League Of Women Voters Candidates’ Night, On-Line This Thursday

Photo: The league’s annual candidates’ night.

The Belmont League of Women Voters is holding a virtual Candidates’ Night on Thursday, March 23, at 7 p.m.

The night will start with a video “parade” of Town Meeting Members.

Short speeches and Questions & Answers with each town-wide candidate will follow it.

The night will conclude with information on the two ballot questions: the debt exclusion for a new rink/recreation center and a change from an elected to an appointed town treasurer.

Viewing Options:

Zoom meeting webinar: 893 7026 9526
Live broadcast: Belmont Ch 8 (Comcast); Ch 28 (Verizon)
Livestream or on-demand: belmontmedia.org/watch/govtv

Remember: Town Election Day is Tuesday, April 4.

There It Blows: Gale Forced Winds/Snow This Week Could Cause Outages

Photo: Wind and snow over the next three days

Gale forced winds up to 70 mph will storm through eastern Massachusetts and Belmont from Monday, March 13 to Wednesday, March 15 with the potential of down electrical wires causing outages during the week.

In a press release issued at 3:35 p.m. on Sunday, March 12, the National Weather Service said a Winter Storm Watch will be in effect from Monday evening through Wednesday morning.

The storm will start as rain, changing to snow Tuesday morning, accumulating into Tuesday night. The late day Tuesday commute will likely be impacted with snow covered roads and low visibility,” said the NWS.

“Travel could be difficult. Heavy wet snow combined with gusty winds could bring down tree branches and result in power outages,” said the report.

If the lights go out, call Belmont Light‘s outage number: 617-993-2800

Or text an outage to 617-993-6006 with all the necessary information: Name, address, outage information. When reporting an outage Belmont Light encourage customers to send photos of any damages, infrastructure issues, and general community engagement. But do it safely.

Belmont Light also has an outage map online where customers and residents stay informed on the extent of the outage.

Meet The Belmont LGBTQ+ Alliance And Making Belmont More Welcoming At Virtual Community Meeting Thurs. March 9

Photo: Making Belmont more welcoming and inclusive.

Belmont LGBTQ+ Alliance and Belmont Against Racism invite the residents of Belmont to a
virtual Community Meeting on Thursday, March 9 at 7:30 p.m.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83423040283?pwd=anAyQm9uQ0RPSFpMb3B5c25KTHBndz09

Here is your chance to share your thoughts about how we can make Belmont a more welcoming and inclusive town.

Meet the Alliance and learn about volunteer opportunities.

RSVP here and via email: belmontlgbtqalliance@gmail.com

COVID, Flu and ‘Catch Up’ Vaccine Clinics; Monday, March 13, At Town Hall

Photo: Multi-vaccine clinic on Monday, March 13 at Belmont Town Hall

The Belmont Health Department is offering three vaccine clinics to eligible staff and residents, including primary and booster shots.

  • COVID-19 vaccines and Flu shot Clinic
  • Adult Vaccine Catch Up Clnic (Tdap)
  • Kids’ Vaccine Catch Up Clinic (Trap, MMR, Meningitis)

What is Tdap? Find out here.

The clinics are taking place on Monday, March 13, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Town Hall Conference Room 1, 455 Concord Ave.

These clinics are by appointment only and will be operated through a partnership between VaxinateRX and the Belmont Health Department.

Those under 18 need either a parent/guardian with them, or a signed and printed consent form. Monday, March 13, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Town Hall Conference Room 1, 455 Concord Ave.

Look here for information and to register for a vaccine appointment. If you have difficulty with registration call  617-993-2720 or Email: lsharp@belmont-ma.gov for assistance.

Please present insurance cards and vaccination cards at appointment.

What’s Up With The Rink: Public Meeting Thursday, Tours Of The Skip This Week, How Much Will New Rink Cost Taxpayers

Photo: The first look of the new rink

With less than a month before the vote to determine the future of a new Belmont Rink & Sports Facility, supporters are ramping up events to help convince voters to support a new 40,313 sq-ft skating rink/recreation center at the location of the existing rink.

Public Meeting This Thursday

On Thursday, March 9 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., the Municipal Skating Rink Building Committee is hosting a hybrid public forum to update the public on conceptual plans for the new rink/recreation facility to be constructed on the site of the ‘Skip’ adjacent Harris Field.

Discussion will include conceptual design, current costing, energy utilization and year-round facility programming. Speaking will be architect Ted Galante and members of the Building Committee.

The meeting will take place on the third floor, Art Gallery, in the Homer Building in the Town Hall complex or via Zoom to learn more about the project and for an opportunity to provide the public feedback.

Trips of the ‘Skip’

Wondering why people are saying Belmont needs a brand new rink/recreation center? Can’t the existing facility be rehabbed? Put a new coat of paint on it? This weekend is your chance to see “why” a new rink the only solution.

Yes for the Rink, the voluntary campaign spearheading the effort to bring a new rink to Belmont, will be holding tours of the ‘Skip’ – the existing ‘Skip’ Viglirolo Skating Rink – to highlight the dilapidated condition of the half-century old building.

Tours are taking place:

  • Saturday, March 11; 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, March 12; between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

How Much Will An Average Homeowner Pay For A New Rink

Belmont Town Treasurer Floyd Carman this week has released the calculations on the cost to the “average” homeowner if voters approve the debt exclusion for a new rink at the April 4 Town Election. With a current net price-tag of $28.6 million – the $29.9 million construction cost minus $1.3 million in fundraising money – the owner of an average single family house, currently valued at $1.4 million – would see their residential tax increase $248 per year over the 30 years of the debt exclusion.

A Round Of Golf … In The Belmont Public Library? Come By On March 10, 11 For A Quick 18

Photo: Putt and Pints this weekend

New England winters are long and cold. Sometimes you just need something “new” to do. Well, the Friends of the Belmont Public Library has come up with just the solution as the non-profit is hosting a pair of mini golf event … indoors! That’s right, for two days in March, you can swing a golf club in the Belmont Public Library (the building IS coming down this fall). On top of the putting, there will be beer and snacks available on Friday!

As part of the Friends 50th Anniversary celebration, the non-profit support group of the library are offering two days of mini golf: Friday, March 10, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. for adults ($15) and Saturday, March 11, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for families and friends, all for free.

Whether you are a regular on the links, or have never swung a club, this weekend is for you. It’s likely you never had a round of golf in a library, put it on your calendar.

Belmont HS PAC Presents The Musical ‘Mean Girls’ March 16-18

Photo: “Mean Girls” is coming to Belmont

The Belmont High School Performing Arts Company presents the High School version of the hit Broadway musical “Mean Girls.”

The hit 2004 film and 2018 Broadway Musical comes to the Belmont High School stage. With music by Jeff Richmond, lyrics by Nell Benjamin, and a book by Tina Fey, the iconic characters and lines from the movie are paired with original music and a story about finding your way in the High School jungle.

Performances will take place at the Belmont High School auditorium on:

  • THURSDAY, March 16, 7 p.m.
  • FRIDAY, March 17, 7 p.m.
  • SATURDAY, March 18 at 2 p.m. matinee and 7 p.m.



BHS STUDENTS: $5 Thu/Sat Matinee, $10 Fri/Sat 7pm

Purchase Tickets and for more information go to bhs-pac.org

CONTENT WARNING: Mean Girls contains adult themes, strong language and depictions of mature situations that may not be appropriate for all audiences. The show is recommended for ages 6th grade and up. The musical is based on the 2004 film “Mean Girls” and while the Mean Girls High School Version script contains some revisions from the movie and the original Broadway Musical, it follows the plot of the film faithfully, with much of the original dialogue and scenes included. Parents of younger children are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the movie or musical soundtrack before purchasing tickets. While Mean Girls contains mature content, it also provides an opportunity for meaningful dialogue about healthy vs. unhealthy friendships, social media, bullying and other important topics that adolescents face on a daily basis. We have engaged in these conversations during the rehearsal process, and hope the show will invite audience members to do the same.

What’s Open/Closed in Belmont On Presidents Day; Trash Pick Up Delayed By A Day

Photo: Presidents Day, 2023

Two for the price of one. Living in Massachusetts allows residents to have your choice of holidays to celebrate on the third Monday of February.

Presidents Day is a commemoration of the Feb. 22 birthday of George Washington. And since it fell near the Feb. 12 birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the federal government in 1971 included the two birthdays under the one holiday.

But the Bay State officially celebrates “Washington’s Birthday” on the same day as the federal holiday. So take your pick.

Trash and recycling curbside pick up is delayed by a day.


  • Belmont Town offices and Belmont Light.
  • Belmont Public Library.
  • US Postal Service offices: No deliveries.
  • Banks; although some branches will be open in supermarkets. TD Bank will be open
  • MBTA: Operating on a Saturday schedule. See www.mbta.com for details.


• Retail stores

• Coffee shops; Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts are open

• Supermarkets

• Convenience stores, and

• Establishments that sell beer and wine are also allowed to be open.

Belmont Health Dept. Holding Covid/Flu Clinic This Wednesday, Jan. 25 At Beth El Temple

Photo: The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (credit: Pfizer)

Belmont Health Department is offering vaccinations and bivalent boosters for Covid-19, and a seasonal flu shot to all eligible residents, ages three and older, on Wednesday, Jan. 25, from 10 a.m. to noon at Beth El Temple Center, 2 Concord Ave.

What to know about the clinic:

  • Primary vaccine series for anyone ages 3+
  • Bivalent booster of Pfizer (5+) or Moderna (6+) COVID vaccine for anyone who has completed a primary vaccine series of any authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine at least 2 months after last dose or last booster dose
  • Flu shots will be available for ages three and up
  • Find complete guidance on booster eligibility here.

For children under 18 years of age, this form must be signed by a parent or guardian and presented at the time of vaccination (parent/guardian may not be present as long as signed consent is received). 

Look here for information and to register for a vaccine appointment.

Please bring your insurance (medical and prescription) and COVID-19 vaccination cards to the clinic.

  • COVID vaccines are free for all regardless of insurance coverage
  • Insurance is required for flu vaccines
  • For those covered by Medicare, please bring your red, white, and blue Medicare card in addition to any other insurance cards.

Please present insurance cards, photo ID, and vaccination cards at your appointment.

This clinic will be operated through a partnership between VaxinateRX and the Belmont Health Department. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will be available.

Cardboard Drop-off: DPW Yard, 37 C St., Saturday, Jan. 14 – 8AM to 1PM

Photo: Last chance to get rid of all that cardboard at one fell swoop

The holidays are over and it’s time to get rid of all that cardboard your gifts came in.

The Belmont Department of Public Works will be holding a cardboard drop-off event at 37 C St., DPW Yard on Saturday, Jan. 14, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.


  • No early drop offs, cardboard drop-off will begin at 8 a.m. and not a minute sooner.
  • Must be a Belmont resident to register.
  • Please remain in your car at the Yard.
  • All cardboard must be in the trunk or rear of the car.
  • All cardboard should be flattened prior to drop-off.

Please Click Here To Register