108 (1.2 percent)
  • Tulsi Gabbard: 59 (0.7 percent)
  • Andrew Yang: 19 (0.2 percent)
  • Tom Steyer: 16 (0.2 percent)

See Belmont Town Clerk Ellen Cushman announce the results of the 2020 presidential primary.

And there is good evidence that the suspension of Buttigieg and Klobuchar’s campaigns and their endorsements of Biden over the weekend impacted the outcome of the race. In the week of early voting when 1,571 (about 9 percent of all voters) cast ballots, Biden registered just nine percent of the early votes (130 votes), compared to Warren’s 35.4 percent (509 votes) and behind Sanders, Bloomberg and Buttigieg.

Overall voter participation was impressive with 55 percent of registered voters – 9,622 our of 17,633 – going to the polls, participated in early voting or taking out an absentee ballot. In 2016, 9,969 voters (58 percent) came out with two contested races while in 2008, 63 percent of registered voters participated.

Belmont was an outlier among Bay State municipalities as it was one of 14 cities and towns voting for Warren as Biden won the state after trailing badly in polls just a week previously.

With 89 percent of the state’s precinct reporting as of 1 a.m., Wednesday, March 4, Biden has received 33.8 percent of the total vote with Vt. Senator Bernie Sanders at 26.7 percent with Warren down at 20.9 percent.

Over on the Republican side of the ballot, President Trump took home 587 votes with former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld receiving 105.

Health Dept: Risk Low For Coronavirus In Belmont; No Cases In Town

Photo: Wesley Chinn, director of Belmont Health Department, speaking before the Select Board.

Despite the first cases of Massachusetts residents contracting the novel coronavirus in the past two days, the chance of Belmont residents coming down with the remains quite low according to the town’s health officials.

“[W]e are pleased to report that as of 3 p.m. this afternoon [Monday], the risk for coronavirus remains low in Massachusetts,” said Wesley Chin, the director of the Belmont Health Department, who updated the came before the Select Board on Monday, March 2.

As of Monday, “[t]here are no cases in Belmont,” said Belmont Assistant Fire Chief Wayne Haley.

“Were monitoring continuously and just try to calm the nerves of people that just don’t know what to believe what they see on the news,” he noted.

Chin said as “this is a rapidly evolving situation,” his department met Monday with the town’s Emergency Management team consisting of representatives of the Fire and Police departments, town administration and representative the schools.

Haley, who is the town’s Risk Management director, said he and other town health officials have had two hour-long phone calls with the state’s Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control to discuss how towns and departments will address all situations involving the coronavirus.

“From the fire department, we are prepared to respond for any emergency calls,” said Haley.

“We have specialized kits to deal with [the coronavirus], if need be. Dispatchers have been trained to screen all calls to try to get as much information as possible or possible exposure,” said Haley.

In addition, venerable populations to the coronavirus – the elderly and residents with prior health conditions – which include residents at the assisted living complex Belmont Manor and McLean Hospital will be contacted by the Health Department, said Chin.

Both Haley and Chin said the public is best served by following the CDC’s advice on general prevention methods which include:

  • Frequent washing of your hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
  • Avoid touching your nose and mouth.
  • Stay at home if you have flu-like symptoms and contact your physician. “That is the best way to stop the virus,” said Chin.

According to Belmont’s Public Nurse David Neylon, symptoms include fever, shortness of breath and coughing.

Belmont Votes Today: Presidential Primary 2020; Polls Open at 7 AM, Schools Closed

Photo: Get to the polls, today.

Belmont votes today, Tuesday, March 3 in the 2020 Massachusetts Presidential Primary.



Voters are encouraged to check their voter registration status and voting precinct before they go to vote by visiting the Town Clerk’s web page.

Voters who have not returned a census in 2019 or 2020 are classified as “inactive” voters, a status that requires the voter to present identification to return to the active voting rolls.  Think about carrying your ID when you go to vote to make the process seamlessly.


  • Precinct One: Belmont Public Library, Assembly Room, 336 Concord Ave.
  • Precinct Two: Belmont Town Hall, Selectmen’s Room, 455 Concord Ave.
  • Precinct Three: Beech Street Center, 266 Beech St.
  • Precinct Four: Daniel Butler School Gym, 90 White St.
  • Precinct Five: Beech Street Center, 266 Beech St.
  • Precinct Six: Belmont Fire Headquarters, 299 Trapelo Rd.
  • Precinct Seven: Burbank School Gym, 266 School St.
  • Precinct Eight: Winn Brook School Gym, 97 Waterhouse Rd., Enter From Cross Street.

Don’t know your voting precinct?  Visit the Town Clerk’s website for a list of Belmont precinct assignments by street:

  1. Select Town Departments,
  2. Select Town Clerk,
  3. then select Elections: Information for Residents and scroll down the page.

Or go directly here.


Your enrollment as a voter will determine which party ballot you will receive at the polls.

There are four political parties in Massachusetts. If you are enrolled in one of these four political parties when you go to the polls, you can only vote for that particular party:

  • D – Democratic Party
  • R – Republican Party
  • J – Green-Rainbow  Party
  • L – Libertarian Party

Only voters who are not affiliated with a political party, called Unenrolled (U – commonly known as No Party or “Independent”) and voters in Political Designations may choose any one of the four party ballots when voting in Primary Elections.


Belmont Police will designate voter parking at each of the polling locations however with a very busy election, parking close to the voting sites is often a challenge. Plan ahead: consider walking, carpooling with a friend or voting “off peak” during the middle of the day.  Only voters who arrive at the precinct and are in line for the Voter Check-In before the close of polls at 8 p.m. can be permitted to vote; those who come too late will miss out.

If you would like further clarification of your party, voting  status, voting precinct or have any other questions related to the upcoming election, please call the Belmont Town Clerk’s Office at 617-993-2600 or email: