The iconic Mayflower story of the Puritan Pilgrims voyage to the New World is the first tale of immigrants coming to Massachusetts. On Sunday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. at Beth El Temple Center, 2 Concord Ave., the Belmont Clergy Association will host the group’s annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service.
This year, instead of a sermon, there will be several short testimonies from today’s immigrants on the blessings and challenges of making a home here in America. There will also be readings and songs, with representation from Muslim, Jewish, Christian, and Baha’i voices.
Participants will include:
- Rabbi Jonathan Kraus and Cantor Louise Treitman, Beth El Temple Center
- Rev. Joe Zarro, Plymouth Congregational Church
- Holly Javedan and Jen Hoyda, Baha’i faith
- Rev. Joseph Garabedian, First Armenian Church
- Rev. David Bryce and Sana Saeed, First Church in Belmont Unitarian Universalist
- Rev. Eric Wefald, Payson Park Congregational Church
- Father Thom Mahoney, New Roads Catholic Community
- Farah Abbas, Belmont Muslim Friends
There will be an Interfaith Choir singing, led by Cantor Treitman. If you are interested in singing in this choir, please arrive at 6 p.m., and if you are interested in getting advance music, you can contact Cantor Treitman at
Light refreshments will be served after worship, and we will be taking a collection to benefit the Belmont Food Pantry.