Photo: It’s raining.
The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch beginning late tonight, Tuesday, Sept. 29 and lasting until next month (really only until Thursday morning, Oct. 1) as heavy rains – associated with Tropical Storm Joaquin – will begin late Tuesday and last for more than 24 hours, with rainfall rates will exceed an inch an hour.
(If this was snow, it would be a foot an hour!)
The Service also warned of possible pop-up thunderstorms Tuesday afternoon around 6:30 p.m.
Low-lying areas, some roadways and streams and ponds – such as Clay Pit Pond – could see isolated flooding.
During Wednesday, there could be a few thunderstorms, which will enhance the rainfall amounts.
Out walking on Wednesday afternoon, I noticed Little Pond has flooded its banks quite a bit into the back yards abutting the water. It seemed surprising, given that it has been raining less than a day – and that I can only recall flooding occurring during the spring. Does anyone speculate the flooding might be exacerbated by the new apartment development across Little Pond?