Select Board OK Merit Pay Increases For Public Safety Chiefs


Belmont’s public safety chiefs received merit pay increases after the Belmont Select Board conducted its annual performance review during the board’s Aug. 26 meeting.

Police Chief James MacIsaac and Fire Chief David DeStefano received two percent merit increases effective July 1, 2024. Each also collected a two percent cost-of-living adjustment on July 1. MacIssac’s annual salary increases to $218,676.14, while DeStefano’s pay is now $184,671, according to Director of Human Resources Kelli King.

Both men received high overall scores – 4.75 out of a top score of 5 – in their merit review by the three-member Select Board and Town Administrator Patrice Garvin. King summarized the comments and totaled the scores in eight categories highlighting the chief strengths, various opportunities and the board’s statements.

DeStefano was described as a “consensus builder [who] has provided much needed direction to the department, making it more innovative and successful.” His expertise is viewed as crucial in helping Belmont’s drive to stimulate new growth and increased density. While facing budget and staffing constraints, DeStefano move towards promoting department-wide paramedic training as “a promising step for addressing these challenge.”

“Chief DeStefano is seen as a strong, balanced leader who has a cohesive team and has proven to be the right person for both Belmont and the entire department,” said King.

MacIssac is “recognized as an articulate and clear sighted leader” who “takes challenges head on, regardless of their difficulty.” His commitment to modern policing is evident in his focus on promoting de-escalation techniques, the use of a social worker to resolve domestic disputes as alternative to deadly force. The board noted his leadership was “instrumental in the decision to leave civil service” which the board praised and has resulted in a substantial increase of new hires this year.

“The [police] department is a source of pride for Belmont, a reflection of Chief McIssac’s leadership and the effort of every member of the team. His exemplary performance especially over the past year and its various challenges, underscores his effectiveness,” said King paraphasing the comments of the Select Board.