Photo: Kim O’Mahony
My name is Kim O’Mahony, and I am running School Committee.
My husband and I have lived in Belmont for 12 years. I have run a successful child care business in Waverley Square for the past eight years and we have three daughters attending the Butler School. I am excited to serve this town as I am deeply committed to it. It would be a privilege to apply my experience to help Belmont move forward!
What is my experience?
I hold a BS in Accounting and worked professionally in systems analysis, auditing and business analysis. Currently, I own an early childhood education business. The combination of a business background and an expertise in education make me uniquely qualified to sit at the School Committee table. I understand zero-based budgeting and I am steeped in the developmental needs of children.
There are many financial challenges facing the Schools, e.g., contract negotiations, ever- increasing enrollment, and the potential for a new/renovated high school. My experience positions me well to offer informed, balanced ideas that can help make a positive impact on solutions to these issues.
While standing at the playground, on sidelines of soccer games, or attending Dolphin swim meets, I have listened to the concerns of fellow parents. What is clear to me is that the needs of our excellent school system must be balanced against the needs of the community as a whole. We are, after all, One Belmont.
As a School Committee member, it would be my responsibility to represent my fellow community members and to bring the scope and depth of my fiscal and education experience to the table.
I look forward to the opportunity of serving Belmont in this way.
Thank you for your consideration, and please be sure to vote on Tuesday, April 5!
How would you feel about withdrawing from METCO, in light of surging enrollments, and to save some money?
Kim you sold me on being on the committee and I wish you luck in securing the position, you have an excellent resume’. I en;joyed seeing your weather report as well. Love always, Mom