Town Accountant Latest Official To Bid Adieu To Belmont

Photo: Glen Castro, Belmont Town Accountant

We don’t known what route Belmont Town Accountant Glen Castro will be taking when he “makes that California trip” next month, just that it will be permanent as Castro submitted his resignation to the town effective Jan. 5, according to Town Administrator Patrice Garvin.

Castro’s departure – he is returning to “The Golden State” where he grew up – comes as the town continues to seek to fill important posts such as the director and assistant director at the Human Resources Department, several mid-level management positions and a reported deficit of 10 employees at the Department of Public Works.

As with Castro, the worker gaps in town departments are due in part the social trend The Great Resignation which has impacted industries, businesses and governments since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

Castro was named Belmont’s full-time town accountant by the Select Board in July 2021 after being the town’s acting accountant since Oct. 2020. Castro first came to the Town Administrator’s office in 2010 as a budget analyst, a position he held for eight years before transitioning to the town’s budget director in 2018. 

From Acting To Full Time: Castro Named Belmont Town Accountant


Not many times you hear a round of applause for someone getting hire. But then, there’s not that many public servants as well respected and liked as Glen Castro who was named Belmont’s new town accountant at the Select Board meeting on Monday, July 19.

Castro has been the town’s acting accountant since last year, filling the post since the departure of Chitra Subramanian this past October.

“Your role as acting accountant has been very impressive and those who have worked closely [with you] have spoke about you in glowing terms and are behind you getting the job permanently,” said Select Board Chair Adam Dash.

“I love my job, I love what I do and I like to provide the hard work and serve the residents,” said Castro.

A requirement of Castro’s reappointment will be successfully obtaining a Certified Governmental Accountant (CGA) certification within the three years of his initial contract.

A resident of Gardner, Castro came to the Town Administrator’s office in 2010 as a budget analyst, a position held for eight years before transitioning to the town’s budget director in 2018. Castro holds an undergraduate degree in elementary education and earned his Master of Public Administration from the University of La Verne in La Verne, California.

Castro starting salary is $117,553.38 effective July 20.