‘Anything Goes’ Behind the Scenes Stars Honored at Theater Guild Awards

Photo: Belmont High’s Sara Nelson and Nomi Vilvovsky with their “Best Stage Management’ award from the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild. 

They are the unsung heroes back stage at a play or musical; providing actors their cues, oversee the tech crew, assist the director, making sure props are either off or on stage while keeping the show moving.

And for a production with as many moving parts – dancers, singers, actors, musicians – as this spring’s Belmont High School Performing Arts Company production of the Cole Porter musical “Anything Goes,” stage managers Sara Nelson and Nomi Vilvovsky, along with assistant managers Sophia Lubarr, Georgia Sundahl and Eli Dearden, where like jugglers being thrown an ever increasing number of balls to shuffle, with the expectation they would keep all of them in the air.

This past Monday, June 15, Nelson and Vilvovsky were honored for their organization and professional mastery by being awarded “Best Stage Management” in the High School Division at the annual Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild awards ceremony held in Boston. 

More than 70 Middle and High School productions were adjudicated by professional theater artists and educators and awards were given in a number of technical and performance categories.

“The award is a recognition not just of our strong team of student stage managers, but also the level of cohesion in all elements of the production: scenery and set changes, lighting, props, costumes, sound, actors and musicians,” noted Ezra Flam, “Anything Goes” producer and director.

In addition to the Stage Management Award, BHS PAC received nominations – which went to the top five schools in each category – for Best Dance Ensemble, Best Specialty Ensemble (the Sailors in the show) and Best Supporting Actor, Henry Dalby, as Moonface Martin.

PHOTOS: Sail to Belmont High to see Performing Arts Co.’s ‘Anything Goes’

Photo: Zoe Miner as Reno Sweeney leading the ensemble in “Blow, Gabriel, Blow” in the Belmont High School Performing Arts Company’s production of “Anything Goes.” 

Who knew you had to rehearse final bows?

But for director/producer Ezra Flam, nothing can be left to chance, especially when you have more than 70 students on the stage in the last scene of Belmont High School Performing Arts Company’s production of Cole Porter’s musical “Anything Goes” that opens Thursday, March 26. 

Playing a theater’s version of a traffic cop on stage during Tuesday’s dress rehearsal. Flam is calling out directions to a slew of students who first came together in try outs before Christmas to claim a spot in the annual spring musical. 

Just minutes before, Flam’s choreographer Jenny Lifson demonstrates to Reno’s Angels – the 10 featured female dancers – just how to hold up the hands and for the sailors to remember to “smile” while performing a series of tap steps before lifting their “Angels” in the finale. 

“Not one of them knew how to tap,” said Lifson, pointing to the boys’ in uniform on the stage.

“Look at them now. That’s impressive,” she said.

And while there were some hiccups during Tuesday’s run through – someone forgot to grab a chair at a scene change and the spot light went hunting for a feature actor during a scene – the majority of the afternoon rehearsal showed a polish few other high school groups could match.

Performances are Thursday, March 26 and Friday, March 27 at 7 p.m. and two shows on Saturday March 28; a matinee at 1:30 p.m. and the final show at 7 p.m.

Tickets are adults: $15 in advance, $18 at the door. Students: $10, Chenery 8th Grade Students: $5.

Tickets can be purchased online and at Champions Sports in Belmont Center.

Tickets ‘On Sail’ for Performing Arts Company’s Musical ‘Anything Goes’

What do I hear? Is that spring in the air?

It must be as tickets are now on sale for Belmont High School’s Performing Arts Company’s spring musical, Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes.”

The story consists of a series of madcap antics between a stowaway, a heiress, a nobleman, a nightclub singer and “Public Enemy #13 Moonface Martin” all aboard an ocean liner heading from New York to London. The list of popular songs in the musical includes “Anything Goes,” “You’re the Top,” and “I Get a Kick Out of You.


  • Thursday and Friday, March 26 and 27, at 7 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 28; a matinee at 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.


  • Adults: $15 in advance/$18 at the door.
  • Students: $10
  • Chenery 8th grade students: $5
  • Belmont Schools staff: reserve a free ticket online with coupon code BPSSTAFF or by e-mailing tickets@bhs-pac.org 

Buy tickets online here, at the door and at Champions Sports in Belmont Center.

Curtain Raises on Performing Arts Company’s ‘Twelfth Night’ Tonight

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The curtain goes up tonight, Thursday, Nov. 6 on the Performing Arts Company’s production of Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night,” a comedy about a cross-dressing, ship-wreck surviving, poetry-loving girl who finds herself at the center of a not-so-average love triangle.

The production, produced and directed by Ezra Flam, will begin at 7 p.m. at the Belmont High School auditorium.

The play will also be staged on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 7 and 8, at 7 p.m. 

Tickets are adults: $12 in advance/$15 at the door; students: $10.

Tickets are available online and at Champions Sports in Belmont Center.

Chenery 8th Grade Students: reserve a free ticket when you order online using coupon code: CMS8. Belmont Schools Staff: reserve a free ticket online with coupon code BPSSTAFF or by e-mailing tickets@bhs-pac.org 

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This Week: Election, Incinerator Discussion and ‘Twelfth Night’ for 3 Nights

On the government side of things this week: The Board of Selectmen will be meeting at the Chenery Middle School on Monday, Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. for a precinct meeting to discuss the future of the former incinerator site on the Lexington town line. Also on Monday, Nov. 3 at 7 p.m., the future of the former Macy’s site will be discussed as the site’s landlord will come before the Zoning Board of Appeals, meeting in the Gallery of Art on the third floor of the Homer Building in the Town Hall complex. There will be a Warrant Briefing on Thursday, Nov 6 at 7 p.m. at the Beech Street Center. It’s an opportunity to ask questions about Warrant Article – there’s only one and it’s about the funding for the Belmont Center Reconstruction project – prior to Nov. 17 Special Town Meeting.

State Sen. Will Brownsberger‘s staff will be holding office hours on Monday, Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. at the Boston Public Library.

The State General Election takes place on Tuesday, Nov. 4. See the Belmontonian Tuesday morning for all the information on where to vote and what’s on the ballot.

The Beech Street Center is holding a six-week course in “Writing Stories From Your Life,” beginning on Tuesday, Nov. 4 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Delve into your past and be guided in writing your life story in poetry, essay, narrative, or any form that suits you. Bring your work to class and read it aloud for feedback. The teacher, Lynette Benton, will provide useful lessons and lists of resources to aid in writing engaging stories. The cost is $55.

It’s early release Wednesday and for Chenery Middle School students, the Belmont Public library is hosting a “Homework & Hot Chocolate” after school get together in the Assembly Room on Wednesday, Nov. 5 from noon to 2:30 p.m. Work on your homework, enjoy some hot chocolate, and try out an activity!  This is for middleschoolers only so High Schoolers can head off the Starbucks and bother the patrons there!  The hanks to the Friends of the Belmont Public Library. Just drop in, no registration required.

The LEGO Club is meeting on Thursday, Nov. 6 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The LEGO Club is for Kindergarten through second grade students. Drop in anytime. Members will be creating their own unique LEGO structures.  All LEGOs will be provided. Just bring your imagination.

It’s never too late to learn to play the piano: A Beginner’s Piano Class has being formed at the Beech Street Center that begins on Thursday, Nov. 6, a 11:30 a.m. Cost is $160 for 8 lessons.

On Friday, Nov. 7, at 10 a.m., Daniel Butler Elementary students are going to exercise for their own cause by participating in a one-mile Fun Run. It’s to promote a healthy life style while raising money for the school. 

This is one of those “don’t miss” events of the entire year: The Performing Arts Company of Belmont High School will be presenting Shakespeare’s comedy “Twelfth Night,” on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 6, 7 and 8 at 7 p.m. at the Belmont High School auditorium. Tickets are on sale NOW at Champions Sports in Belmont Center and online here. Adults tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. Students are $10. Chenery Middle School 8th Grade students can reserve a free ticket when you order online using coupon code CMS8. Belmont Schools Staff can reserve a free ticket online with coupon code BPSSTAFF or by e-mailing at tickets@bhs-pac.org 

Three Night Run of ‘Twelfth Night’ by BHS Performing Arts Company

It’s a story about Viola, a shipwrecked noble-woman who is disgusted as a boy to become the page of Count Orsino, who loves Lady Olivia but she, Olivia, falls for Viola (who is going by the name Cesario) who is madly in love with Orsino.

So Viola loves Orsino, Orsino loves Olivia, and Olivia loves Cesario which makes everyone miserable.

And I haven’t gotten to Olivia’s relatives, a right lot who are about to foul things up to the ‘n’th degree. Oh, did I tell you about Viola’s presumedly drowned twin brother, Sebastian? Olivia marries him, thinking he’s Cesario. Or Viola.

If this sounds like a comedy by Shakespeare, you’d be right. And “Twelfth Night,” will be performed over three nights by the Belmont High School Performing Arts Company: Thursday, Nov. 6 to Saturday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. at the high school auditorium.

Tickets are adults: $12 in advance/$15 at the door; students: $10.

Tickets are now available online.

Tickets will be on sale soon at Champions Sports in Belmont Center later this month.

Chenery 8th Grade Students: reserve a free ticket when you order online using coupon code: CMS8. Belmont Schools Staff: reserve a free ticket online with coupon code BPSSTAFF or by e-mailing tickets@bhs-pac.org 

Tickets on Sale for Annual Broadway Night at Belmont High, Oct 17,18

Who needs to travel 200 miles to New York when Broadway comes to Belmont next weekend?

Broadway Night 2014, the annual musical theater cabaret featuring the talents of the students of the Belmont High School Performing Arts Company, will raise the curtain on two shows, Friday, Oct. 17 and Saturday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. in the Little Theater at Belmont High School.

The show, which includes solos, duets, and full company numbers, has become a wonderful tradition that opens the PAC season each year.

But get your tickets now since it has become a tradition for both shows to be sold out.

Tickets are $5 students, $12 adults. Chenery Middle School 8th graders get a free ticket at the door the night of the show. Belmont School Staff get a free ticket by e-mailing tickets@bhs-pac.org 

Advance tickets on sale at Champions Sporting Goods starting Friday, Oct 10 and at the high school the week of the show during lunch mods.

Normile Delivers With High School Theater Award

Belmont High School senior Tyler Normile delivered the goods as “Kyle, the UPS guy” in the Performing Arts Company’s Screen Shot 2014-06-11 at 3.07.18 PMproduction of “Legally Blonde,” Belmont High’s spring musical.

His role received the ultimate recognition by winning the best feature actor category at the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild’s Musical Awards held on Monday, June 9 at a ceremony at the Cutler-Majestic Theater in Boston. 

“It’s a great honor, not just for Tyler, but for all of the students who were nominated to be recognized for their excellent work,” said Ezra Flam, “Legally Blonde’s” producer and director.

Belmont’s four other nominees were:

  1. Best Supporting Actress:  Caralyn Aufiero
  2. Best Supporting Actor:  Sam Korn
  3. Best Specialty Ensemble:  Julia Regier, Helena Kim and Isabelle Luongo
  4. Best Sound Design:  Greg LaBombard, Kadra Lindmeier, Michelle Kornberg, Anna Makar-Limanov, Princy Sundurakar and Sam Casey.


Belmont High’s ‘Legally Blonde’ Nominated for Five State-Wide Awards

The Tony Awards – honoring Broadway’s best productions and actors – will take place on Sunday, June 8.

But it will be the next night that local theatergoers are focusing on as Belmont High School Performing Arts Company’s production of “Legally Blonde” directed and produced by Ezra Flam received five nominations from the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild’s (METG) Musical Theater Awards.

The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Monday, June 9 at 7 p.m. at the Cutler-Majestic Theater in Boston. 

Belmont’s nominees are:

  • Best Supporting Actress: Caralyn Aufiero
  • Best Supporting Actor: Sam Korn
  • Best Specialty Ensemble: Julia Regier, Helena Kim and Isabelle Luongo
  • Best Featured Actor: Tyler Normile
  • Best Sound Design: Greg LaBombard, Kadra Lindmeier, Michelle Kornberg, Anna Makar-Limanov, Princy Sundurakar and Sam Casey

Last year, PAC’s production of “Grease” won three METG awards: Best Lighting Design, Best Lead Actor John Robert Scordino and Best Featured Actor Henry Dalby.

To provide some context, this year’s METG program had 47 high school entries compared to about 30 last year, with only a handful of schools received nominations in five or six nominations categories and just three schools received more than six.

Once again, Belmont High actors and production staff find themselves in very good company, recognized as putting on stage one of the best musical theater productions in Massachusetts.