The annual town election is fast coming upon residents, only five weeks on Tuesday, March 3. Here are some of the basic facts for Belmontians to know on voting on April 7 from Ellen Cushman, the Belmont Town Clerk.
Who can vote in Town Elections?
Any Belmont resident who is 18 years or older and a citizen of the United States can register to vote. In order to be eligible to vote in the upcoming Annual Town Election the voter registration must be received or postmarked by the twentieth day preceding the election, Wednesday, March 18. The Town Clerk’s office will be open until 8 receive voter registrations on March 18.
Were you Registered To Vote in Another Town?
If you were a registered to vote in another town or state, you’ll need to register as a voter in Belmont in order to vote here.
Voter Changes to Party, Name or Address in Belmont
The deadline for registered Belmont voters who need to make changes to party affiliation, name or address within Belmont is also March 18.
Voter Registration Documents available at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall, 455 Concord Avenue or online at the Town Clerk’s web pages.
The following Voter Registration Forms can be found here.
• Change of Belmont Address forms for registered Belmont voters
• Change of Party Affiliation forms for registered Belmont voters
• Absentee Ballot Application
Forms for individuals who qualify to receive an absentee ballot due to absence from Belmont on Election Day or physical disability preventing the voter from going to the polling place or religious belief. In lieu of using this form, a voter may simply submit a request for a ballot in writing but the request must include the voter’s signature.
Applications for absentee voting must be received by the Town Clerk’s office by Noon Monday, April 6, 2015; voted absentee ballots must be received by 8 p.m., the close of polls Tuesday, April 7. Check the Town Clerk website for dates of in-office absentee voting or phone 617-993-2600.