Photo: MCAS tests results for Belmont.
Belmont High’s student test takers demonstrated an advanced command of English and math while the registering some of the highest levels of science competence statewide, according to 2015 School and District MCAS results released by the state on Thursday, Sept. 24.
While there have been improvements with Chenery Middle School students in those scoring advanced placement, attention in science instruction will continue at the school.
And there will be a bit of a wait to get a peek at the elementary school results as the district was selected by the state last year to take the new Partnership for Assessment for Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test.
“Belmont High School students’ MCAS results continue to be very high, demonstrating the positive results of well-aligned curricula, high-quality instruction, and high expectations for all students,” said Janice Darias, Belmont’s assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction.
“We are very fortunate in Belmont to have such skilled educators as well as curriculum and school leaders. These MCAS scores are the result of their dedication and focus on teaching and learning for all students,” said Darias.
According to results released by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education of tests taken in Spring 2015:
• Grade 10 students (class of 2017, current 11th grade): English and Math.
In both subjects, there is a slight increase this year in the number of students earning Advanced status. In English, 99 percent of the students scored proficient or advanced; in math, 97 percent scored proficient or advanced.
• Grade 9 students (class of 2018, current 10th grade): Introductory Physics MCAS.
There is an increase this year in the number of pupils earning advanced on this subject. 97 percent of the students scored proficient or advanced.
Over at the Chenery Middle School:
• Grades 5 and 8 students: Science and Technology/Engineering MCAS.
The 8th grade results are relatively unchanged for the past four years. This year 76 percent earned proficient or advanced levels. In 5th grade, the district saw an increase in the number of students earning proficient or advanced in the 2014 results at 81 percent, while the 2015 results were similar to previous years with 71 percent earning proficient or advanced, a 10 percent drop in the category at the school.
“Science has been and will continue to be an area of focus for the district,” said Darius.
“We began our work on science curricula revisions and updates with the release of the revised ELA Frameworks in late 2010, which include nonfiction reading and writing in science. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is preparing to release revised state frameworks later this year, and we have already begun planning next steps for updating our curricula, especially Kindergarten through 8th grade,” said Darias.
Results for Belmont Elementary and Middle school students in grades 3 through 8 are delayed by a month as the district was selected to be part of a two-year test of PARCC. While some PARCC results have been released, Belmont students took the test on paper forms rather than via a computer format.