Here’s Your List Of Belmont Eateries Open For Business

Photo: The menu is ready for your order!

If there was ever a time to be a patron of Belmont’s restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, and takeout places, now is that time. With the COVID-19 pandemic halting sit-down eating, the town’s eateries can now only provide takeout service to their customers at a significant financial hit.

Thanks to Bonnie Friedman and who created the Belmont Covid-19 Resource list, Belmont residents now have an updated list of restaurants and eateries that are still open and their hours.

“Please support them, if you can,” said Bonnie.

And an honorary Belmont restaurant

  • Conley’s Pub & Grille,, 617-393-0237, open for take-out, noon to 9, 164 Belmont Street, Watertown

School’s Meal Drive-Thru On Wed., March 25, 7:30 AM To 10:30 AM [VIDEO]

Photo: Dustin O’Brien, director of nutrition.

The Belmont School District will conduct a Meal Drive-Thru for students who are part of the free and reduced meal on Wednesday, March 25 from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Belmont High School, 221 Concord Ave.

“We want to emphasize this is a drive-thru service and advise families to stay in cars,” said Dustin O’Brien, director of food services.

“We’ll load goods into trunk/backseat and they’ll be no person to person contact. Each meal kit will include multiple days of breakfast and lunch items,” he said.

Town Election Delayed, Town Meeting Tentative Start On May 29 – Budgets Only


Town elections are “funny little animals,” said Ellen Cushman, Belmont Town Clerk addressing the Select Board last week.

While the ballot is specific to the municipality, they can’t be delayed, postponed or changed by local action. Altering the date, for instance, can only be done through a “higher power,” either going before a judge for a court ruling or via a special act of the legislature up on Beacon Hill.

Asking to tinker with a town’s election dates is a fairly rare request, but circumstances around the world had forced Belmont’s and other communities hands on the matter.

With the advancing coronavirus pandemic forcing the cancellation of gatherings of more than a handful of people, it became clear holding the election on the traditional first Tuesday in April was all but impossible.

It was for that reason the Select Board voted to approve – better known as “calling” – the annual Town Election for April 7 just so it could then start the process of postponing it.

After the Select Board’s unanimous vote, the town prepared plans on what avenue to pursue to change the election date; through the courts as Wellesley had recently done or via legislation. Turns out that neither was needed as just days after the Board’s vote, state legislators stepped in with a universal fix.

As pressure from municipalities requesting delays and postponements began to swamp Beacon Hill, the Massachusetts House and Senate on Monday, March 23, passed legislation, S.2608, allowing municipalities to postpone 2020 local elections while the Commonwealth is in a state of emergency.

Under the legislation, the Select Board will be able to postpone to a date on or before June 30.

“I’m informed that the House and Senate passed the bill this afternoon and it is anticipated that the Governor [Charlie Baker] will sign it,” Cushman said.

The next question is when will the election take place? Belmont will find out on Thursday, March 26 when the Select Board meets to make the postponement official and sets the new date.

The pandemic has also impacted the 161st annual Town Meeting as the Board along with Town Administrator Patrice Garvin and Town Moderator Mike Widmer decided to move the first day of the annual Town Meeting from late April to May 29, which was already scheduled to be the start of the meeting’s Segment B which focuses on financial articles.

And that meeting will be limited to budgets and fiscal matters, measures vital “to keep the lights on,” according to Garvin.

The non-budgetary articles which were to highlight the April meeting including important topics as imposing a fee for paper bags, restricting gas hookups in new buildings, a lease agreement for the new ice skating rink and zoning changes to facilitate residential development at the McLean property will be delayed to a date yet known.

Garvin said it would be likely those measures will be taken up during a special Town Meeting during the summer.

Belmont Civic Group Donates 30K Face Masks To First Responders, Medical Facilities

Photo: Face masks are in urgent need worldwide. (Credit: Freepik)

Medical face masks are worth their weight in gold during the coronavirus pandemic.

With more than 21,000 cases of the coronavirus in the US as of Saturday with expectations that the number will skyrocket over the next weeks, the need for face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gowns, gloves and face shields is critical of the care of patients and safeguarding the health of doctors and nurses.

But currently, there is an acute shortage of masks and other materials. Medical professionals have sounded the alarm since the virus first arrived in the US in February the supply would soon be wanting as states and local governments are scrambling – and at times fighting against the other – to obtain any number of masks.

So it came as somewhat of a shock when out of the blue, a local civic organization is providing Belmont and nearby medical facilities with boxes of masks for the asking.

On Thursday, March 19, Xinxin Guo, secretary for the Belmont Chinese American Association, contacted town officials to say a member of the association was offering to donate 100,000 face masks to those most in need of this resource.

“[They] kindly offer the help and resources of their group to our community as we all prepare to contend with COVID-19,” said Wesley Chin, Belmont’s director of health who the BCAA approached as they were looking for advice on who to donate the face masks.

Based on the town’s suggestion, the BCAA donated portions of the face masks to Belmont’s First Responders with the majority going to nearby healthcare facilities including Mt. Auburn Hospital and Belmont Manor, a 135-bed skilled nursing facility in Waverley Square. In addition Cambridge Health Alliance hospitals, Mass General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Boston Medical Center will also benefit from the supply of masks.

The donation is the most notable act by the BCAA known for its Chinese New Year’s celebration held at the Chenery Middle School.

“The BCAA is open to everyone in the Chinese American community in Belmont. There is no required formal registration or enrollment process. The BCAA is a volunteer-based, non-profit, non-political organization, with a leadership team of 30 or so key volunteers,” said Guo.

According to Guo, the Chenery parent, identified as Ms. He is a partner in a publicly listed Chinese company. One category in the firm’s product line is medical personal protective equipment which includes a line of masks.

China is the largest supplier of masks in the world, manufacturing half, approximately seven billion annually. In an article in the New York Times dated March 13, Chinese companies cranked up the production of masks by 12-times since the coronavirus was identified, with nearly all used internally.

But within the past two weeks, as new COVID-19 cases in China have fallen to manageable numbers, there has been a surge in the US. As manufacturing capacity keeps picking up in Asia, there is now an abundant supply “and they do want to ship them out to help other countries who is currently undergo the COVID-19 outbreak,” said Guo.

“When the COVID-19 breakout in Boston got reported in the news in early March, [Ms. He] shared her concern of the shortage of masks in the US in an online group of CMS parents, and eventually got introduced to the BCAA,” he said. “We then started working out the logistics of shipping the masks from China to the US.

Approximately 30,000 face masks were donated on March 7 with BCAA responsible for arranging the masks shipment from China. To ensure quick delivery, the items were made in two shipments, the first batch of 10,000 and second batch of 20,000.

In addition to the masks, BCAA is working on supplying medical N95 respirators for surronding hospitals.

“Many people have contributed their time and efforts to make this happen – the first shipment was delivered [Thursday]. It was indeed very fortunate for us to have these masks at this critical time,” said Guo.

BREAKING: Belmont Resident With Coronavirus Flies To Bejing, Now Under Investigation By China

Photo: Beijing Capital International Airport (WikiCommons photo)

In a case that has many scratching their heads, a Belmont resident is under investigation by the Chinese government for flying with her family last week back to her homeland without informing the airline, Chinese officials that she had recently tested positive for the highly contagious coronavirus by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

Jie Li, who lived with her husband and their son on Sharpe Road since 2015, landed in Bejing from Los Angeles on March 13, according to the Xinhua News Agency, the official media outlet of the Chinese government.

During the flight, Li, who is reportedly a Chinese citizen, began showing flu-like symptoms associated with the virus and was escorted to the rear of the plane for the remainder of the flight. Once on the ground, Li and her husband tested positive for the virus.

Since her arrival in China, Li has become a cause célèbre in the local news as she has been pilloried for allegedly “impeding the prevention of infectious disease” after her case was made public early in the week, according to an article in the Boston Globe.

Tensions between the US and China has been intensifying during the spread of the Coronavirus into a global pandemic with President Trump and many of his supports – a noted conservative attorney has filed a $20 trillion suit against the Chinese government – calling the novel virus the “Chinese” flu while the Bejing government notes there are no new cases in China as opposed to hundreds daily in the USA

Li was one of three Belmont residents who have tested positive by the state for the COVID-19.

Until this month, Li, who earned a Ph.D. in statistics at the University of Iowa and taught a decade ago at Virginia Tech University with her husband, was working as the associate director for biostatistician at Biogen for a little more than a year.

While an investigation determined that Li did not attend the Biogen-sponsored sales meeting at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf in late February which has become ground zero for the coronavirus in Massachusetts, she had been in contact with fellow employees who were there.

In a comment to the Boston Globe, the biotech firm said it was unaware Li would be traveling to her homeland. Li has been fired this week from her position.

Li also did not tell the Belmont Health Department of her travel plans after the town was notified by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health that she had tested positive for COVID-19 just days before, according to a press release from Wesley Chin, director of the Belmont Health Department, dated March 19.

In fact, Li had been quite unaccommodating with the town from the time earlier this month when Belmont Fire Department EMS crews responded to a call for a person experiencing flu-like symptoms.

After Li asked to be taken to a Boston-area hospital for testing, the EMS crew contacted Medical Control which advised them that Li could and should self-transport to the area hospital. When told of the decision. Li informed the EMS crew to leave and she would drive herself for care, according to the press release.

According to Chin, two days after the incident, the Health Department was notified by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health that Li tested positive for COVID-19. With that information in hand, Chin tried to contact Li and her family via phone and text messaging, as well as, by going out to the home and knocking on the door. In each attempt, Chin did not receive a response.

Chin continued his attempts to make contact including reaching out to the healthcare provider that conducted the testing. But the testing agency was also unable to reach Li.

Then last week, as Chin still tried to notify Li, a resident informed him press reports from China spoke of a traveler from the USA who had entered the country wit the virus. The resident believed that person was Li. Chin then called the MDPH of the new information on Li who contacted MassPort – the agency that runs Logan International Airport – who began a contact investigation of all personnel that may have come in contact with Li.

It is not known when or if Li and her family will return to the United States. Currently, there is a ban on travel from China.

Belmont Schools Readying Online Ed Support For Students Stuck At Home

Photo: Online initiative set to start in Belmont next week. (Pexels photo)

The Belmont school district next week will launch an online initiative to help students retain learning they were taught during the school year while enriching that experience since being away from the classroom due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Following the lead of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MDESE), the district’s Leadership Council and teachers are creating a plan to provide to students and families online options “to practice, deepen, and enrich what has been taught,” said Belmont Superintendent John Phelan in an email dated Wednesday, March 18.

The plan will include practicing skills and content already taught, deepen students understanding of the content, and enrich what they have learned.

In addition, the initiative will give students and teachers an opportunity to meet each other again since last Friday when district schools shut down and provide “some sense of social interaction and connection in this time of physical distancing,” said Phelan.

What this plan is not is “distance learning”, said Phelan, who is following the MESE guidelines. “We are not teaching new content or skills,” said Phelan.

Teachers will be updated on the plan as of Wednesday, March 18, and principals will contact families on Thursday, March 19. Teachers will then connect with families between Friday morning, March 20, and Monday afternoon, March 23.

Additional news from Superintendent Phelan:

  • MEAL DRIVE-THRU HOURS: Meal pick-up window for Wednesday, March 25 will be 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. “We want to emphasize this is a drive-thru service and advise families to stay in cars. We’ll load goods into trunk/backseat. This is for our students who access free and reduced lunch.”
  • “I would like to thank our Food Service leaders Dustin O’Brien and Gail Mulani and their team for all their hard work,” said Phelan.
  • BELMONT HOUSING AUTHORITY: The Belmont Public Schools is happy to announce that the Belmont Housing Authority will be providing a free “grab and go” breakfast and lunch, daily from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. The BHA is located at 59 Pearson St. These are free meals for all community members 18 and younger. Many thanks to Jackie Martin and her staff.

Social distancing towards stronger communities.

“It is with great emphasis that I state to our community the importance of physical distancing.  The goal of reducing the spread of COVID-19 within our community and our country rests in our hands. However, during this physical distancing we encourage to appropriately socialize via phone or text.  Please check in on a family member or neighbor who may be fragile or lonely. This is a time when strong neighborhood relationships make strong communities;  which in- turn, can positively influence the culture of kindness in our society,” said Phelan.

Parents Group Creates COVID-19 Fast Fact Sheet Listing High School Volunteers, Activities

Photo: Belmont High School.

In an attempt to keep their neighbors’ informed on the latest about the COVID-19 pandemic, the co-moderators of the Belmont Massachusetts Parents Facebook Group – Amy Kirsch, Fitzie Cowing, Shana Wang and Kristi Armstrong – are managing a Fast Fact webpage that includes updates and contact information.

It also has ways to contact nearly 80 volunteers who can run errands for food or prescriptions and do porch drop-offs.

FAST HELP: COVID-19 Resources Sheet for Belmont

To add resources please email them to

Local and state news:

  • All Massachusetts public and private schools closed until April 7.  Public town buildings including the fire station are closed to visitors.  
  • Police Station is still open, but call first – 617-484-1212 – some cases can be completed over the phone.
  • Gatherings of over 25 people are banned until April 5. Social distancing practices are important. Social distancing means maintaining at least six feet from others.
  • All bars and restaurants in Massachusetts will be shut down to on-premise consumption starting Tuesday through April 17. Take-out only.
  • Essential senior services are still available including food, social work, counseling and transportation. 617-992-2970

If you are experiencing a medical emergency dial 911, if you suspect you have Covid-19 (main symptoms are fever, cough, & shortness of breath), call the hotlines first.  You will want to make sure there are tests available. 

Latest Covid-19 & Coronavirus News in Massachusetts.

Free Covid-19 Hotlines & emails

  • Dial 211Massachusetts State Covid-19 hotline. Nothing off-limits ask to get answers to all your questions
  • 617-993-2222 – Belmont Covid19 hotline- open 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., or use this email address for questions.
  • 617-724-7000 -Partners HealthCare Coronavirus Hotline. Open 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., 7 days/week – expert answers to your urgent questions.
  • 617-983-6800 -Massachusetts Department of Public Health 24- hour Emergency Hotline.
  • Military Health System Nurse Hotline 1-800-874-2273 or connect via online chat here:
  • 1-800-985-5990 – Disaster Relief Hotline – 24-hour national hotline for emotional distress crisis counseling including relating with Covid-19.   This is toll-free, multilingual, and confidential.
  • 1-800-985-5990 or by texting TalkWithUS 66746 – SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline.  Get support regarding your anxiety or stress by speaking to a trained counselor.
  • Text “Home” to 741741 – Texting Hotline for Emotional Distress when you are feeling depressed, sad, or going through any kind of emotional crisis, a crisis worker will text you back immediately.

Help with Food, Errands, & Prescription deliveries

Belmont Massachusetts Parents Help: Sign up if you need help with food supplies & errands or want to volunteer.  We have 100 helpers signed up to leave porch drop-offs.

Belmont High School Students Help – For anyone who needs food or supplies during this time, a group of Belmont High School students have volunteered to pick them up, and deliver them to your door. Contact or text 617-818-3149 for more information. Please spread the word to others who may be interested!

Mutual Aid (various towns – Medford Somerville, Cambridge included)  Volunteer or get help.

Project Bread FoodSource Hotline 1-800-645-8333. A toll-free hotline that is the only comprehensive statewide information and referral service in Massachusetts for people facing hunger—can connect you to food resources in your community.  TTY: 1-800-377-1292

Belmont Helps During Covid-19 Facebook Group:

CVS Delivery: CVS is now offering free delivery on prescriptions & other store essentials.

Belmont Schools Free or Reduced lunch for students that rely on this service – Breakfast and lunch, pick up at Belmont High School outdoor tent. Food services will have a roster ready where we’ll check off students each day.  

  • Monday, 3/16: 10 a.m. to Noon
  • Tuesday, 3/17: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
  • Wednesday, 3/18: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Belmont Connectslinks to other popular Belmont groups online

General COVID-19 Facts and Prevention

CDCmost up to date Covid-19 info. 

Printables: How to keep the workplace, school, home and commercial establishments safe.

Belmont Board of Health Covid-19 advisory.

Outbreak: Parent Guide From National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

The World Health Organization is a great resource for information and comes in many languages.  Includes a myth busters section. To learn the facts about COVID-19 and help stop the spread of misinformation, visit CDC’s webpage: Share the Facts, Stop Fear.

Prevention and Treatment

Covid-19 daily check and report

American Heart Association Covid-19 Resources & Precautions –

Kids Resources:  Gentle Reminder: Sharing equipment on the playground is not suggested

A Comic explaining Covid-19 to kids:

Talking to kids about Corona: 

Belmont Little Free Library Locations:

Giant List of Things to do with the Kids at Home –

Free Educational Online Subscriptions for kids –

Grade 3-6 Choice Board:

Scholastic learn at home for 20 days:

Caregiver Resources from Lesley University:

150 Enrichment Activities for kids while parents are working remotely at home –

Outschool Online Classes for pre-k-12 grades:

Free Sing-along for toddlers online Tuesday 10 a.m.

Free Harvard edX online courses:

Museum Tours:

A huge compilation list of from your living room museum tours, kids resource links, online classes:

Belmont Businesses

Free Delivery  or curb-side pickup of Books & Games by Belmont Books – (617) 932-1496

Free Delivery, curb-side pickup, and private appointments at The Toy Shop of Belmont (617)489-0070

Belmont Police Seek Publics Help In Home Invasion On Stults Road

Photo: The crime happened on this street.

The Belmont Police is actively investigating a home invasion that occurred on Sunday night on Stults Road.

According to Police Chief James MacIsaac, at approximately 8 p.m. on Sunday, March 15, Belmont Police patrol officers responded to a home invasion on Stults Road. Two men wearing dark clothing and masks knocked on the homeowner’s door. When they answered, the pair called him by name and forced their way into the residence.

Once inside, the two men were able to obtain cash and jewelry. The suspects then fled the residence.

Detectives are asking residents who may have observed any unusual activity in the area of Stults Road, either last night or at any time in the past, to call 617-993-2550. Detectives are also asking that if residents in the area have doorbell or driveway video to contact detectives if your cameras captured any unusual activity.

The Belmont Police believe this is an isolated incident and there is no threat to the public at this time.

Playgrounds Now Off Limits As Belmont, State Shuts Down Public Gatherings

Photo: PQ Parks Playground is now

Playgrounds – but not parks – throughout Belmont are the latest areas to be officially closed by the Belmont Health Department in an effort to slow the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic.

In the latest public health update issued Monday, March 16, Health Department Director Wesley Chin focused on actions taken by the state and his office over the weekend and today.

On Sunday, March 15, Gov. Charlie Baker announced additional measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  The Governor’s Order includes the following restrictions throughout the Commonwealth that will go into effect on March 17.

  • All public and private schools will be closed through April 6.
  • All restaurants and bars will be prohibited from the on-premise consumption of food.  However, restaurants may remain open for now to provide food through take-out or delivery service.  These restrictions extend through April 17 but may be extended based on the spread of COVID-19.
  • Gatherings of 25 or more people are also banned. This includes all community, civic, public, leisure, and faith-based events. It also applies to gyms, private clubs, and theatres.

Chin announced that Belmont is taking additional precautions and instituting the following actions that will be effective on March 16

  • All Town of Belmont public playgrounds (specifically playground equipment) are closed.  At this time, open spaces such as fields remain open. However, the Belmont Board of Health and its staff ask all residents to engage in the social distancing practices detailed below.
  • Field use permits are suspended to discourage social gatherings. We are strongly discouraging activities that promote the gathering of people.
  • Public meetings and hearings will be limited to those that are considered necessary for the purposes of maintaining essential Town of Belmont government functions and that are mandated under federal, state, or local law/regulation.
  • Town Hall Offices are closed to the public. At this time access to these facilities will be limited to staff only.  Residents in need of assistance are encouraged to contact respective Town departments by phone and/or email
  • Important updates about COVID-19 and its impact on the Town will be posted at .

The Belmont Board of Health and its staff ask all residents to immediately and seriously engage in the practice of social distancing. Social distancing means staying out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining a distance of 6 feet (minimum) or at least an arm’s length away from others when possible.

This means:

  • NO small gatherings (even though the state has capped gatherings at 25 people).
  • NO playdates (for individuals of any age).
  • NO sharing of childcare responsibilities with other families, unless you have been deemed an essential worker (i.e. Police, Fire, EMS, medical professional).
    • Essential workers should make every attempt to stagger their schedules with partners to allow for coverage of childcare.

Chin is advising residents to:

  • Stay home.
  • Minimize the number of trips you take to the store for food and medicine.
  • Avoid close contact with people who do not live with you.
  • Show compassion for your neighbors.
    • Make a plan with your elderly neighbors to check in with them on a daily basis via phone or email to help monitor their health and to see if you can help them obtain any food, prescriptions, or other basic needs.

Help save lives:

  • It is important that we all take social isolation seriously to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The transmission of this virus grows exponentially and will soon overtake our healthcare system. We must all work together for the common good of society. This is our chance to come together as a community to stem the spread of this virus. If we are all successful at social distancing, we will slow the spread of COVID-19, and this will give our healthcare providers and hospitals a chance to prepare to be able to treat people who may need scarce medical resources to survive the pandemic.  

Easy As 3.14159 … etc, etc

Photo: Making Archimedes proud (Donna Ruvolo photos)

What occurred on the newly constructed walking path at the Grove Street Playground on Saturday morning is what happens during a pandemic when smart citizens have a lot of time on their hands.

Using chalk and a great memory, some residents set forth to notate on the walk the calculation for the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, or as it’s better known, “π” (that would be “pi” for those unfamiliar with Greek graphemes.)

Here’s all that’s known about pi.

It becomes clear why March 14 was selected by writing out the date as numbers: 3/14, the first three numbers of pi.

While most people will know pi to at least five digits – 3.1415 – of this mathematical constant (why go further?), the Grove Street folks decided to start writing … and writing … and writing the sequence of number in the calculation until, in an Shel Silverstein-esque conclusion, the sidewalk came to the end at the curve.

The impressive writing out of this list of rational numbers was accompanied by notations such as “Happy π-day” and “easy as π“. There is one hint of who the author(s) could be from a proud boast written along side Archimedes’ constant:

“all memorized by my 11yr old girl!

Smart, indeed.

Editor’s Note: Credit where credit is due: To Precinct 7’s own Donna Ruvolo for sending these photos along.