Here is a press release from the folks at Belmont Light on the pending Nor’easter heading our way.
The approaching winter storm is expected to bring heavy winds and high amounts of snowfall to Belmont. Belmont Light asks its customers to take the following measures to help ensure that they are prepared in case the power goes out:
As advised by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, have enough emergency supplies available to last at least three days.
Essential items include
- a stocked first-aid kit,
- prescription medicines,
- non-perishable foods that do not require no refrigeration (i.e. canned vegetables, soups, meats, or other goods; dried fruits and nuts; granola bars, cereal, and crackers; etc.),
- a non-electric can opener,
- water (one gallon per person, per day),
- baby-care items,
- extra blankets,
- sleeping bags and
- a fire extinguisher.
Also have fresh batteries on hand, along with a working flashlight and a portable radio or NOAA Weather Radio.
Fully charge your cell phone and computers in advance.
If your electricity goes out, call Belmont Light at 617-993-2800 to report the outage.
(Please do not report your outage via email or the utility’s website.)
Disconnect or turn off appliances that would otherwise turn on automatically when service is restored. If several appliances start up at once, the electric circuits may overload.
Remember to protect appliances and electronics from voltage instability or outages caused by storms and momentary power fluctuations. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems, surge protectors, and surge suppressors will best protect this equipment. These protection devices can be purchased locally.
If your heat goes, keep warm by closing off unoccupied rooms.
If you use alternative heat sources such as a fireplace, woodstove, etc. always make sure you have proper ventilation. Keep curtains, towels, and potholders away from hot surfaces.
Stay indoors during the height of the storm.
Blowing winds – both before and after a blizzard – are cold enough to cause frostbite, and snowdrifts may hide dangers children might otherwise see. Stay indoors where it’s safe, and warm!
If you have to travel in an emergency, try to take someone along with you and be sure you have an emergency kit for your car that includes a flashlight with working batteries; a first-aid kit; blankets or other bedding materials; extra clothing; non-perishables; bottled water; a selection of basic tools like a pocket knife, screwdriver, wrench, etc.; a tow rope; and sand, mats and/or tire chains to help with traction.
If you see downed electrical wires, do not go near them. Report them to Belmont Light immediately. Treat all downed wires as if they are live. Never attempt to move them or touch them with any object. Remember that downed wires can be hidden by snow, tree limbs, leaves, or water. If a power line falls on your car while you’re in it, stay inside the vehicle and wait for emergency personnel.
Should you have any questions or need to report an outage, please call 617-993-2800.