Photo: Aerosmith is in town.
Halloween has come to Belmont in the guise of two popular annual events: The Cushing Square Merchants Association’s Cushing Square Trick or Treat and the rising of the skeleton residents of Hillcrest Road which transforms into HELLcrest on Oct. 31.
A hoard of costume children and parents descended on Cushing Square as shop owners got into the mood passing out candy and in one stop, salad. This year’s best costumes were an orange tree, a child dressed as Prince, and Belmont Savings assistant branch manager Kenneth Tingle’s jack-o-lantern suit which Tingle said is part of his wardrobe.
While some communities have neighborhoods that are known for holiday lights, Belmont’s Hillcrest Road is a destination for gawkers in cars and on foot to see the collection of skeletons dressed in a wild array of outfits and in outlandish situations. And as always, the ghoulishness along the road is ruled by the Big Black Cat.
All hail the cat!

A devil dog and a cow girl.

Salad and drinks: certainly a treat for many.

Floating eyeballs.

Prince reincarnated outside the Five and Dime.

My, what big palms you have,

I would love a suit like Kenneth Tingle’s.

I see a member of Aerosmith has arrived for the festivities.

The reason my sunglasses have not arrived.

A current cultural reference.

A “Hamilton” mention on Hellcrest.

All hail the cat!

It might be the scariest place in Belmont, it’s still trash pickup on Tuesday.
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