Photo: The Belmont Veterans Memorial project.
More fields being restored, a “re-do” and a saving a Belmont barn have submitted preliminary applications for funding by the town’s Community Preservation Committee, according to information released by the CPC on Tuesday, Oct. 3.
A total of six applications were received by the committee by its Sept.29 deadline, according to Michael Trainor, who this week stepped down from the CPC Admin Coordinator position after five years of working for the CPC.
While five of the six have specific dollar amounts, one – the second request for an inter-generational walking path at the Grove Street Playground – was submitted without a price tag attached.
But in the preliminary application stage, “it’s not entirely necessary since the CPC is just looking at whether or not the project would be eligible to receive funding under Mass General Law and Belmont’s specific list of criteria,” said Trainor.
With the amount for the Grove Street project to come, the total dollars requested is $748,000. While the CPC will select the projects to obtain grants, Town Meeting will have the final say which receives funding.
The projects, the amount requested and the applicants are:
- Town Field Playground restoration $180,000 (Courtney Eldridge, Friends of Town Field Playground)
- Payson Park Music Festival shed/hatch $50,000 (Tomi Olson, Payson Park Music Festival)
- McLean Barn conditions study and stabilization $165,000 (Ellen O’Brien, Lauren Meier, Glenn Clancy)
- Belmont Veterans Memorial restoration and enhancement $103,000 (Angelo Firenze, Belmont Veterans Memorial Committee)
- Funds set aside for the Housing Trust $250,000 (Judith Feins, Belmont Housing Trust)
- Construction of a Grove Street Park Intergenerational Walking Path TBD (Donna Ruvolo, Friends of Grove Street Park)
The Town Field project follows other park restoration projects including this year’s PQ Park renovation and the Grove Street Park path is similar in aim and name as the one approved for Clay Pit Pond. Tomi Olson’s hatch shell project was submitted last year but rejected after Olson could not produce the written support of abutters the committee had requested. Belmont received the abandoned dairy barn, located just south of the Rock Meadow Conservation Land off Mill Street, in 2005 from McLean Hospital. And the Belmont Veterans Memorial has been raising private funds to help pay for the renovation and construction on Clay Pit Pond.
Important dates for the applicants include:
- Nov. 8, 2017: a public meeting to discuss the applications.
- Dec. 4, 2017: Final applications are due
- Jan. 12, 2018: The CPC selects projects
- March 2, 2018: Project Summary Reports Due
- Late April 2018: League of Women Voters Meeting
- Early May 2018: Town Meeting