State Primary Election: Belmont Backs Dolan In Gov. Council Race; Deaton Is Town’s GOP Voters Choice To Take On Warren In November

Photo: Belmont party voters followed the state trends

Nearly one in four registered voters of the state’s three major parties ventured out on a brilliant late summer day in Belmont to cast ballots in the Massachusetts State Party Primary held on Tuesday, Sept. 3.

According to the Town Clerk, 552 of the 2,306 voters cast ballots Tuesday, or 23.9 percent, most of those Democrats (466) followed by Republicans (85) with a lone Libertarian.

In two of the few competitive races on Tuesday’s ballot. Belmont’s voters from both major parties backed the winning candidate statewide.

On the Democratic side of the ledger, challenger Mara Dolan took Belmont over long-time incumbent Marilyn Petitto Devaney of Watertown, 233-200, in the Governor’s Council District 3 race. Second time was the charm as Dolan – a public defender who barely lost to Devaney in 2022 – defeated the eight term councilor district-wide, leading with 45,274 votes to 41,478, (52.2 percent vs 47.8 percent) with 99 percent of the estimated vote tallied.

In the race to select the person who will challenge sitting US Sen. Elizabeth Warren in the general election, Belmont’s GOP voters selected John Deaton with 56 votes, trumping Robert Antonellis (19 votes) and Ian Cain (7 votes). A personal injury lawyer who is backed by several leaders in the cryptocurrency industry, Deaton swamped Antonellis statewide, 124,825 to 50,560, with Cain finishing with 17,768.


, who topped Robert Antonellis and Ian Cain,